Katsuki Bakugou

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When was the last time you talked to your ticking time bomb of a classmate? When Ai forced you to give back his quirk? That sounded about right; after all, why bother with him?

You weren't interested in talking to your explosive classmate more than you had to, and as far as you were concerned that meant not at all. Unfortunately, fate has a funny way of pushing people together. And so did the school system...

"WHAT?! The hell do you mean I'm with that quirk thief ?!" Needless to say neither of you was happy with the news you just received. A partner project. With Bakugo. Great. "Shut up, blasty. I'm not happy about this either." You snort and look back at an annoyed Katsuki.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to look at me, you damn thief!" The explosions that came from the blond's palms were tame, only there to intimidate, with anyone else it might have. Each burst of fiery gold, orange and red only served to draw you in, however. It was mesmerizing to watch and often you had to hold back the urge to reach out and touch each explosion as they went off.

You knew that if you tried it would only end in one of two ways: the first being you'd end up with singed and smoking skin, easy to fix but none the less painful, the second being you wouldn't be able to help yourself and you'd once again take his quirk for yourself. You can still remember how it felt, the warmth and power that his quirk left humming under your skin, for a moment you could almost feel it.

How you longed to have it once again...


And if you thought your mood couldn't sink any farther you were quickly proven wrong, not only was it a partner project but it was one that would take all month. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Bakugou didn't care so much about his grades but he was top of the class, and he insisted on getting the best grade even if that meant he had to kick down your front door and force you to work with him because there was no way in hell he was doing all the work.

You suppose you could wreck the house and say that you couldn't work there, you didn't want him in your sanctuary after all, but Ai would kill you and he refused to work with you at his place. Opening the door to let him in the first thing Katsuki noticed was how quiet it was, and how there was only one set of shoes by the entrance, shouldn't your parents be home at this time? "Do you live alone?" Bakugou's voice is calm, but still, he couldn't hide his tone of confusion from you.

"No but Ai-sama is almost constantly busy, so I'm mostly left to myself. Sometimes I see her on the weekends though, and if she gets time off she even cooks dinner for us." The truth wasn't any better from his assumption. You didn't call her mother. With an unusual hush, he followed you into the living room and sat at the couch. It didn't take long for you both to discover that despite your recent clash you worked well together, so long as he kept his temper in check anyway.

Nowadays it had become common to feel eyes watching you. Beforehand it was just Izuku who would glance at you from time to time during class, but lately, Katsuki would just sit and watch, you could practically see the gears turning in his head. As the school bell rang to single the end of the day you stretched out and turned to your project partner. "You still coming over today? There's still work to do and I have snacks this time." Throwing his school bag over his shoulder you could hear him mutter a quiet "yeah." This was probably the best you were gonna get from him.

"Cool, at the rate we're going we'll probably be done by the end of the week." Why did that bother him so much? Shouldn't he be happy to be over with this project and over with having to talk to you every day? He didn't quite know what to make of these new feelings caused by the one-sentence alone so he settled for what he knew best.

"Fucking finally, I cant wait to be done with this project and done with you" anyone else may have been offended and truthfully he was waiting for you to be offended, so why the hell did you laugh? "THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT THEIF?!" Walking with him was different than walking with Izuku, it was often loud and filled with a constant back and fouth, today wouldn't be any different it seems.

"You can pretend to hate me all you want but you're not exactly subtle about staring at me in class." Your tone was light and he could see your lips curling upwards into a teasing smirk, at this point he couldn't tell if his flushed cheeks were from embarrassment or rage.



You could hide behind bandages. They could even be your weapons, protecting you from more than just prying eyes. Practically from day one of your new life you had been wrapped in bandages, they were familiar, the pleasant squeeze was one you often found relating to that of a mother's embrace; after acquiring a specific quirk they became more than your security blanket.

Now you could control them, now when you felt like you were in danger they would practically spring to life, unwrapped and ready to be used as either rope or blade. Katsuki got to learn this the hard way the day you gave back his quirk, he never got the chance to see what was underneath though.

"Hey Katsu-kun, do you wanna take a break from the project today and go to a cafe? It'll be my treat!" Your hand was interlocked with his and gently swinging back and forth. He'd never admit to it but he liked how your hand felt in his, he'd rather die the say something like that out aloud. Over the last few weeks together you had grown closer, you understood each other, so what he said next was unsurprising.

"Go to hell!" He only put up a light struggle before giving up but he made sure to make a show of trying to tug his hand away.

Even if he wanted too he knew he wouldn't have been able to wrench his hand away from your grip. You were stronger. You were stronger and he hated it with a burning passion, but surprisingly that hate didn't extent to you, no matter how much he wished it did. Still, it grated on him, no matter how hard he trained it still felt like you were always stronger.

Always one step ahead.

"Come on, Katsu-kun~." The smirk plastered to your face only seemed to grow as you noted the lack of any real struggle. Maybe it was the idea that at the end of the month you might stop talking to him altogether, maybe it was the idea that he'd no longer have your undivided attention, hell maybe it was even the idea that once this project was over you'd go back to spending time with the damn Deku, whatever it was it made him hold your hand tighter.

He never wanted to let go.

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