Chapter 22: fire and ice

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He jerked my wand away in one motion and reached for my neck. His cold fingers surrounded my throat and his icy gaze was piercing through mine. He brought me closer.

"What were you saying?" He whispered against my skin, giving me goosebumps.

"Fuck it." Without thinking twice, I overcame the little space between us and pressed my lips hard onto his. He grabbed my face with both his hands and returned my hopeless kiss with a more desperate one. Our lips were moving hungerly over each other while my hands dug themselves into his messy blonde hair. I pushed my whole body against his when he turned us around. He shoved me against the wooden wall, pressing his body against mine. How the tables have turned. His lips moved over my neck, leaving little bruises were ever he went. A strange feeling overcame me. It felt as if our souls were moving complementary, fitting perfectly into one another. A thick cloud formed itself inside my head, letting me forget how to breath or stand. Our hands were all over each other, searching and admiring the beauty of it. A soft moan escaped my lips. The sound of it brought me back to reality. This is wrong. I pushed him off me and escaped from his firm grip. His hair and eyes were wild.

"Gosh, what are u doing to me?" He said, desperately trying to catch his breath.

"Sshhht." I held my breath. "I think someone is coming." I could hear he held his breath too, listening carefully to the sounds on the other side of the door. A firm pair of footsteps and a strong gust of wind were approaching us. "We are so dead." I whispered.

"Take my hand!" Draco ordered me.

"What? No." I protested.

"Take my hand or die, woman!" His voice sounded urgent. He took my hand before I could take his. A tingling sensation crept inside me, blurring my vision. The room before me was falling apart. Everything started to spin before my eyes and my vision went black. My body felt like it was being crammed inside a tube that was too small. Before I could even process what just had happened, I was in a completely different room. I looked around and fell onto the ground, I was so dizzy. "Okay, don't freak out." He eyed me. "We are in the Malfoy manor." He looked perfectly fine, walking through the room, sealing windows and doors shut with all kinds of spells.

"What? How?"

"Apparition." I just looked at him, confused. "I took you with me." Still looking at him. "I learned at a young age." Still nothing but eyes. "That is how I always won at hide and seek." He continued, trying to fill the awkwardness between us.

"Why would you bring me here instead of our dormitories?" I stood up and screamed in his face.

"Us." He corrected. I shot a deadly expression in his direction. "I can only Aparate to here, you ungrateful witch." He shot me back. "It was this or fucking die by a dementor. I am not even supposed to do this bloody shit." He sat himself down on the edge of the bed with a loud thud. "I heard one coming." He said more calmly.

"Yeah, I heard that too." I calmed myself down. I looked around. "So, Malfoy manor as in, your house?" I asked him. The room had a weird shape with a pointy ceiling. Everything was either black or green. Hadn't expected otherwise. In front of his big king like bed, a bookshelf was crammed with what looked like ancient books. Every piece of furniture was made out of dark oak. Something that was hard to come by these days, probably family heirlooms.

"Yes. We will return the moment light hits the horizon." He threw open a dresser and tossed a pile of clothing onto the bed.

"Tomorrow? We are spending the night?" I shrieked. Anna is going to kill me.

"It is not safe to return tonight, Blackburn. Suck it up." He said intensely. I could see he wasn't happy about it either. I sighed deeply. All right then.

"Were do I sleep?" I asked politely.

"Here." Draco nodded towards the big bed. I looked around the room again, not remembering seeing a sofa. There was none.

"Okay, were will you sleep?" I asked, confused.

"Also here."

"I am not sleeping with you in that bed!"

"My parents can't know that we are here! So, yes you will!" He shouted back.

"No I won't."

"Suit yourself. Feel free to make yourself comfortable at the floor." He unbuckled his pants and threw away his shirt. "Relax, I own a pyjama." The moonlight suited his bare skin. "Little privacy please." I turned around in an instant. I looked at the room more clearly, searching for a carpet or something soft to lay on. "You can't possibly be considering sleeping on the floor?" He asked sarcastically. "Come on, after what happened between us? This won't be a big deal." I turned myself around to face him. He smiled at me, fully dressed in grey pyjama's with stripes on it. He threw a matching t-shirt my way. "Your outfit."

"You are so enjoying this." I said angry and turned around to undress myself.

"You wish." He said dryly while crawling under his sheets and positioning himself. with extreme discomfort and stiffness, I lifted the sheets on the other side of the bed and got in as far away from Malfoy as possible.

"How late is it?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence. He let out a groan.

"1:30 at night." He answered irritated. Another few silent minutes passed by.

"What hour does the sun rise?" I asked him. I was pleased to know that it would irritate him.

"You know what, you were right. This is a worse faith then death." He turned himself around, away from me. I laughed internally. "It's spring so maybe 7 in the morning or something." He answered when I was about to drift away. His words startled me, he laughed in amusement.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him.


"What does Anna know, what do you know?" I asked it anyways.

"Not now, Blackburn. It's the middle of the night." He shot back, irritated. It was cold in the room. My feet were freezing off.

"Do you have an extra blanket?" I would let the subject rest for now.

"Yeez, why are you such a pain in the ass. No I don't have an extra blanket." I could practically hear him frown from the other side of the bed.

"It is freezing in here. No wonder you have such an icy personality. Would have one too if this was the temperature I slept in." I went on, knowing it would irritate him. He kicked me in the legs. I kicked right back.

"Oh, you really are cold. Thought you were exaggerating again." He sounded amused. "This isn't my room, I never really come in here." He added after I didn't say anything back. It fell quiet again.

"Are you going to fucking warm me or what?" I said loudly. He let out a groan but felt him turn behind me.

"Fucking turn around then!" His voice was so close to my ears. I could already feel his body heat behind me. When I turned myself around, Only centimeters were left between us. I got a little closer and snuggled myself against his chest. The feeling of his body heat was comforting, I sighed in satisfaction. He awkwardly laid his arm over my waist, which became a tight grip quickly. "Speak up when I can move the hell away." He said while resting his head onto mine. I only nodded and closed my eyes. After a couple of minutes his breathing became deep and steady. We both fell asleep.

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