Chapter 41: Gate crashing

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Everything was going as planned. The party was lame. Boring music and no alcohol. At least I had Anna and Blaise to entertain me. I wanted this party to be over as soon as possible. "Blaise is such a pain in the ass help me." I was hiding from him behind the curtains when Harry found me.

"Isn't he your date?" He asked me jokingly.

"Unfortunately, yes." I squirted my eyes shut. Harry laughed. "Bloody hell, he is coming." I whispered towards him. I snuck behind the curtain the moment he opened it.

"I think she went to powder her nose." I heard Harry say to him. I supressed a laughter. The party was abruptly stopped by Flinch dragging in no one less than Draco Malfoy. I was pinned onto the floor.

"I found him outside the door, professor." Flinch had Draco in a tight grip on his collar, actually dragging him. He looked so bad, yet so fucking good. I just wanted to talk to him, knowing what was going on in his life. I wanted to be there for him, but he didn't let me in. Or didn't want to, I am not sure.

"I was gate crashing okay." I heard Draco scream in distress. It wrinkled his forehead.

"I will handle Mister Malfoy." Snape joined the party and released Draco from Flinch his grip. I saw Snape pushing Draco out. I looked around, happy to see that Anna was out of sight. Perfect opportunity to sneak out. I followed them, leaving enough distance. I walked bare foot, making as little noise as possible.

"I can handle this myself, I don't need your help!" I heard Draco snap at Snape. yes, something definitely is going on. I brushed away a some hair that covered my ear.

"Definitely not." Snape shot back with neutral tones.

"I am the chosen one!" I had never heard him like this. First, I wasn't even sure if it was him. His voice sounded raw and crispy. I heard aggressive footsteps and a body being pushed onto something. Draco sighed loudly. It took everything in me to not peek.

"You don't just do stuff for the dark lord, you need me." Snape his voice was deep and threatening. The more I listened, the more pieces fell into place. He was getting himself involved into dark matter.

"He chose me! Me out off all of you! I can do this!" Draco motivated himself. It made sense why he looked so unhealthy, with his fallen in cheeks and dark eyes. He wasn't eating and sleeping well. I almost screamed when I saw a shadow besides me. Harry came from behind me, hearing everything I was hearing. Our backs were pressed against the wall. Both of us afraid to make a noise. The footsteps became softer and softer, till they completely disappeared. Harry and I looked up, thinking the exact same.

Voldemort has him.

Christmas break came and I wasn't hyped to go home. I was actually considering staying at Hogwarts all alone. "This is going to sound weird, but you can always come home with me." Anna offered me a couple of times.

"It fails the whole point of not being around my parents and dead eaters." I said jokingly to her, even though I really meant it. Glad she understood.

"You know." A familiar voice said behind me. It was Fred. "You can always spend the holidays at the burrow with us." He offered. "Harry and Hermione are staying too, we have room for you if you want." He smiled. His brother joined.

"I have been hyping up Freddy to ask you that for weeks." He laid an arm around his brother and squeezed it tightly.

"I don't want to be a burden to your parents, especially with 2 guest already." I answered in a small voice. I really liked the thought of it. Spending the holidays in a real family with some friends.

"Mom has been asking for ages, really, you are welcome." They both stared at me with a face only they made. I turned myself around to look at Anna. She only smiled and nodded.

"I mean, yea. Why not. Would love too." I suppressed my excitement.

"Don't have to hide your happiness, little one." George said with his head slightly tilted. A smile formed onto my lips from ear to ear and I jumped the twins in the arms and hugged them tightly. They laughed and brushed me off. The burrow was great. It was such a cosy place to live. So warm, I never experienced something like it. I true family.

"Come in dear!" Molly screamed when she recognized me besides her children. She took me up into her arms into a tight motherly hug. "We are so happy that you came to join us this Christmas!" She smiled genuine at me before turning her head towards her sons. "Ron" She shouted. "Make her a cup of tea will you." Ron only nodded. Mister Weasley followed her right after.

"Welcome, Victoria."

"Thank you." I smiled back, my body overflowing with gratitude. As we walked inside, the first thing that I noticed was the heat inside. At home it was always freezing. The building was tall but small. Something you didn't see in the muggle world. Everything was made out of wood or glass, it looked cosy.

"Are you all right here?" Fred stood beside me, leading me towards the dining table.

"Yea, I am just a bit overwhelmed. I've ever had a loving family." I lowered my face. Everyone took place at the table and Molly filled it was freshly cooked dishes. The smell was to die for. My stomach was bouncing out of excitement. The table was noisy and loud. Everyone was talking while mouths filled with foods and drinks.

"Sorry about that." George leaned in and said in my ear, pointing at his brother besides me. "He isn't always like that." Fred was eating like a pig, everything at once. He didn't hear. I snorted

"So tell me, Victoria." Arthur cleared his throat on the end of the table. Everyone fell quiet. "What do your parents do for a living?" He took another bite of his chicken. What was I supposed to say?

"My parents are muggles, mister Weasley." I thought it was best to just lie. Before I could continue, he interrupted me.

"Oh please, call me Arthur." He smiled.

"We actually live in Belgium." I said.

"Woa Belgium, so cool." Ron blurted out. I thought this was common knowledge by now.

"How nice." Arthur replied.

"It is quite boring to be honest." I admitted in a small voice.

"Rubbish." George commented.

"They have a jewellery store. They are always working." I admitted.

"Oh, how nice. Now I understand were that beautiful necklace comes from." Arthur pointed towards my neck. In a reflex I grabbed the silver snake and putted it under my hoodie. I hope Fred wouldn't ask questions about it. The truth is, after the ball, I refused to take it off. I am not sure why. "Don't be shy about it, we know you are a Slytherin." Arthur said when he saw my reaction. I sighed.

"That makes me the only one here, right?" I tried to switch the subject.

"Yes, that is very interesting." With that, the small conversations besides me continued and we all enjoyed our food.

"Actually." Hermione started. "Harry was supposed to be in Slytherin. The sorting has was only seconds away of putting him there. But he chose Gryffindor before the hat could decide." Hermione rambled. I looked over at Harry. Who had a smile on his face.

"Not much of a Slytherin fan?" I asked, jokingly.

"I saw myself more as a Gryffindor, really." He answered, shy, looking at me and then at Hermione. 

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