The Quirk Thief

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Y/N - your name

"You... took away Kacchan's quirk..." He had been following you in silence up until now, walking slightly behind you, staring at you.

"Yeah, and what's wrong with that?" You chuckle, but still, you stop and turn to your classmate. "He didn't deserve such a strong quirk." There was a pause as Izuku's eyes widen in disbelief. It was unimaginable to him, taking someone's quirk "This is not true! and it's not right that you get to decide that!" Shouts Izuku, fist tightening in outrage. Midoriya was a soft-spoken and nervous boy but he knew what his childhood friend, and he knew how losing his quirk would affect him even if he tried to hide it.

"Feel free to try and take back his quirk. Come on try it." You taunted; a grin starting to stretch across your face. He was quirkless and there was very little he could do.

he knew this.

you knew this.

"As I thought." The harsh grin painted on your face only grows as you turn away from Midoriya and resume your walk home. Izuku's jaw clenched as he stared at your back. This wasn't right; he had to say something to make you change your mind, anything to make you give back what you stole. Then he shouts something that halts you dead in your tracks "Heroes don't take other people's quirks!" the only sound is the echo of Izuku's words; no birds sang, no cars drove by, at that moment you could practically hear his sweat hitting the pavement.

Heroes? As if you'd want to be a clown in a multicolored suit...

"I hate heroes."

The ring of a phone call shatters the tension. Pulling your phone from your jacket you check the caller id: "Ai-sama". Your grin softens into that of a genuine smile but that fades as you cast Izuku one last glance over your shoulder.

"People suck" you mutter as your head rests tiredly on the kitchen table. "Y/N, you can't lay on the table! Where are your manners?" Ai scolds while resting a hand on her left hip. you sit up with a groan and stretch before placing your head in your hands "sorry' I'm just tired and wanna eat something". Ai tuts ats you and turns back to her cooking as you blink slowly at her.

As Ai continues to cook you start to think of your guardian, the woman was lovely for her age, fifty-three but she didn't look a day over forty: small in stature and a thin physique, with rounded hips. Wrinkles are beginning to show but she's never bothered to try and cover them with makeup. Plump lips are painted with lipstick, and thin eyebrows are slightly drawn. Her hair brown hair sways above her shoulders as she moves around the kitchen, you can only hope she doesn't ask about today's ongoings, the look she'll give you with those brown eyes of hers that normally look at you with care could send your soul from your body.

Dressed in a sleeveless pink dress with a large V-neck, flowers, and a knee-length skirt hidden behind a black apron with red ribbons that hold it to the woman's body, and white soft slippers. "And whys that?" Her voice is sharp and you know that you've said too much, she probably would have figured it out anyway with how tired you look "Did you use your quirk?"


"What for?! What have you done?!" you were right, she was giving you a look that pierced your very being and made you sweat. "he was bullying someone! so what if he was a classmate?" there was a pause before Ai sighed and turned back to dinner "Y/N ... Aren't you tired?"

"Yeah but I find it so hard to watch how those idiots use their quirks! He doesn't deserve it! He says he wants to be a hero but what kind of hero picks on their classmates?!" A scowl forms on your lips as you begin to pick at the skin around your thumb; you've made your point, you know she won't understand, even if she was a pro-hero, but you hope that your rant would help her understand even if it was only a little.

Ai's back was still turned but could still hear the disapproving tsk that crossed her lips "Y/N, you'll return his quirk tomorrow and apologize. I won't hear any "buts"!" You open your mouth to argue but close it and purse your lips as a plate of food was set in front of you. Glancing at Ai who had also sat down from dinner across from you you could tell by the look in her eye that this conversation was over, arguing would only land you in more trouble.

"I don't wanna go back there..."

Katsuki Bakugo.

Even now, in your second life, he continues to irritate you.

From the very beginning of "My Hero Academy", he pissed you to the point you wanted to grab him through the screen and strangle him. Now you finally have the opportunity to show him: what it's like to be quirkless, but they interfered. The thing that bothered you the most was Midoriya. Bakugo had tormented him for how long? How long had he been burnt and put down by him? How many times had he experienced Katsuki's quirk first hand and been forced to have his injuries taken care of? Had things destroyed and need replacing because of him? Yet he still defended him, still called him "friend".

Why is everyone such a fool?! Why do you have to follow these stupid rules?! Why can't you pick and choose the quirks you like?! Why can't you punish the hooligans.? Their quirks, they didn't deserve it.

The next day, the entire school knew about the incident. Everyone's afraid of you again. Everyone hates you again. Even the teachers ... At this rate, you'll have to schools again. You don't care as much as Ai, she wants you to study in peace and make friends. But you messed it up again.


You never liked lunch. you hated the silence that came with it, the loneliness. You may be stuck in the body of a teenager, but you've got the mind of a twenty-year-old. It really didn't matter at this point that you thought the people around you were fools, you wanted even a sliver of social interaction. eventually, the weight of self-isolation became too much and desperate for any conversation you approached him:


"The hell do you want, thief?!" The snarling and look of hatred was to be expected, so the name didn't bother you. You didn't bother to say anything and instead grabbed his hand; the veins in your and his arm became more visible under the skin. The bandages on your hand began to untie and unravel.

You felt empty again...

"Check the quirk." You utter as you focus on rewrapping the bandages on your arm as you walk. even the slightest pop from behind you was enough for you to spin around and send your bandages the way of the irate blond. You're sure that even a blind man would be able to tell he was seating as he struggled to get free, there was a pause.

"If you touch me or Izuku one more time, I'll take your quirk and won't be so generous the next time."

Everyone has a favorite, yours is All for one.

Everyone in your past life adored the heroes or the members of the League of Villains, but not All For One. It seemed like only you liked him, and you wanted to be like him. You were given the quirk All for one, but it was weaker and the drawbacks exhausting and at times painful.

Even after one use your energy is all but sapped, your body feels like lead and hunger eats away at you. Carrying snacks and water helped negate some of the issues but it was also addicting. The rush you get from taking a quirk, the hammering sound of your heart in your ears, the feeling of feeling not so empty anymore.

Is that why you were here now? Or was that wishful thinking?

The next day passed without incident.

Bakugou didn't touch you or Izuku but he ending up throwing sarcastic comments, not that they bothered you. It was mostly quiet and routine. the only change that came around was in the form of a nickname that would stick with you so long as you lived.

"Thief of quirk."

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