All might

407 19 2

You weren't going to stop stealing quirks, you couldn't stop stealing quirks, but now you were apprehensive about doing so.

Over the past few days, whenever you were alone, you'd feel eyes watching you. Whether you were just going to pick something up or when it was those rare days you would walk home alone you could feel eyes burning into the back of your head. You had made a mistake, and now you had no doubt you were going to pay for it. You had been attacked Monday on your way back from a late-night snack run, and you did what you do best, you stole the man's quirk and left him powerless. You should have been more aware, more cautious because only after it was over you had noticed him.

Kurogiri had seen you. At least you think he did, and now you had possibly put yourself at risk. How would All For One react knowing there was someone out there with the same quirk as him? Would he kill you? would he try and take you? Would Kurogiri even tell him? Of course, he would, he was loyal to the man above all else. You wouldn't stop taking quirks.

But now you were more alert.

Weekends were always boring when Ai was gone.

She had been called into work today so all your plans were out the window. All in all, you were stumped. The house had already been cleaned, you had already eaten, and homework was done. Ai wouldn't come home until past midnight anyway. Your mind wanders to Izuku and Katsuki; as sad as it sounds they were your only friends and seeing as you had spent an entire month with Katsuki, even if it was mostly for schoolwork, you were probably gonna end up texting Izuku. Maybe you could watch a movie together.

Katsuki's attitude towards had gotten much better, there were no more spiteful comments hurled in your direction and he had stopped trying to intimidate you awhile ago, unfortunately, the same courtesy hadn't been extended to Izuku. Midoriya had also changed, but this was more subtle. He still tried to be friendly to Katsuki but now he seemed more clingy, he often tried to pull your attention away when you talked to anyone but him. You figured that a month of your only friend not spending much time with you will do that to someone. You could hang out with Katsuki tomorrow if you were feeling up to it, today was now for you and Izuku.

Of course, everyone knows that movies mean snacks, and snacks meant a reason to go to the store, a reason to do something. Wallet in hand and backpack slung over the shoulder you set out.

The walk to the store gave you time to think.

Controlling multiple quirks at once is extremely difficult. You put a lot of effort into training yourself to use more than one at a time, the tricky part was keeping them all active at once while conserving energy. Sometimes newly acquired quirks didn't mix very well with older quirks you had and you had to figure out how to separate and best utilize them. Sometimes it felt like one quirk would pull one way and a different quirk would pull another. Control was key.

So you had to wonder,

how the hell did AFO tolerate all of it? The man had control of who knows how many quirks while you could barely control ten. And then you were brought to the fact that One For All is so strongly connected to All For One that they may as well be attached. Every time you see All Might on some headline or screen you can feel your quirk start to boil inside of you, threatening to spill out. How AFO holds himself back from seeking the man out to fight him, even if he is injured.

You're torn from your thoughts by the feeling of your backpack that had slipped down to rest lazily on your arm being ripped from you, and it takes a moment for you to understand what happened. There was nothing in it but the fact that the man who was now running down the street even thought to take it boiled your blood. It didn't matter how fast the man ran, you were faster, and it didn't take long to catch up to the robber. You didn't care about the backpack anymore, you didn't even care what his quirk was. Everything was screaming at you to take it, that he didn't deserve it, that you needed it.

You wanted it

He was stuck at a dead-end and had nowhere to go. maybe he didn't expect to be chased down or maybe he knew he couldn't take you despite him being older but it didn't matter. As your hand began to reach out to the man, veins becoming more prominent beneath the skin but hidden by bandages, the man began to tremble. Maybe he could feel what would come next? you truly didn't think you were that intimidating.

"I am here!" Those three words served to break your concentration and for a moment you couldn't understand what just happened. The would-be thief was on the ground and your backpack had been placed into your outstretched hand. "Miss, are you okay?" you could only stand there in confusion.

"What?" was the only thing you could bring yourself to say, It was only when you looked to see who had interrupted that you fully understood the situation. All Might stood in front of you, hand on hips and grinning without a care in the world. "Yeah. I'm fine..." adjusting your backpack to rest on your shoulders you couldn't help but feel like this situation parallels last week fast to closely for comfort. "I'm glad to hear it!" It's difficult to resist the urge to simply reach out and take what feels like your quirk's missing piece, instead you smile back, there's no way you'd win in a fight with him.

"You aren't hurt are you?" What a silly question, this was All Might, after all, he was damn near invincible. You doubt the man's ever been asked if he was okay though. The man gives a hearty laugh "I'm pleased that you're worried about me, young -"


"Young Hitomi! I was glad to meet and help you!" Once again adjusting your backpack and shifting your weight from one foot to the other you continued to smile, the longer he was here the harder it was to ignore the itch to take All For One "Yeah, thank's for helping me." Slinging the criminal over his shoulder he gave a wave before jumping off "It was my pleasure! Be careful next time!"

"Have a nice day." For several moments you stander there, you collect yourself. It was undeniable. The way that All For One reacts to the bearer of One For All was rather intense. What once was a simple urge and call to take someone's quirk quickly turned into a burning desire, it felt like having All For One was the only way you'd even feel whole again.

You were worried about how you'd deal with Izuku in the future.

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