chapter eight | somewhere

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somewhere | hanna pov.

When I woke up the next morning I reluctantly put my dress and heels back on before brushing my fingers through my hair and leaving. I didn't want to go back to Zoe and Alfie's house for a while and I needed some fresh clothes to put on. I awkwardly walked into town with my heels on, attempting to keep my head down and hope none of Zoe's subscribers met me. I didn't want everyone thinking she was a mess, she would never leave the house in last night's dress and heels.

Once I reached my favourite little clothes shop in the lanes, I went inside, continuing to try and not be noticed. I tried to make my hair cover my face before I found some clean underwear along with a plain white tank top, a forest green jumper, some light wash denim skinny jeans and the cheapest pair of white fake converse I could see. I walked to the counter to pay and placed them down in front of the cashier. I got the money out of my purse and laid it down before taking the bag of clothes and rushing out of the store.

Once I finally made it back to the hotel without being noticed by anyone I got changed into the new outfit I actually really liked before checking out of the room and reluctantly heading back to Zoe and Alfie's house.

Once I got outside the house, I stood for a minute, not wanting to go inside and face the two of them. I had no clue what was waiting for me. Had the two fo them made up and was now extremely mad at me? I didn't know and I didn't want to know if I was being perfectly honest.

After I finally found the courage, I knocked on the door, not wanting to just walk in. Zoe answered the door and when she saw me she looked at the floor. 

"Zoe, I'm really sorry. Can I come in? Can we all just sort this out together? I don't want things to be like this with us. I never wanted this." 

Zoe looked up at me before opening the door wider, letting me into the house. I walked in to see Alfie sitting on the sofa in the same clothes he was in last night. He looked tired, he probably got just as much sleep as I did.

Zoe walked into the room just after me and before I even had a chance to speak she did. "Before either of you even try to apologise to me again, I want to say something. I have been awake nearly all night and I don't think I can ever trust either of you fully ever again."

"Zoe, please I just-" Alfie interrupted, standing up and walking towards her.

"Alfie, please just let me say this. I just, I don't want to lose either of you. I can't lose either of you and I need you both in my life, even when you do really shitty things like this. So as much I don't respect myself for doing this, I'm going to just let the subscribers believe that it is me in that picture, I'm going to just have to deal with the consequences of your actions and let them freak out about it with me even though that is the last thing I will ever want. As for my relationship with the two of you? Well Alfie, we need to work this out. I want to work this out with you and as much as I shouldn't have to say this, our relationship doesn't just affect us, but millions of people around the world. So we owe it not just to ourselves but to them too. And me and Hanna? Well, you are my sister and I trusted you more than anyone ever but you have betrayed my trust immensely and I know I deserve more than that. I'm not disowning you or anything that extreme but I think it's going to take a very long time for us to get back to the way we were, if we ever do that is. It is the same for both of you, my trust levels with you both are below how much I trust a random stranger on the street right now so you're going to have to earn it back. I hope I can get over this and I hope you two can be trusted enough, even with each other to do this for me. That's all." Zoe laughed a little when she was done and I had no idea what to say. Alfie clearly didn't either, at least Zoe didn't hate us. At least we were still going to try and go back to the way we were before, even if it was going to be really hard. 

I walked over to my sister and I wrapped my arms around her. She returned my hug and we just stood there, I whispered the words sorry into her ear the whole time. I know saying sorry and showing that you're sorry are to different things that both need to be done but I know that I need to start somewhere. And this is somewhere.

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