Happy Birthday to you...

354 21 5

Y/N - your name

Life was like a game of chess. Each task: a piece on the opposite side of the board.

By the way, you didn't know how to play chess, no matter many times your grandfather tried to teach you. But all the same, it felt like you were at the opposite end of the board, life always making the first move. With your new life, you were presented with a brand new set of obstacles and players to go with it: A father, and older brother, Izuku, Katsuki, and All For One. All might wasn't a player on the board right now nor was he an obstacle; that could change at any moment but for now you simply felt sympathy for the man. A very small amount of sympathy but it was still there nonetheless.

The first two pawns had already been taken out of the game and layn at your feet, and while you suppose you could feel accomplished for it the taunting grin life seemed to give made it feel trivial at best. You knew the sooner or later you'd have to deal with the fact that your childhood friend was also a piece on the board that life had set for you. You had hoped though that he wouldn't appear so soon. you weren't ready, but life doesn't stop for anyone.

And so the game carried on.

The feeling of soft paws batting at your feet and ankles help to pull you from your out of the clouds.

Today was your birthday but the only thing you were planning on was spending time with your sweet kitten and watch some of your favorite shows, maybe you'll even treat yourself to something sweet. Your birthday wasn't something you celebrated here, you had decided long ago that there was nothing to celebrate anyway. You shouldn't even be here after all. Because of you, things had changed, and so had the main characters. You were far too ingrained in their lives to think you wouldn't continue to change things, even from the day you were born things had changed. There shouldn't be two people with All For One, and yet here you are.

Looking down at the grey fuzzball with adoration you scratch behind their ear. "I just fed you, so go lay down" Your soft cooing was interrupted by a soft clattering sound from your bedroom, Takoyaki,s fur standing on end and remaining eye staring at your bedroom door only served to confirm that someone was here. Activating your quirk the bandages around your arm began to unravel and stand on end, ready to attack at a moment's notice. The second quirk you had chosen to use in this situation was one you had inherited from your father. quietly you crept closer and closer to your bedroom door - careful as to not make a sound.

As you reach the door you press your ear to it and listen. Silence... Did they find you? No had survived the incident though and you had made sure to leave no trace, going so far as to fake your death... It didn't matter if they had found you, you'd be able to deal with them. You had the quirks and training to back you up. As red lightning began to crackle around your frame you sprung into action, slamming the door open your bandages shot forward and wrapped up the intruder, you were ready to finish them here and now but didn't get the chance.

"Y/N-chan, stop!" That was Izuku's voice... It was difficult to see with the only source of light being the flickering red lightning so you flicked the flicked switch on. Sure enough, there was Izuku, tied up in the middle of your room. Turning your attention from Izuku to the phone by his feet where he dropped it you could see it was unlocked and turned on. Reaching down to grab it Izuku began to struggle against his bindings in a desperate attempt to escape. "W-wait! Don't touch that!" Sucking in a breath as you stared at the photo on the screen, forced to acknowledge the truth.

Izuku was stalking you.

The tick tension that hung in the air of the kitchen was almost unbearable.

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