Nemuri Kayama

289 21 7


Y/N - Your name

It wasn't hard to find Izuku

Often when he was upset he would end up at the park near your house you two normally went to together. He looked forlorn and was staring down the path you two would walk when you were there like he was there waiting for you to come and save him from the despair that was eating him up inside. The swing he sat on creaked under him and swayed with the wind, the sun had set lower and now the night was creeping in, it cast a shadow on him that almost reflected how he was feeling.

You had a choice to make. Either do everything you could to set the story straight and help Izuku gain one for all, this meant your freedom could be at risk should his obsession get worse. After all, there was a chance he'll end up more powerful than you. Or you could let it go, you'd be able to easily escape him seeing as he wouldn't have a quirk, but it would also ruin not only him but also the story. "Izu-kun, I was looking for you..."- Sitting on the free swing next to him, you turn your body to face him as far as you could while remaining comfortable. "We need to talk."

As he stared at you with tired and forlorn eyes he was glad you were here with him. Nothing had gone right today, first Kacchan had taken the opportunity to destroy his hero analysis notebook when you said you had to leave early, then All Might, the man he looks up to the most told him that his dream was impossible, that he couldn't be a hero. It felt like the world was crumbling down around him along with his hopes and dreams, he could only hope you didn't leave him too. "I know you met All Might, and I know what he told you."

"How?" His voice strained as his through burned and began to tighten up. He couldn't bear the thought that you agreed with All Might, that you were going to leave him. "It doesn't matter,"- You could hear the strain and you could see how his eyes had begun to gloss over. You had made your choice, Izuku had become someone you cared too much about to leave like this. "You're wonderful, fuck what he tod you. Being quirkless doesn't mean a damn thing." Reaching to put a hand on his shoulder you could see his lips beginning to purse in thought.

"Izuku, we can fix this, we'll make All Might see that he's wrong, that you can and will be a hero!" You could feel his shoulders beginning to shake under your fingers, you fell silent as you begin to worry that you had said something wrong. "Izuku?" Tears had again started to well up in his eyes, but this time for a different reason. Sure he wanted All Might to recognize him- "(Y/N), I... I trust you!" But now he wasn't only doing this to become a hero, now he was doing this because you believed in him.

Again you woke to the smell of cooking, again Ai had already left for the day.

You were getting a feeling that this was going to become commonplace if recent patterns were any indication. Today it was thankfully Midnight that stood at the stove trying to make breakfast. You weren't sure you were ready to talk to Toshinori again, not after how Izuku looked yesterday. "Good morning (Y/N)!" She turns at the sound of footsteps and beams at the sight of your tired face. You looked so cute to her with your messy bedhead.

"Morning miss Midnight." Rubbing your eyes you try to wake yourself up, glancing at the clock mounted at the wall you decide that it's too early to be awake and doing anything, you offer up a polite smile anyway. Did Ai just regularly let her friends in nowadays? Did they have a key? Or were they just breaking in to make breakfast now...? "Just call me Nemuri." She turns back to the stove as you sit down at the table. Placing your cheek in your hand you begin studying Nemuri while you wait. Her long black hair had been pulled back into a formal bun, with only two strands falling loose. Today she decided to dress in a semi-formal look consisting of a gray pencil skirt, a white shirt with a low neckline, black tights, and white heels.

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