chapter three | finn finn the better twin

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finn finn the better twin | hanna pov.

After Zoe and I had taken a few selfies on her camera, we sat down next to each other. Zoe was just finishing her edit by putting an end card onto her video. I sat scrolling through my instagram feed, searching through all the fan accounts I followed.

"Hey Han, could you watch this through and see if it's okay before I upload it please?" Zoe politely asked me, I smiled as I turned to face her, gladly checking my sister's video for her. I took her laptop off of her knee, and put the headphones on, turning the volume up and watching through the video. It was one of Zoe's more 'arty' videos, beautifully edited with these original music tracks in the background. Alfie had helped her film the video and it all just looked stunning, the video lasted around ten minutes. When I took the headphones off, I noticed I was the only one in the room. I heard the familiar voices of the Harries twins and Steve Booker and the welcoming tone of Zoe's voice as well. I put Zoe's laptop to the side and felt my heart suddenly start beating faster. I took a deep breath before walking towards the laughter that gathered near the front door.

I stood just behind the door, preparing myself for the confusing but rather warming welcome I got from all of the YouTubers I met. I walked around the corner, trying to be confident but knowing I was just kidding myself. I stood just behind the famous Zalfie couple, tapping Zoe's shoulder lightly. She turned around to face me and gave me a reassuring smile before pulling me forward to stand next to her. I saw the faces of the three new boys standing in front of me. All three the familiar expression I saw many times.

"Uh, hi. I'm Hanna. Maybe you should come inside?" I smiled slightly before walking back through into the room we all usually relaxed in. I mentally face palmed myself at the pathetic excuse of an introduction I had just done. I heard the footsteps of everyone behind me. I sat down with Zoe beside me and the boys all just kind of looked at me, Alfie smiled at me whilst the other three were still trying to process what was happening. Jack was the first one to speak up, the cheeky chap clearly keen to know what's going on.

"I, uh, I don't really know what to say. Why have we never, no eh, who are?" Jack stuttered, clearly having no idea what to ask.

I laughed at the confusion laced in his voice. "So, I'm Hanna, Zoe's identical twin. If you haven't noticed. The story is long but to shorten it down, you've never met me because I tend to just stay out of Joe and Zoe's business that involves being in the 'lime light'. I never anticipated the success of my siblings and it just seems sort of pointless to just announce myself to the world now. I don't really know what to say about it, if you have any questions?" I laughed, feeling like I was doing a presentation at school.

The three boys just stared at me, clearly my existence is a lot more shocking to most people than I thought. Finn stood up, walking over towards me. I looked up at him, smiling slightly. I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me. "Hey Hanna."

I laughed, he clearly still had no idea what to say to me. "Hey Finn." His arms still gripped me closely to his chest.

He moved me away from his chest. "I'm Jack." His face looking serious, he looked at me as if I has just extremely annoyed him. 

I was used to being mistaken for Zoe but clearly the Harries didn't like being mistaken for each other. Luckily since I was an identical twin myself, I knew what to look out for when trying to tell them apart. I knew it was Finn standing in front of me.

"Don't you bullshit me Harries. I know you're Finn." I laughed at his attempt to trick me, I am like the YouTube trivia dictionary.

Finn started to laugh, and soon the room stopped being so awkward as they joined in on the joke. I introduced myself properly to the twins and Steve. They eventually got over the fact Zoe had an identical twin as they started to question me on life as the hidden Sugg sister. I told them the truth. That usually it was fine, when I got noticed as Zoe I would pretend to be her and please the subscribers. But that it was also stressful and caused more restrictions on my life than I thought it would. I wasn't famous like my sister, I didn't want that for myself but being who I am, I just had to deal with the fact I chose to stay behind the scenes, either way I would have people coming up to me.

The boys were all very supportive and so kind. They seemed so interested in my story. Zoe and Alfie interrupted a few times, telling stories of the three of us. I enjoyed telling the story about when I first met Alfie, I always enjoyed telling that story, it never failed to make me cry with laughter, or anyone else cry with laughter for that matter, all three of the boys had sore stomachs by the end of the tale.

Later on in the day when all the boys were filming, Zoe and I were up in her office. She said she needed to film as well, I loved helping the YouTubers film, and editing was something I enjoyed as well, but I tend to just stick to editing photos that I take and I occasionally help with a YouTube edit. Zoe sat down, with her light up Z and her sofa in the back ground. I set up the camera, focusing it on her and sorting the colouring again, I pressed record.

"That's it filming Zo, do you want me to stay in here? I can go if you want." I said, wanting to spend some time with my sister but knowing that she quite often liked to film alone.

"You can film it for me if you want. I can't be bothered." She laughed. I walked over beside her and crouched down looking at the camera. 

"Hi guys, I'm Zoella and today I bought some clothes, my disco pants are from American Apparel and my socks are from Primark!" I mimicked my sister, which I often liked to do.

"Ha ha, you're so funny Hanna! Get out of my shot, I need to film this for the All Things Hair channel!" She jokingly pushed me out of the way and I stood up walking around and sitting behind the camera. 

Zoe filmed her video before everyone met back where we were before. Alfie sat in the corner of the sofa and Zoe was on his knee. They were so adorable together, she smiled at him every time her eyes met his and I was never surprised by the fact they were the major ship of the YouTube community. Jack and Steve were away picking up some Nando's for us all to eat and Finn and I were sitting on the sofa speaking.

"So, you're life must be so weird. I mean, I get confused as Jack all the time but it must be so hard for you to pretend to be someone you're not." Finn spoke. I looked over at the boy just a couple feet away from me. His green eyes lit up with the light around him. 

"Yeah, I suppose so. I would say I'm used to it, but I don't really want to be."

"You shouldn't have to be. Why don't you just tell the world that you are Hanna Sugg and you are a real human being!" He confidently stated, trying to be funny. It worked, because I laughed at him. Out of all of the YouTuber's I had met, that wasn't my brother, identical twin or my identical twin's boyfriend, I think Finn was my favourite. I was looking forward to getting to know this cheeky chap some more.

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