chapter ten | news

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news | hanna pov.

"Thank you very much" I said to the waiter as he put my dessert down on the table in front of me. Finn smiled at the waiter as he walked away.

"So I guess we're not going to be sharing that?" Finn laughed after I had just put quite a large spoonful into my mouth.

I put my hand over my mouth as I half-smiled because I had food in my mouth. I swallowed it quickly before smiling at him properly.

"I swear I would let you share it with me, but I'm never sure if there are subscribers around and I don't want rumours of Zoe and you going around. She really doesn't need that right now." I said, pushing my dessert around my plate with my spoon.

"Why, what's going on? It's all over Twitter about her and Alfie, are they really annoyed about it?" Finn asked, sounding genuinely concerned for his friends.

That's when I realised that the only people who knew that it was me and Alfie in that picture was Zoe, Alfie, Joe and me. I had no idea what I was supposed to say to Finn. He was going to be annoyed that I had kissed Alfie like that, that I has kissed him at all. Me and Finn aren't dating but there is feelings between us.

I was so confused, I am here with Finn and having a really good time and he is available and very good looking and such a nice guy. Alfie is Zoe's boyfriend and as much as I want to say that everything that has happened with us has been impulsive, there is obviously feelings between Alfie and I too. The difference is that Alfie and I haven't spoken since I was in Brighton and I was positive we had both made it very clear that nothing else was going to happen. I can't just remove my feelings for Alfie though.

"Hanna?" Finn waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just- I- em." I stuttered, I couldn't look Finn in the eye. I didn't want to lie to him. I really like him and nothing was going anywhere with me and Alfie, I didn't want anything more to happen with me and Alfie. I wanted things to work with me and Finn. I had to be honest with him. "I have to tell you something."

"Is everything okay?" Finn asked, putting his hand closer to mine on the table, being careful not to hold my hand in case of any subscribers. I hated living like this, I wanted his comfort right now.

"Can we speak about it in the car or something? I don't want to cause a scene." I stood up from the table, leaving my plate practically full. Finn stood up as well, an expression of worry evident on his face. He walked over to pay for the meal and I walked outside to wait beside the car. I felt like I was going to cry and I didn't want to, I was having such a good time.

Finn walked out of the restaurant a couple of minutes later, unlocking the car so we could both get in. I sat down in the passenger seat and as soon as Finn got in the car he closed the door and turned around slightly to look at me.

"Hanna, what's wrong? You can talk to me." He took his hand and turned my face towards himself. His other hand rested on top of mine and I couldn't help but start crying. "Hey, shhhh, it's okay." He moved over in his seat slightly, hugging me close to him as I cried. Was I just going to cry on everyone today?

"I just don't want to ruin any more relationships over this." I cried into his chest.

"Hey, Hanna. You wont lose me, trust me on that. You mean too much to me now, I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time but you already mean so much to me. I couldn't lose you." His hand stroked my arm as he spoke to me.

I sat up, leaving Finn's embrace. "The photo going around on Twitter. It's not Zoe. It's me. Alfie and I kissed in the club and a subscriber got a photo and now it's all over Twitter and Zoe barely talks to me and Alfie doesn't talk to me and I just can't lose you too because I like you and I've just ruined this whole night and our whole relationship because of a stupid mistake I made." I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't even imagine the amount of make up had run down my face. I must look terrible.

I looked over at Finn who was still facing me but his eyes looked down at his feet. "Say something. Please." I said through tears, willing myself to stop crying.

"You won't lose me Hanna." Was all he said, he looked up at me. Taking his hand up my my face and wiping a tear away from my cheek.

"I'm sorry." I said, finally stopping myself from crying.

"Hanna, we're not together. It's okay. It was just a bit of a shock. It's okay." He looked over at me. "Come 'ere." I moved closer to him and hugged him again. I was glad Finn didn't hate me for this. I couldn't lose anyone else. I'm not prepared for only having Joe in my life right now.

"I'll take you home." Finn said as we both sat back in our own seats and put our seatbelts on.

I sat in silence the whole way home. I knew that Finn needed some time to think about what I had done. I felt like people may think this was silly, why would Finn be annoyed, we're not dating or anything. But since the day we met Finn and I have spoken a lot and laughed a lot and we are just really good friends with extra feelings. He thought I only had those feelings for him and I don't but I am going to forget about anything that has happened with Alfie. I'm going to focus on Finn and I'm going to try and have some fun now.

The car stopped outside Joe and I's building and we both got out of the car. Finn walked me up to the front door of the flat and I turned to face him.

"So, you said to see how it goes and that we would decide whether it was our first date at the end of the night. Did I do okay?" I laughed, looking at my feet like I usually did when I couldn't look someone in the eye, knowing my confession had ruined the good time we had been having.

"Hanna." Finn said, and I looked up at him. His eyes were shining from the light above us.

"Yes?" I said, feeling scared at what he was going to say.

"I had a really good time, despite the fact you clearly think you ruined it. I'm not going to let what happened ruin what we have here. Thank you for making tonight so enjoyable. It was a very interesting first date." Finn held my head in his.

I smiled, he said exactly what I needed. "Would you like to come inside for a coffee or something?" I asked.

"I have a meeting tomorrow morning with Jack so I should probably go home but thank you for an amazing night Hanna." Finn took my hands in his again.

I felt disappointed that he wasn't going to come in so we could spend some more time together but I understood the bust life of a YouTuber so I wasn't going to get hung up on it.

"Thank you for taking me out." I replied. I smiled at him before I opened the door and went to go inside.

"Hanna." Finn suddenly said. I turned around to face him.

"Yeah?" I said, putting my purse on the floor by the door and standing back up and looking at Finn.

"Uh- em. Good night." He awkwardly spat out before stepping forward and giving me a quick hug. He turned around and quickly hurried off just after. I laughed at him being awkward, I'd never seen a version of Finn that wasn't funny or confident in some way, well he was funny but not on purpose.

I closed the door before going down stairs into Joe's room. I laid down on the bed beside him like we did earlier, both staring at the ceiling.

"How was your night?" He asked.

"Eventful," I laughed. "Yours?"

"Pretty boring to be honest, was just out with Oli, Will and Caspar." Joe sighed, sounding tired.

"Sounds better than mine, I told Finn about me and Alfie." I sighed too, siblings are alike.

"How'd he take it?" Joe turned his head to look at me.

"Okay, actually. I think everything's going to turn out okay. Contrary to what my make up may indicate." Joe and I both laughed a little. Even though the night had been rocky, I was going to think like Finn and not let the Twitter picture ruin what we were starting to have.

author's note.

so one of you guys commented on the last chapter saying that you shipped Finn and Hanna and they are now officially shipped as Fanna! Comment below your thoughts on #fanna! btw I hope you enjoy the early update!

i love you xo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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