63. The Board of Governors

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Karim stared woodenly at his surroundings, a hand on his sabre, just in case he would have to defend his innocence.

"Tell me again...why exactly did we come here?"

"Why, for freedom, justice and home-made cookies, of course!" Titus exclaimed. "Due to our looks and demeanour, we might not be able to assist our friends in infiltrating the gangs of the London underworld, but we should still do our part in bringing to justice the villains we have set out to catch!"

"An admirable sentiment," a rumble issued from the chest of the mountainous bodyguard. "That does not, however, explain why we are spying through the windows of a brothel!"

"Why, to further our investigation, of course," Titus explained with a grin, pressing his binoculars closer against his eyes.


"Yes, indeed! After all, any of those rooms," he gestured towards the brothel, "might contain an unfortunate underage kidnap victim. Although...that certainly doesn't seem to be the case in this particular room. Yes...quite the curvy derriere...and those upper assets..."


"Quite impressive assets, really. What a femme fatale! Still, I can't be sure. She could be a kidnap victim in exceedingly good disguise. I'll have to observe her for a while to make sure, before I—"

He was abruptly interrupted by the grip of a hand around the back of his neck.

"Rggs!" the honourable Titus Irving said. "Grrak!"

"Investigation?" enquired, for the third time, a voice from behind him that sounded like a cross between a mountain grizzly and a rumbling volcano.

"Ehem. Err...pray, are you displeased, Mr Karim?"

"What gave it away?"

"Should I stop looking through the window?"

"An excellent idea."

"Of course! Right away, right away! I should have thought of it myself, really."

The grip on Titus' neck relaxed. Marginally. Smiling, Titus breathed a sigh of relief and held out the binoculars to the bigger man.

"Here you go. You know, you could have just asked for them if you want to have a look yourself. I completely understand, and would be happy to let a fellow connoisseur enjoy a view so magnifice—aagh!"

"Repeat that," Karim stated, the grip on Titus's neck suddenly very much not loosened anymore. "If you are brave enough."

"Ehem...how about we find a different way of investigating?"

"Once again, an excellent idea."

"Great! Great! Err...got any ideas?"

The Mohammedan gave the other man a meaningful look. "I am not responsible for coming up with good plans. Merely for strangling people who come up with bad ones."

That seemed to jog Titus's brain cells quite a bit. Sinking behind the wall that had conveniently hidden him from anyone who might be so crass as to object to his "investigation", he stroked his chin, deep in thought. (And equally deep in recollections of silky thighs, but no need to mention that in the presence of Mr Temper-With-a-Turban-On-Top.)

Hm...how best to aid the innocent and helpless? Preferably while having as much fun as possible?

Suddenly, a light flashed in Titus's eyes, and a grin started spreading across his face.

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