The Path to Victory

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Y/N - Your name

L/N - Last name

E/C - Eye color

You knew you should be scared but at this right now the only feelings string in your gut were joy and excitement. It had been too long.

Maybe you had a second chance, things were already going sideways so surely there wasn't any harm in trying to convince him. "Tenko?" For the first time in what felt like forever your lips unintentionally pulled into a genuine smile, when you turned to face him the first thing you noticed was he wasn't particularly happy, you tried to keep from worrying. You could turn this around. "I missed you so much!" Wrapping your arms around him was a risky move but it's true you had missed him and hopefully, it would ease his ire.

"I... missed you too, (Y/N)."

"Lately it feels like the worlds been turned upside down, I've got so much to tell you..."

Your voice completely drowns out the world around you as you continue to catch up with your old friend. However, Tomura didn't hear a word you said, too busy soaking up the feeling of you next to him. Your hand warms four of his fingers, every once and awhile rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. How long has it been since he has touched you? Had a chance to hug and hold you? It had been far, far too long since your last interaction, Tomura would have to fix that, first though he has to get you to stop calling him that damn name. "Tenko, is something wrong?" You stop and look at him. "No, nothing's wrong" His voice was flat and void of anything that would give away what he was thinking, the last time he spoke to you he was a child, now his voice sent chills down your spine.

"Don't lie, something's clearly wrong." As (E/C) eyes locked with red ones and Tomura felt his throat begin to tighten. He felt sick lying to you, it just felt wrong after everything you had been through together.

But hadn't you done the same?

"You said you'd never leave me, told me you'd always be there for me. So why didn't you try to find me, come back to me?" He kept his voice low as to keep from drawing attention, he knew that no one in the mall would do anything, they never did, but he hated attention and he didn't need anyone calling for the heroes.

"You know why I had to leave, I could have hurt you, killed you even! My quirk was unstable, I destroyed an entire school." You had done what you thought at the time was best, but looking at him now, knowing that AFO got his hands on him, and the feeling of his four-fingered grip tightening his hold on you made you being to question your decision. Shigaraki didn't say anything, only began to drag you through the crowd into a more secluded area with fewer people "I tried to find you once I had more control but you were gone! The house was empty and I had no idea where you went or how to track you down!" Warning bells began to go off in your head, you knew the risk you were taking talking to him, to begin with, but it didn't help ease your rising heartbeat, you wanted to reach him, hopefully, keep him from trying to kill All Might.

"Ha... you left because you were worried your quirk would hurt someone... Do you want to know what happened after you left? I lost control of my quirk, decayed the life I knew! And you know what? No one helped, no one cared and you were gone! The only one there for me was sansei, he saved me... he's even willing to accept you. Come with me. Come home." Taking a risk you rip your hand from his. Tomura stares down at his now empty and cooling hand as he feels your warmth ripped from him, looking back at you he could see you back away. "So... you're refusing to be with me? To come home to where you belong?

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