chapter four | fall out boy

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fall out boy | hanna pov.

It was a couple weeks later and I was back in London with Joe, I was on Skype with Finn. It was surprising the amount I had actually thought about Finn since the day we had all spent together in Brighton. We had exchanged numbers and I was constantly receiving messages from him asking me silly questions that made me laugh, usually in the most awkward situations.

For example, a few days ago, I was helping Zoe and Joe film a video and they were doing this really important shot, the room was silent and I check my phone to see these messages from Finn.

finn the twin: OMG HANNA, HANNA HELP

finn the twin: JACK IS CHASING ME


finn the twin: woah, it's okay, i just went into his room and he freaked out and stopped

finn the twin: new mission for the day - find out what jack is hiding in his room

Okay, so the messages weren't that funny but I laughed anyway, ruining the shot as they couldn't have me being all noisy. I don't know why I laughed but I just have this feeling inside me every time I see his name flash on my phone screen. It isn't love or anything, I'm not that pathetic. I've only known the boy for a total of 15 days.

Okay so it might not be love, but I haven't seen Finn in a total of 15 days, soon to be 16 and I am missing him. I have only met him once and I already miss him and I know that I've only met him once blah, blah, blah. But he is just such a genuine guy and he is someone I enjoy spending my time around.


I was laying in my bed. Wrapped in maybe, 4 blankets? I was scrolling through twitter and a message from Alfie appeared at the top of my screen. I clicked on it to see that he was planning on staying in London for tonight because of a meeting he had early tomorrow and he was wondering if he could crash at me and Joe's place. I replied absentmindedly, saying that it was fine.

I got up out of my bed, deciding it was probably time to actually get ready for the day ahead. I put my iPhone 6 into my speaker before putting my Fall Out Boy playlist on, turning the volume up high and getting started. I made my bed and picked out an outfit for the day, finding some light, acid wash skinny jeans and a maroon crop top. I then found a black oversized cardigan to wrap around myself. I pulled the outfit on before pairing it with my favourite pair of black chunky heel laced booties. I sat down, getting my favourite make up staples out and applying my usual face. A natural, maybe slightly darker than most, eyeshadow look, with my Rimmel 107 lipstick. I straightened my hair before pinning back the front. After deciding I looked nice enough for the day I danced around the room, singing along to one of my favourite Fall Out Boy songs 'Alone Together'.

Joe obviously walked in on me dancing and singing around my room to which I just carried on. Joe eventually joining in. Both of us were terrible dancers but actually pretty good singers. In fact, every time any of Joe or Zoe's subscribers heard them sing they would go mental. If I say so myself, I actually think that Joe might have been the best singer in the YouTube Boyband, (the only one who could actually sing is what I mean).

After my little dance party finished and Joe and I were laughing at ourselves I went upstairs and out of the door, heading out to do some shopping for myself.


I returned from my shopping trip later on in the day with around £300 of bags in my hands. My head ached slightly at the thought of how much money I had spent, but it was worth it.

I walked into my flat, shouting to Joe that I was home. I heard a voice shout back but I recognised it as not being Joe's voice straight away.

"Who is it!?" I shouted, slightly confused. I walked down the stairs and into my room, leaving my bags neatly at the end of my already made bed. I left my room and went into Joe's to see Alfie lying across Joe's bed on his stomach, t-shirt off and only in his boxers.

"Alfie, why are you sitting on my brother's bed, nearly naked?" I sighed, laughter laced into my voice.

"I am sleeping here tonight so I thought I'd better make myself comfortable." Alfie laughed, moving his laptop away from him before getting off of the bed and grabbing his black skinny jeans with the ripped knees.

"So what are you doing now then? You don't need to get dressed just because I'm here, I've seen you in just your boxers plenty of times when I was at your house? I'm just going through to my room anyway." I headed towards the door, going to my room.

"You're not going anywhere!" Alfie shouting running in front of me. I stopped in my tracks with Alfie still topless in front of me.

I laughed again, "Why not? I have plans to go out for drinks with my friends?" I sighed jokingly, slight amusement evident in my voice at Alfie acting all in charge.

"I was going to suggest a movie night in but I suppose going out for drinks sounds fun too! I'll tag along! When are we leaving?" Alfie smiled.

I smiled before walking past the boy in front of me. I went into my room, looking through my shopping bags until I found the little black dress I had bought earlier. I took off my clothes I was currently wearing before unzipping the back of the dress and stepping into it. I pulled it up my body before attempting to zip it up again. After failing for many minutes, I just pulled my black chunky heeled laced booties back on before walking through to Joe's room again to see Alfie.

"Hey, could you zip me up please?" I politely asked.

Alfie walked over to me, he was laying back on the bed on his laptop again, in the exact same state I left him in before. He stood behind me, he brushed my hair off of my back and around my neck. I felt the feeling of his fingers roughly brush against my soft skin. I felt a shiver down my spine at the feeling of his touch on my skin. I shook it off, knowing it was just because I was cold, at least that's what I wanted to tell myself. He placed his fingers on the zip before slowly pulling it up my back. Once it was up at the top of my back he held my hair in his hands, pulling it around to my back, where it was before.

I attempted to say Alfie's name, to let him know I was aware of something happening here. He was my identical twin sister's boyfriend! They lived together and the whole world shipped them together! But right now I felt good. I didn't want his hands off of my body.

I turned around to face him, my eyes looked up at him. I looked intently into his deep, brown eyes and I felt his thumb brush across my cheek. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and smiled at him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in attempt to slow my heart rate down.

"Alfie, we shouldn-" Alfie cut me off with the placement of his finger on my mouth. I knew we both felt extremely guilty about this but I couldn't make myself walk away from this. I didn't love Alfie like that, I didn't even like him like that. I swore to myself I never would.

He leaned down and I felt his lips against my forehead. I closed my eyes, and we both stayed there for a few seconds. I kept my eyes closed as Alfie lifted his lips from my skin and I turned away from him, my heart racing inside my chest.

author's note.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know a lot didn't happen (apart from some 'halfie' action, sort of. I want their relationship to be more cute than sexual tbh. You will find out more soon! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
i love you xo

identical ▸ zalfie, finn harriesWhere stories live. Discover now