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Y/N - your name

F/C - favorite color

That very important morning began with the fact that you woke up yourself. Not from the alarm that you set in the evening, but from the feeling that you are being followed, but the only thing that you noticed in your room is a dark purple smoke that began to dissipate, and a strange gift standing on your table, where you usually did homework.

Kurogiri. However, what does he want here? He teleported here on the orders of your "father"? And this gift from him? If this is true, then you are definitely not going to open it ...

Ignoring the object that appeared, you got out of bed, while accidentally throwing off Takoyaki, who hissed with displeasure and settled back on the bed, continuing to sleep, and stretched, stretching the relaxed muscles. Having done this, you realized that there was dried saliva on your cheek, your dream must have been very pleasant ...

After you made an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the dried liquid, you sighed heavily and purposefully headed to the bathroom, where you washed and brushed your teeth with cold water. After that, you hesitated a little and decided to take another shower, taking a suitable form for the exam. In fact, you put on beige sportswear, a black turtleneck, an All For One jacket and matching pants under the jacket, as well as the white cat socks that Hitoshi gave you to your feet.

After dressing and decorating your face with makeup, you finally went to the kitchen and noticed a note left, written in the beautiful and neat handwriting of your "mother", but before you could take it and read it, they burst into the house and shouted joyfully:

"Get up, Y/N-chan!" - Oh, it's just Midnight ... Midnight? What does she want this time?

"I'm up already, Miss Midnight." - From the surprised face of the mentioned, a smile appears on your face when you are distracted from the letter. - "Good morning. You said that you would be busy today and so you won't be able to see me, so why are you here?"

"Well," - she got nervous and scratched the back of her neck, running her gaze around the kitchen, which she had recently entered. - "I said this for Ai-chan, because I want to spend more time with you before you go to take the exam."

"Okay, I get it." - Stopping intently examining her tight outfit, which showed her every dignity, you blushed and began to read the note, however, squealed sharply when you felt a woman pressed against your back.

It looks like a cheap hentai situation ...

"What is it?" - Someone else's lips almost touch your ear, which makes you blush even more and more.

Deciding to fix this situation, you awkwardly escape from TOO intimate embrace and immediately hide your emotions, looking at the one that violated your personal space. To put it mildly, your thoughts are now a complete mess, which no one will understand.

All these actions made you very embarrassed, while Nemuri, on the contrary, liked your reaction. She wanted to see more. Every emotion. Especially those emotions that you will show while she gives you pleasure ...

"L-letter from Ai-sama," - your stuttering caused her wild delight, which immediately reflected on her face, to which you simply frowned and was surprised at the reaction to the fact that this letter was from your parent.

"And what is written there?" - Kayama came up to you again, but you did not react, starting to read out loud:

"Good morning Y/N!
I apologize for the fact that at such a moment I cannot be present with you, but I made a high-quality breakfast for you, which will fill you with a sea of ​​strength, and you can get the highest score!
Good luck on your exam! Love, Ai-sama.

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