Chapter 16: silk tie

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I was confused at first. Inside the wrapping paper laid a carefully folded Slytherin tie. "Why would he give me a Slytherin tie?" Realisation struck me like lightning. Anna gasped loudly when she saw it. She couldn't supress a laugh but quicky hold her breath when she saw my reaction. "This serpent can't be serious!" I was furious, the ager colouring my head red. My heart was racing out of anger and I could hear my blood rushing inside my ears. I couldn't control what I did next. I stood up and without thinking went straight to this little moron. I pulled his hair backwards and forced him to turn around and look at me. "You think this is kind of a sick joke, don't you?" I said calmly but the anger was readable on my face. He looked at me with surprise, his blue eyes wide at my sudden violence. He grabbed my wrists with one hand till I loosened my grip on his hair. I pulled back, refusing to break eye contact. "What the hell is your deal with me and Fred?" I was looking down at him. My face was probably the same colour as my dress. The hall fell quiet, everybody was watching us. I caught everyone's attention when shouting Fred's name.

"Nothing, why would I even care-." He said nonchalantly.

"Stop this immediately, you have no fucking idea Malfoy. If this is Secret Santa, I really don't want it. I can't believe that I am even surprised." I paused for a moment, letting it sink in. "You are a scumbag after all and this proves every bad thing I thought of you." The words dripped out of my mouth. I straightened myself and walked out of the hall ,everybody staring after me in complete silence. After I closed the door behind me, a whisper broke down. I went straight to my bed and closed the curtains around my bedframe. I hadn't even got the chance to eat a damn thing. The prince always ruining my great time. I still had the tie in my hand. I really didn't want it. I was too angry to just throw it away, so I decided to use it well. I made a little doll out of old clothing and a long piece of robe. With a marker I wrote the letters DM on its shirt to identify it was supposed to be Malfoy. I put a spell on it to make it more realistic and voila, damage done. I went downstairs to the common room and hanged the damn doll with its neck off the ceiling with the Slytherin tie. People would hate and love me for this. I took a red bow off my dress and carefully placed it on the doll to place my signature. Now we just wait.

"Come in miss Blackburn. Turn to page 394." Isat myself down at one of the empty chairs. I wiped the dust of the desk in front of me and opened my book to the given page. I was sitting in a classroom with the blinding still shut and just a single light was lit. It was Saturday and hadn't had breakfast or lunch, I felt my stomach protest.

"Were is Malfoy? Professor." I said annoyed, but tried to sound polite.

"None of your concern." Snape shot me with a death glare. I looked down at my pages. I started reading about werewolves and things. Just a few moments later the door flew open without any form of a knock. Draco pulled his books out of his bag and threw them on the desk in front of him, as far away from me as the room let him. We got detention together with snape, the whole afternoon. Yesterday when I hanged a Malfoy doll with that ridiculous tie, Snape instead of Malfoy had walked in. When he came to confront me in my room, Malfoy had stormed in to yell at me about my 'snake' pin gift. His anger was only amplified when he saw that I had hanged himself with his own gift. So, as a logical next step, we hexed each other again. Not that serious though. I mean, not hospital serious.

"Blackburn!" I snapped back to reality and looked up. Snape was in front of me about to hit me with a book. "READING." he pronounced every letter slowly. A simple word had never sounded this much of a threat. Hours passed and I could tell the sun was already setting when Snape suddenly stood up. "Get yourselves up. Hagrid will take over my post as I need to go in an instant. Wait here patiently." He spoke his last word with flavour. He walked toward the door, shot us one warning look and took off, leaving us alone in a dark dusty classroom. I sighed and seated myself with a ploff back down, a bunch of dust rose in the air.

"All this because you can't be grateful." Malfoy started. I really wasn't in the mood to argue again.

"All this because you are obsessed over me and Fred." I gave him a warning look. "Even Anna could tell, creep." I leaned backwards and closed my eyes, not wanting to see him.

"Of course Anna would say that, she is jealous because she still has a thing for me." He said full of himself. I couldn't with this boy. Who was going to say it. I straightened myself again and took a deep breath in and out before opening my mouth, afraid of what would come out otherwise.

"You really don't get it do you? No Anna isn't obsessing over you, dork. People are just noticing that YOU are obsessing over my relationship with Fred." The moment I said it the heavy feeling came back. We never were in a relationship to even begin with. There was a silence.

"You guys were in a relationship?" Hagrid said behind us, invested in our conversation. I jumped in the air, startled by his voice.

"Not really." I admitted, more to myself than to him. I heard Malfoy scoff.

"Come on yer kids, work to do." Hagrid pushed us out of the door. We almost had to run to keep up with him. He came to halt by a well at the edge of the forbidden forest. Malfoy and I looked at each other once with a confused look on our faces. "Yer will be cleaning this up." He nodded at the well and threw his head over the border to look inside it. Malfoy was holding his breath when he took a quick look into the pit. I did the same and understood his facial expressions. There was mold that no one could imagine. Green, purple, red everything. The odour coming from it made me gag.

"What the hell died in there?" Draco commented, pinching his nose.

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