Izuku Midoriya

538 29 1


Y/N - your name


Izuku's quiet voice surprised you. Only a few days ago he had confronted you, and now here he was, once again the shy boy you knew. Why was he here? "Hello." it didn't matter, keeping your eyes on the few clouds that floated along the cerulean sky you waited. "Do you eat by yourself?" finally tearing your eyes from the sky you blink at the green-haired boy. what kind of question was that?

"Do you see someone else?" You snicker as you stare at Midoriya, hands fiddling behind his back, eyes staring at the ground and a blush painting his cheeks. Blinking slowly you pat the spot next to you "Sit down. You're not afraid of me." Emerald eyes snapping upwards to stare in surprise "Not afraid?" Midoriya muttered with wide eyes

"As soon as everyone found out that I took Bakugou's quirk, they began avoiding me, although yesterday everything was fine." You shake your head and sigh sadly. "How hypocritical." "Ah, I get it..." once again looking to the ground Izuku couldn't help but feel sympathy; they took Kacchan's quirk sure but he didn't think they deserved to be completely abandoned.

"In any case, this isn't the first time and this certainly isn't the first school." with an uncaring shrug you begin to dig into your lunch. 'this isn't the first time and this certainly isn't the first school.' those words rang in Izuku's ears as he continued to stare at his shuffling feet, only one question on his mind.

"Have you taken other people's quirks before?" His question, though asked in a whisper, hung in the air for a moment.

"Sure. Anyone who used them for personal gain or used them to cause pain were deprived of their quirk. I need them more." you didn't bother to look back at Izuku and you didn't care to see his reaction; at the end of the day they were your quirks now and there was nothing he could do about it. Slowly Izuku made his way to sit next to you on the roof, despite what had occurred over the last few days he felt like he wanted to be closer to you. He needed to be closer to you. It felt nice to just sit next to you but he was curious, he had heard what you said loud and clear the day he had confronted you but even so, he had to ask

"Don't you want to be a hero too?" If you hadn't finished your lunch moments ago you would have choked.

"I... I don't think a hero with a quirk like mine would be appreciated by society." despite wanting to help, despite wanting to change things for the better you knew from the day you discovered you held All for one that it was game over. you couldn't be a hero. not with that quirk, so you decided to take things into your own hands. Izuku didn't understand why you felt the way you did but he decided at the moment he'd change your mind, and if he couldn't then he'd be a hero for you!

"On the contrary, I think you could be a great hero!" you couldn't help but laugh.

How naive


That was one word you'd use to describe Izuku Midoriya. "You can't steal quirks...", "You can't sit on the roof.", "energy drinks are bad for your health!", "Did you eat anything healthy?" These were only a few of his constant gripes, you don't know why he bothered, you weren't going to change anytime soon, and if anything you would continue on the way you have just to spite him. At one point you may have found his worry endearing but now it's become an annoying buzzing in your ear, not to mention the constant questions about your quirk. Izuku was dead set on learning what he could about your quirk and often asked questions you'd refuse to answer, you swear he'll be the death of you.

As tiring as his constant poking and prodding could be ignoring him just wasn't an option. He was the only one at this damn school that treated you as if you were human, and he was the only one who was willing to interact with you.

"Are you drinking an energy drink again?" there it was, the same question you get every day. It was like clockwork, the question, the disapproval, and the inevitable back and forth that came with it. It was familiar at this point. It was comfortable.

Sighing tiredly you take another sip "I'm not gonna stop drinking them, no matter how much you nag me." it was too early for this. Izuku moved to walk closer to you, almost brushing his shoulder against yours.

"Y-you understand that it's harmful, b-but you continue to drink it anyway... Why-y?" The genuine concern he showed for you almost made you feel bad for him. Almost.

Another sip. "Addiction, Izuku-kun. Addiction. Blame my quirk if you need something to point fingers at." Thinking about it now maybe that was the wrong thing to say, after all that was only going to lead to-

"C-can you tell me about your quirk?"

You choked.

Should you tell him about your quirk? It's the quirk of a villain after all... This isn't the first time he's asked either, normally you just tell him 'later' but you've grown fond of him despite his constant pestering; and looking at those wide curious emerald eyes makes it hard to say no. Trust had to be earned, and in your past life there was very few you had opened up to. There was always that fear it would end in mocking laughter and shattered friendship. Izuku wasn't like that though.

"Hmm, okay, I'll tell you." Seeing the wide, joyful smile on Midoriya's face made you blush a little. he was cute. "It's probably the best quirk you can have." You could practically see him buzzing with excitement as he pulled out his notebook "I hope you're not too worried about your attendance record because there's a lot to go over." it was strange though. That notebook...

It didn't look like the one where he kept his hero analysis...

Lately, Izuku had started walking you home while discussing the latest news about heroes and villain attacks. you didn't care as it didn't particularly interest you, but you still listened. His voice is pleasant and mesmerizing. When he's not nitpicking about your health or moral compass it's quite soothing to listen to. You didn't even mind when he started rambling. A smile creeps onto your face as Izkuku animatedly talks about All Might's latest exploits.

Sometimes Midoriya even becomes bold on your walks to and from school and would take your hand in his, the more time you spend with him the harder it became to resist his cute baby face decorated with freckles. At that thought, you blush and look away. Today though you and Izuku had stopped to get some sweets before deciding to spend time together at a park.

It had been a few fun hours but your time together was coming to a close, the sky was painted with soft oranges, yellows, and pinks. Soft clouds lazily floating across the twilight sky. "Hey, Izuku-kun." it had been bothering you for a while now, and eventually you knew you had to ask.

"Y-Yes?" Izuku looks up from his treat and looks straight into your eyes.

"Do... Do you have any friends?"0

There was a brief moment of silence as Izuku cast his gaze back to his sweet. "Kacchan is my friend, it's just ... He has such strong a quirk, because of that, he changed so much." You nod in understanding and continue:

"And besides him?"

"No. Only... You." What should have been a sad realization instead made him smile and blushes a little.

It's moments like that that make you wonder. When was the last time you saw him.? He'd... Be a completely different person now, wouldn't he? "(Y/N)-chan, is e-everything all right?" - Midoriya's worried voice rips you from bittersweet memories.

"Yeah, you're my friend too."

A friend you don't want to lose. A friend who will soon receive a quirk that's meant to destroy yours...

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