chapter nine | sounds great

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sounds great | hanna pov.

I had gone home not long after, deciding to leave Zoe and Alfie alone. I was now back in London and I still felt just as bad as I did when I was in Brighton with them.

I had decided in my own mind that I needed to just steer clear of Alfie for a while and leave him and Zoe to sort things out so that they could get back to the way the were before. I didn't care if I had feelings for Alfie, he was Zoe's boyfriend and I kissed him. I didn't want to stop talking to Zoe though, so I texted her often, trying to just speak gradually. I hoped it wasn't going to take a long time before we could speak like we did before.

I was laying on my bed and I had my Fall Out Boy playlist on again, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed. I sang along to the lyrics of Just One Yesterday out loud after feeing so bored I though I might actually go and help Joe clean his room.

Joe walked into my room a few songs later and lay down beside me as I stared at the plain white ceiling of my bedroom.

"You okay sis?" He questioned, Joe always did worry about me, Zoe too. We have all been close for as long as I can remember, I felt as if I had ruined Zoe and Joe's relationship too as Zoe may have thought Joe was taking my side because we lived together.

"Not really, I can't stop thinking about what I've done. And I'm really bored cause no-one needs my help with anything just now so I don't have anything to do. I think my wardrobe is actually clean and organised right now." I laughed slightly, turning around to look at Joe, who was on the opposite side of my bed. He turned around to face me too, smiling at me too. "Are you laughing at me!?" I joked.

"Yes." He burst out laughing. "I can't believe this. It's just so dramatic. Sorry." He said whilst clutching his stomach from laughter. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and sitting up on the bed. "Look, go and do something, meet up with someone for the night and take your mind off it, I would do something with you but I'm busy." He said, sitting up and pulling me over to hug him.

I rested my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I didn't even realise I was crying until Joe jokingly moaned I was getting his t-shirt wet. "I'm sorry, it's just- I really want things to be okay with Zoe. I have what I've done to us."

"Everything will be okay Han, trust me. Everything will sort itself out." Joe squeezed me tighter and I couldn't breath for a second.

I didn't want to be sitting in my room with my brother consoling me. I wanted to be happy. I wiped the tears away from under my eyes before sitting up, Joe taking his arms back to his sides.

"I'm going to phone someone and go out tonight." I picked my phone up off of the bed cover before unlocking it and going onto my contacts.

"Alright sis, well I'm away to get ready and go out so make sure the door's locked when you leave. Love you." He said whilst getting off my bed and going through to his room again.

"Love you too!" I shouted through. I really did, I don't think there is a better brother on this Earth. Joe actually cared for me a lot and I don't think I appreciated it enough, I don't know what this family would do without him, he is like everyone's rock.

I found the name 'Finn Harries' in my contacts and phoned him. It ringed a few times before he picked up on the other end.

"Hello, this is Finn Harries. Welcome to this conversation. How may I help you this afternoon Miss Hanna Sugg?" He said is a posh accent.

I burst out laughing straight away. "Hey Finn."

"Hey you, we haven't spoke in ages! What's going on?" I could tell from his happy voice that he was smiling on the other end. I didn't want to ruin his mood with my silly problems.

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" I questioned, desperately hoping that he would say yes so that I didn't have to ask Joe to third wheel on whatever he was doing tonight.

"I'm sure I could clear my busy schedule for you. What do you wanna do? We could go and get some food? I haven't eaten much today." Finn suggested, at the mention of food I realised that all I had eaten today was some Pop Tarts in the morning and a bag of crisps in the afternoon.

"Sounds great. Pick me up in about an hour? I need some time to get ready, I haven't really done much today." I laughed, feeling slightly embarrassed. I needed a shower.

"Okay, I'll see you soon Hanna."

"Wait! Before you go, any idea where we're gonna go so I know what to wear? I don't want to dress weird." I laughed. I thought, and I hadn't laughed all day at anything until I spoke to my brother and Finn. I really do have some of the best people in the world in my life.

"We could go to Nandos or something? I know you like it there." Finn recommended.

"Sounds great!" I sounded slightly too happy at the thought of a Nandos.

"Sounds great! See you soon for our first date." Finn mocked me, before laughing at me.

"Goodbye Harries." I jokingly huffed before hanging up the phone and smiling, did he just say first date?

I went into my wardrobe to pick out and outfit before going into the shower. I decided to be slightly more 'girly' tonight so I picked my black and pink floral skater skirt and found a black crop top to found on too. I found my black pumps and laid it all out on my bed so I could pull it on when I got out of the shower.


Nearly an hour later and I had had a shower, dried my hair, straightened it and pinned the front of it back and put my make up. I went for my slightly darker than neutral eye make up and a nude lipstick.

I was just finished, sitting upstairs in the living room, scrolling through Instagram waiting for Finn and there was a knock at the door. I squealed slightly out of excitement before I picked up my phone and purse and walking over the door. I opened it and saw Finn standing there. He was wearing black skinny jeans that were slightly baggy for his thin legs, paired with a simple white button up, short sleeve, shirt. He was smiling wide when I looked at him and I felt embarrassed.

"Hi" I smiled, stepping out of the door and making sure it was locked before going outside with Finn just behind me.

His car was waiting outside and he opened the passenger door for me as I got into the car. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt really happy which was different considering how I had felt the whole day.

Finn got into the driver's seat and we both got our seatbelts on before he started up the car and started driving towards Nandos.

"So how are you?" I asked, looking over at Finn as his attention was on the road.

"Busy," he laughed, "but I have enough time to fit you in." He looked over at me momentarily, smiling.

"Your smile is so nice." I blurted out, instantly slapping my hand over my mouth after I realised I said it out loud, "Oh my god! I can't believe I just said that. I'm sorry. That was so-"

"It's fine Hanna." Finn laughed, "You look beautiful tonight by the way, it's different seeing you wear something like that. It suits you."

"Thank you." I felt myself blushing, I knew it was because of embarrassment but I wasn't sure if it was because of my outburst or his compliment. "Were you being serious on the phone?"

"About what?" He asked. I could tell he knew what I was talking about.

"You said this was our first date. Were you being serious? I couldn't tell." I looked down at my hands but I could feel his gaze on me.

"Why don't we see how it goes and we can decide whether it was our first date at the end of the night?" He suggested, sounding serious.

"Sounds great!" I looked up at him and we both burst out laughing. I could tell this night was exactly what I needed to get my mind off the whole situation with Zoe and Alfie.

authors note.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated in over three weeks! I hope this is okay, I'm feeling very inspired so I'm just away to start the next chapter so it'll be ready to go up next week hopefully, I'm making no promises though!


i love you xo

identical ▸ zalfie, finn harriesWhere stories live. Discover now