chapter one | meet hanna

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meet hanna | hanna pov.

Well I would say let's start from the beginning, but that might be a bit boring for you. My name is Hanna Tracey Sugg.

Yes you did read that right, my last name is Sugg, the same last name as Zoe Sugg also known as Zoella, the most famous British Vlogger on the planet right now. If you hadn't guessed, I'm her sister. Well, really I'm her identical twin but we don't need to be that specific. Right?

When I say identical I don't mean that we have the same body shape and face features like a lot of identical twins but we literally look exactly the same. Most of the time I can't even tell if I'm looking in a mirror or at Zoe. I have the same length of ombre hair with the same bright blue eyes. I am 5 foot 4 inches with the petit body figure. Zoe and I could literally make you think you were seeing double.

We have our brother Joe, the funny Sugg. Joe and I have always been extremely close. Our sense of humour was ridiculously similar and I have appeared in a few of his videos with him. No-one was really aware of my existence as I wasn't really in the limelight, I didn't have my own YouTube channel or blog or any of that. In fact, in the minimal amount of Joe's videos I was in people just assumed I was Zoe. I never told them I was, but then again I never said I wasn't. It seemed slightly weird to just randomly bring it up now when both of my siblings were half way to stardom. I had twitter and instagram but my twitter replies consisted mainly of people telling me that I was stupid for pretending to be Zoe and my instagram was private because I was bored of everyone thinking I was Zoe. I mean I get it out on the streets of Brighton and London and everywhere else in the world I have been. I tend to just pretend to be Zoe when I meet her subscribers in person because I think it would be unfair for me to be rude and I wasn't really in the mood to be all over social media as the unknown identical twin of Zoe. It did mean that Zoe and I rarely went out in public together and if we did we went to dark places where if anyone notices her I could hide or if they thought she was me I would make an excuse to leave and Zoe would sneak in to speak to them. It was an extremely complicated situation so we avoided it at practically all times.

There is then Alfie Deyes, Zoe's boyfriend. He is the sweetest person alive, someone who thinks the whole world of Zoe. It was funny when he first met Zoe and they ended up coming back to the house, where Joe, my father and I were. Zoe went to the bathroom and I walked into the room. Alfie got all confused because I was dressed in my sweats with minimal make up and my hair was down and straight whilst Zoe had left the room only minutes ago with her dress and heels, a braided hairstyle and a dark makeup look. I started laughing and Zoe came into the room to see the situation. Alfie's eyes went wide and apologised for thinking I was Zoe. I still joke around with him about it to this day, making jokes about it and pretending to be Zoe. Most of the time he actually believes me, it's hilarious. Alfie is like my second brother, I love the boy to pieces.

So that's the main people in my life. My brother, my identical twin sister and her boyfriend. It seems very minimal but I love them all millions and if I was to be completely honest I wouldn't want it any other way. I think only having few important people in my life means I have more love and support for each of them.

authors note.
so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It was just sort of an introduction. It isn't actually very relevant to the plot I am planning. I have some plans for this story but I'm mostly just going to go with what I am feeling at the time of writing. I hope you stick to my ride and aren't annoyed that what I'm writing isn't Zalfie! Sorry for all my supportive Zalfie readers out there!
i love you xo

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