Hitoshi Shinso

367 23 12


Y/N - your name

It didn't matter how many times you reminded yourself to keep calm.

Izuku and Katsuki maybe your friends but sometimes you wished they go back to ignoring your existence. Izuku had been getting clingier and clinger as time went on, practically hanging off of you whenever he got the chance; and while Katsuki didn't go out of his way to make sure he was always touching you he had gained a new tendency of dragging you wherever he was interested in going with his little posse. Once where you longed to have someone to talk to now you missed the silence the solitude brought. You love them but it's become nearly impossible to find alone time. It felt like every minute of every day was taken up by their presence.

It was suffocating.

"Izuku-kun, that's enough, I'm already full." Pulling your head away from the food in front of you and raising your hand to hide your mouth behind your jacket you could only hope that it would convince the boy to stop.

"(Y/N), how can you get stronger if you don't eat? Besides just energy drinks and snacks aren't good for you! I don't want you getting sick..." Izuku had stopped stuttering around you several days ago, and while it made you happy he had also picked up on a new habit. Feeding you. Indeed, your diet wasn't the best but you couldn't help but think this was overkill.

"Midoriya, that's enough!" You push the chopsticks away from you taking care to make sure the food doesn't drop on the ground. "Don't you like it?" If it's one thing Izuku knows it's how to tug on your heartstrings. All he has to do is tear up a little and he has you eating out of his hands, literally. As soon as you hear the slight, almost silent whimper that passes through his lips you're huffing with resignation.

"well, what are you waiting for? You wanted to feed me didn't you?" As soon as he hears those words any hint of sorrow is dropped, leaving him beaming. With a pleased hum, he moves the chopsticks back towards you, letting his other hand hover below them just in case he drops anything.

The mini octopus sausages turned out to be really tasty, they were even toasted and decorated in a cute way that almost made you feel bad for eating them. Almost. Then there was steamed rice and scrambled eggs; if you had been asked you would have said it was delicious. "Your mom's cooking is really good, why did you ask her to make me food though?" Izuku hadn't even touched his lunch yet, seemingly too worried about making sure you ate every bite of yours to be bothered. Izuku's face and ears slowly began to take on a red hue as he blushed from the praise you had unknowingly given him

"This... I cooked this." He'd never actually cooked for himself, he enjoyed his mom's cooking too much to even consider it, but this was you. For your sake, he was ready to do anything.

It didn't matter to him what it was, if it made you happy then he'd do it in a heartbeat. You were all he could think of really, he's lost count of how many nights he had laid awake think of you at this point. "I... cooked this for you..." you just about choaked when you felt his lips press against your cheek; after all a relationship just wasn't in the cards of your past life, so the idea that someone might have a crush on you hadn't even occurred to you until now

But to Izuku it was more than a crush.

"Katsu-kun, I wanna go home, not go for a walk." Making a weak and half-hearted effort to pull away from his grip you let him tug you along the path.

"I don't give a fuck." Normally his lackeys would be following you two around but today he had told them to get lost, you couldn't be bothered to learn their names, they'd be meaningless soon enough anyway. "extras" as Katsuki would call them. In the last few weeks, Katsuki had become something of a savior, after that lunch Izkuku had started pressing you to spend even more time with him. Katsuki had been quick to shut him down but now that you were thinking about it you were just getting pulled out of one captivity and dragged into another.

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