Chapter 18: Sad reunion

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I hurried inside, not knowing what to expect next. I went straight to the great hall, were dinner was already served. The big room went quiet when I stormed in like a maniac. I searched the Gryffindor table for him. I was standing in the middle of the hall, not knowing the attention that I was getting. Then I saw them. Fred and George, they too were looking at me, one with confusion and the other with guilt. I knew enough. I rushed to their seats and to my relief, people were already turning their heads and minding their own business again. I came to halt behind his chair out of breath.

"Hey." I said casually, struggling to get enough air. "When did you guys come back?" I overlooked the table. I was so focussed on Fred that I hadn't noticed the person sitting next to him. At his right sat a Indian girl with a couple of flowers in her hair. It were the exact flowers Fred had given me weeks ago. It was the girl in the lavender dress from the Halloween masked ball. "Oh." Escaped my mouth before I could shut it. She wore a Gryffindor tie and robe, so I presumed she was a one too. How convenient.

"Victoria, I can explain." Fred tuned around and reached for my hand. I saw George rolling with his eyes and looking away from the scene. This wouldn't be good.

"Why didn't you answered my letters?" I started, looking at my feet, getting more sad and more embarrassed at the second. Fred shuffled in his seat uncomfortably.

"She sent you letters too?" The girl said mockingly and huffed beside him without looking at me. I looked at her head, I felt anger coming up and the urge to pull her hair became bigger while time passed.

"There was a miscommunication between us, I think." Fred said with his eyes at his hands. "This is Tara, my girlfriend."

"How is your dad?" We said it at the same time, but both fell quiet. I felt my soul leaving my body, jet my feet were nailed to the ground. "But we kissed." It was hardly a whisper. "Is that why you never answered? I was worried Fred!" I felt sadness making place for rage.

"She wore a red dress for u dude." Ron interrupted our conversation, clearly angry too.

"I am sorry Vic if I gave you the wrong impression." He said too calmly. "Looks like you too moved on quickly." He nodded at the Slytherin table. I turned around and saw Draco looking from behind his plate straight at us. He diverted his gaze when our eyes met.

"I did not!" I shot back, angry but not able to shout.

"Very sorry." And he turned back around like nothing ever happened. I just stood there. The world was spinning around me when I suddenly felt a pair of warm hands around my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"Come and sit with me." Anna pulled me backwards, away from the Gryffindor table. I hadn't eaten, yet I wasn't hungry anymore. I felt so empty yet every emotion was bottled up inside me. Anna filled a plate for me and shoved it under my nose. The smell only made my stomach turn. "Are you okey, Hun? I heard everything." My eyes flew to her in panic. Did she knew about my encounter with Malfoy?

"Everything?" I asked carefully.

"Can't believe he is that much of ascumbag." She eyed the Gryffindor table. "Eat." She demanded andpointed to my untouched food in front of me. I obeyed. After finishing my firstplate, I felt a lot better and took even more.

Days passed by and I still hadn't spoken to Draco or Fred. I was avoiding them as the plague and guessed they did the same with me. Fred was unfortunately in every damn place I was, always with his GiRlFrIeNd glued beside him. I tried to not giving them any attention, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel sick.

"They look so miserable." Derek said besides me, eying them. We were sitting outside, it was almost spring by now. Christmas break flew by and before I started to enjoy the silence and the calmness, classes had already started again. Anna made things official with Seamus right afterwards. I was very happy for them, but every time I saw them a strong feeling of emptiness reached into my chest. These days I was mostly spending my times with Derek.

"It's all fake, you know." We were sitting at the grass leaning against the castle walls. Fred and Tara were walking hand in hand to the exact spot I had my first date with Fred. "I heard Tara is a bit crazy and goes off on Fred about the littlest things." I brushed the grass beside me with my hand.

"Were did you hear that?" Derek asked, amused. He was a really good friend. He let me nag about them as much as I needed.

"Ron, He is still pissed at Fred. He really doesn't like that girl, I heard Molly doesn't either." I said casually. Derek looked at me with confusion. "Molly is their mum." I added.

"Oh, yeah well we will never know the details of it." He stood up. "And I think that is for the better." He laughed at me and gave me a hand to stand up. We waked towards the common room when all kind of alarms went off in every corridor and every room in the castle. The hairs on my arm got up straight.

"What is happening? This never happened before." I said anxious to my friend besides me.

"Guess we will find out in, 3..2...1..."

"DEMENTORSSSSS, DEMENTORRSSS!!!" Ernie MCmillan yelled for the whole wing, echoing in the rooms attached to it. Ernie is the head of the Hogwarts newspaper and kicks for drama. Goosebumps rose from my skin.

"Let's go." The tone is Derek's voice became urgent.

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