chapter six | one lovely dress

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one lovely dress | hanna pov.

"Just answer it, it's probably nothing. Don't panic, it's not like she's here or anything." Alfie said to me, wanting to sound more confident, about what he was trying to tell us both, than he actually did.

"Oh my god, what do I say? I can't, I'll just let it ring off." I said quickly, my heart was beating so fast I could feel it around my whole body.

"Hanna, just answer it. It'll be okay. She'll think there's something wrong if you let it ring off, you never ignore her calls." Alfie assured me, and I hate to say so but he was right. I never ignore Zoe's calls, so I reluctantly pressed the answer button and put it up to my ear before I could talk myself out of it.

"Hey Zo" I said, trying to sound as normal as I could.

"Hey Han, how are you?" Zoe asked politely, like always. Maybe Alfie was right, I panic for the stupidest of reasons, Zoe sounded completely normal. She couldn't know because she wasn't here.

"I'm good thanks." I had absolutely no idea what to say, there was just this awkward silence for a minute. I was nearly positive I was probaby hinting to Zoe that there was something wrong when she didn't think there was. "So, not to be rude but is there a reason that you called?" I laughed slightly, trying my hardest not to sound rude or worried.

"Uh, no. No particular reason, where are you?" Zoe's voice sounded a bit more serious, my heart rate increasing as I panicked that my instincts were right, but it was still just Zoe and she was just having a normal conversation.

"Just, uh, waiting for a taxi to go home. It's taking a while. What about you?" I said normally. Alfie tapped my shoulder as if to ask what was happening. I didn't even know, I just shrugged my shoulders as I looked at him.

"I'm just in bed, on my laptop, scrolling through twitter."

"Sounds like fun" I said sarcastically, laughing a little.

"Well, I was just scrolling through my feed and looking at my mentions and they all seem to be full with this picture. It's this picture of me and Alfie." As soon as I heard the words my heart froze and I was stunned into silence as I had no idea what to say or do, she knew.

"I wondered why my mentions were filled with this picture of the two of us kissing in a club, I thought it must have been an old picture because I'm not out clubbing tonight but I looked and looked and you don't really see much becuase you know it's dark and in a club but the dress, the dress is what really showed it, that is one lovely dress you've got Hanna because I sure as hell don't own it. It is all over twitter, everyone thinks it's me and everyone is going absolutely mental because it's the first Zalfie kiss. But it isn't really is it? Because it's you and him, my twin sister and my boyfriend. Kissing in public, in front of the whole world now that it's on twitter. What am I supposed to do in this situation Hanna, please enlighten me? Do I hate you? Do I hate Alfie? Please, fucking enlighten me because I sure as hell don't know!" Zoe stayed calm throughout her whole speech but I could tell she was crying, that was until the end when she started to shout. I was still in shock, I didn't even realise I had been holding my breath this whole time.

"Zoe, I -" I burst into tears as soon as I attempted to apologise. Saying sorry wouldn't even mean as fraction of as much as I would want it to. I was the worst person walking on this planet right now, at least that's how I felt.

"How could you do this to me Hanna!" Zoe shouted, she was clearly crying as well.

Once Alfie realised that Zoe knew he was practically shouting at me to give him the phone. I fell to the ground sobbing and let Alfie take the phone out of my hand. 

Sure enough, right at the worst time possible when I was sobbing on the floor and Alfie was listening to Zoe shout at him over the phone, the taxi pulls up in front of us. I get up off of the floor and attempt to get Alfie into the taxi, trying to get myself to calm down and stop crying.

Once Zoe had hung up the phone on Alfie, he handed it back to me. He sighed, frustrated as he stormed into the taxi. I saw a tear roll down his face as I climbed into the back seat of the taxi, beside Alfie.

"Would you take us to Brighton please?" I asked quietly, I knew that the driver had seen us only about a minute ago sobbing and arguing and I was extremely embarrassed.

"You want me to take you to Brighton?" The taxi driver turned to face me, looking at me as if I had just asked to go to the moon or something.

"Just fucking take us to Brighton!" Alfie shouted. He hadn't said a word since he got off the phone but I knew he was annoyed before his sudden outburst anyway.

The driver just rolled his eyes before starting the car and driving away from the club. I sat in silence not knowing what to say to Alfie, I hoped he was going to start the conversation to save me from doing it. But he never did, we just sat in silence the whole way to Brighton. I was left sitting there stewing in my own thoughts, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and never move again. What was I supposed to do? Apologising was nothing near what Zoe deserved from me, I don't even think I can face her right now. I had no idea what to do, but did anyone ever have any clue in these type of situations? Was this even a situation anyone else had ever been in before? I was compeltely clueless. I needed to know Alfie's mind set just now, see if he was even remotely okay. I knew I wasn't.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, not wanting the taxi driver to start in on the conversation or know all our business.

"It's okay. There's no point in us being annoyed at each other. There's an equal amount of blame for us to share here. We are both in the wrong. I just don't know how we're gonna face her. I would say we should do it together but I don't want her to think I'm leaving her. I don't want her to hate me. Hanna, what are we gonna do?" Alfie turned to face me and there were tears running down both of our faces. 

"I really don't know Alfie." I leaned over to the boy beside me and let my head rest on his shoulder, his head rested against mine and I took a hold of his hand. I don't care how inappropriate it is, we needed each other's support before we went in to face Zoe. Neither of us were prepared for what we knew was going to be an extremely eventful night.

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