Heros and Villains

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Y/N - Your name

L/N - Last name

F/C - Favorite color

M/N - Mother name

F/N - Father name

Your heart was pounding in your ears as dread began to slowly creep up on you.

This wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening. "What you think just because you gave me a quirk that makes you my dad?"- Teeth locked together and bared you stare him down. Suddenly he wasn't your favorite anymore. "That's all we have in common, the only thing that links up together. I'm nothing like you." A deep chuckle rumbled in the man's chest. It was cute that you thought you had a choice. "Then what of the man who helped in your conception, can you call him your "father?" if not me then would you rather have him?"

He's right in a way. If you had to pick between the two you'd chose AFO in a heartbeat. Your memories of your father might be few and far between but one thing that always sticks out when those memories are replayed in dream and nightmare are his eyes, cold and piercing. They terrified you even now, it didn't matter that it was all lock behind the realm of unconsciousness, not when the memories bring that bitter and metallic taste back.

"Take your quirk back if you want, I'll never be like you and I'll never consider you family. Not now, not ever." It was only now that you realized you were shaking despite the jacket around your shoulders, his jacket. "All in good time Y/N, this won't be our last meeting. For now, run along." And that's what you did, you ran. Feet founding against asphalt and concrete you didn't stop until you reached your home, your sanctuary. Leaning against the front door your left-hand reaches up to your through, looking for some way to relieve the burning feeling that's crawling up it. It didn't help, but you were able to choke everything down and regain your breath.

It was only when you were recomposed that you heard sounds behind the door, you weren't in any condition to deal with a break-in but you had to know. Turning the knob and opening the door you let scenario after scenario runs through your head, each worse than the last. It all came to a halt as shouts were heard through the house: "Happy birthday!" If you ignored everything the occurred in the past hour or so you'd almost think it was a scene out of a tween movie. "What are you doing?" You kept your voice smooth and flat, trying to ignore and hide any indication of what had gone down. A quick scan of the room was all you needed to recognize everyone that shown up; there was Aizawa, All Might in Small Might form, Present Mic, Midnight, and of course Ai.

"What are you doing? We're celebrating!" Her tone was teasing and light but the smile began to slip from her face the longer she looked at you, at your scrapes and clammy skin. "What happened?" Of course, she's noticed, she was a pro.

"Ai, is everything all right?" It was only when he got closer did you understand why he looked different. The changes were small but noticeable up close. He looked... younger in some way. His cheeks and eyes were less sunken in and his irises held a certain life to them. He practically radiated warmth and light. He ended up dressing nicely too, a black formal suit and red tie over a white dress shirt. It was only your birthday, did Ai make that big a deal out of it?

"Uh, yeah, Ai-sama is just imagining things..." Taking another look over the people in attendance you begin to examine them for any differences that may have occurred. Aizawa doesn't look any different from than what you remember, Same shaggy hair and scruffy chin, same casual look, he didn't bother to dress in anything more than a nice t-shirt and jeans. Mic was the same too if not dressed a bit silly having chosen to dress in a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt and brown pants. Midnight wasn't any different either but she was dressed nice, red sweater with open shoulders with black dress pants that hung to her legs in a way that complemented them, not too casual and not too formal.

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