chapter two | twins

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twins | hanna pov.

Zoe and I sat in her and Alfie's house in Brighton. I was staying here for a few days before going back to London to stay in the flat I shared with Joe. We looked extremely similar like usual, sitting side by side on our laptops, hair messy, I was making some video edits on my laptop whilst Zoe was editing one of her videos due to go up in a couple of days. The only thing between us was Nala, Zoe and Alfie's black pug puppy. Joe called her Alan a lot of the time, making fun of how he didn't like her but we all secretly knew Joe loved her. We all did.

"So, Han, what are your plans for the week?" Zoe questioned as she set down her laptop and walked into the kitchen. I followed her, sitting up on the worktop as Zoe got out all different kinds of fruit to make a smoothie. "You like bananas, right?"

"Of course, I do. When I say we can make people see double, I am being 100% serious, I swear we were just the same person divided into two." I laughed at her even having to ask, we like the same food and everything.

"That does tend to be how identical twins are born Han!" Zoe burst out laughing at my stupidity of being an identical twin and not even knowing how they were formed. I laughed at myself and Alfie walked into the room in the midst of me and Zoe's laughing fit.

"I came through to let you know the Harries twins are coming over but I, uh, did I interrupt something?" Alfie laughed a little to himself whilst I tried to stop laughing long enough to reply to the brown haired boy.

After a few deep breaths I managed to smile at him. "Jack and Finn are coming over?" I had never really met any of Zoe's YouTube friends. I mean I had met their really close friends, like Marcus, Niomi, Louise, Tanya, Jim and Caspar, but never any of the other gang. My own friends group seemed to start and end with about three or four people. 

"Yeah, I was talking to Steve and he is with them just now, we're going to film some videos for a while." Alfie paused as he obviously realised the whole 'they don't know about Hanna' situation. "Em, is that okay? We can go somewhere else if you want?" 

I smiled at him, yes it would be extremely awkward and I really hadn't met people and had to address the 'identical twin' thing in a while but I know that someday it will come out to be a huge deal. We're not FBI agents that can keep huge secrets like this for our whole lives. "No, don't worry about it. Might as well socialise with someone other than you two and Joe."

Zoe turned around from cutting up the fruit and putting it into the nutribullet in front of her. "Are you sure you want to tell them. We could go for a drive or something? I don't mind going out."

"Seriously guys, I'm okay with it, I don't mind. How long until they're here? I'll have to get ready and look some what presentable." I smiled at Alfie, feeling unusually happy at the thought of meeting new people.

"They'll be here in a couple of hours probably." Alfie walked over to the fridge and got out a Pots & Co, chocolate orange pudding. He loved them about as much as he loved Zoe. If you are unaware, that is an awful lot! 

"Okay, thank you for the warning. I am going to go and have a bath. Zo, can I use some of your fizz bar?" I jumped off of the worktop and grabbed my phone from the living room. I walked back into the kitchen to see Alfie with his hands around Zoe's waist. She was still cutting the fruit and he kissed her neck. It was extremely cute but I wasn't sure if it was going to lead onto a full on making out session so I coughed slightly to make them aware of my presence. They didn't freak out or anything they just turned around, Alfie's arms still around my sister. "So can I use some of your fizz bar and stuff?" I questioned, trying not to sound rude.

"Of course you can sis. You take a nice relaxing bath, we'll leave you alone to get ready." She smiled at me and I walked towards the bathroom up the stairs, knowing she just wanted me to leave her and Alfie alone.


After a quick bath with some of Zoe's fizz bar and her favourite hair products I was looking through my suitcase of clothes to find something nice to wear. Obviously not like a formal dress or anything but I wanted to look nice. I couldn't find anything nice to wear amongst my now mess of a suitcase so I decided to go into Zoe's wardrobe and see if I could get anything. I pushed around before seeing her American Apparel disco pants. I pulled them out of the drawer before remembering about my top that I swear every YouTuber had. My top with the letters 'Hh' on it. Obviously every person had their own initial but I though the pairing would look nice enough for staying in the house but not looking like a slob. I sat down at Zoe's dresser and turned on her straightners. Whilst waiting for them to heat up I applied my makeup. I did have a love for doing this, it calmed me and made me happy. I settled for a winged eyeliner but natural eyeshadow. I applied my thickest mascara before finishing with my Rimmel Kate Moss 107 lipstick, I love this lipstick, it was one of Zoe's favourites too. I straightened my hair before going downstairs.

Alfie was setting up his camera and Zoe sat on the sofa finishing off the edit she had started earlier.

"I'm ready! How do I look?" I twirled around as Zoe and Alfie turned to see me. Zoe smiled at me and Alfie's eyes just widened. I knew he thought I looked nice. He told Zoe constantly how beautiful she was, so even though he didn't say it directly to me, he obviously thought the same of me.

"You look gorgeous Han!" Zoe got off of the sofa before walking over and hugging me. I squeezed her back.

"Thanks Zo, but em maybe you should get out of your pyjama bottoms and Alfie's t-shirt?" I laughed at her before she ran past me and bounded up the stairs to quickly get ready.

"So, Mr Deyes, am I presentable to meet another couple of your friends?" I smiled before going to help him with his camera. 

"Of course you do, you know I think the pair of you are the most beautfiful people to walk the earth." He smiled at me before sitting down on the middle stool out of the three he had sitting there.

I smiled at the boy I was looking at through the lense. I focused it on him, before changing the settings to improve the colouring. 

"Hanna Sugg, why are you blushing?" Alfie questioned jokingly as I stepped away from the camera lense. 

"You just haven't told me that to my face before Alf, that's all." I laughed a little, feeling stupid for blushing about a compliment.

"I say it all the time Hanna, what are you on about?" He spun around to face me as I sat down on the sofa and got Nala on my knee.

"Alfie, you say it to Zoe all the time. It's different. I know we are identical twins so you are saying it to me too but it's still not the same as receiving the compliment directly." I felt stupid for speaking about this, I just looked down at the puppy who was already starting to fall asleep on me.

"Hey, Hanna, I mean it to the both of you. You and Zoe are the two most wonderful people I have ever met. Personality, looks, all of it. Don't think I only mean it to Zoe." He smiled before sitting down next to me and giving me a hug. This boy knew exactly what to say and when to say it.

"Thank you Alfie. You really are the best person ever." I squeezed him tighter before I moved away from him. I looked him in the eye and smiled at him. He smiled back before brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. I couldn't help but smile again at the boy in front of me. He brushed his thumb along my cheek and smiled back at me.

I heard Zoe coming down the stairs so I stood up from where I was on the sofa and held Nala in my arms. "Wow, Zoe, you look amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you Han, I get it from my sister." She laughed and I joined her. Feeling slightly guilty for the small connection I felt like I had with Alfie there. He is my best friend that isn't Zoe or Joe. It meant nothing to me, absolutely nothing but I still felt extremely guilty.

author's note.
so that's the first official chapter of identical done! i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i did writing it! share, vote and comment your opinions! i'd love to know. what do you think is going to happen? aaaaah. i love it.
i love you xo

identical ▸ zalfie, finn harriesWhere stories live. Discover now