Chapter 60: memories

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Snape stopped before a dusty old looking door that was clearly not his office. He opened it, making a loud noise and gestured me to go downstairs. To say the least, I was frightened. As I was walking down the stairs, with my senses at full capacity, I noticed a bunch of people standing in the room underneath the stairs. "What is this?" I asked more to myself than to snape.

"Don't ask questions just go down." Snape shot back and gave me a push in the back. It was a basement-like room, lit by a few candles but no windows. What the hell was this? The moment I stepped off the stairs, I recognized the faces. In the room were the scary woman with the venom like eyes, Bellatrix Lestrange, and misses and mister Malfoy.

"Hi Victoria." Narcisa said in a friendly tone. They were all gathered around a small circular table in the centre of the room. "Please take a seat." She gestured towards an empty chair around the table. I hesitantly sat down.

"Don't need to worry." The mother of my best friend said.

"We need your help, Victoria." Lucius started. I looked everybody in the eyes.

"Help with what?" I asked in a small voice.

"We want you to help us convince Anna to take the vow and join us." Everyone looked at me with hope in their eyes as if this was the most normal thing ever.

"No." Was the only thing I said. At that point the door at the top of the stairs flew open and a figure came running down. It was Draco.

"Am sorry am late." He said to no one. Snape approached him and came uncomfortably close.

"Do I have to repeat myself, Malfoy?" Snape said in a stern tone.

"No professor." Draco answered, jaws locked.

"I am not doing it." I broke the attention towards Draco.

"No you don't have to." Draco reassured me. He walked towards me and looked me in the eyes with compassion and worry written over his face. "I will do it, there is no need to involve her." Draco defended while looking at his family.

"You have been trying for weeks Draco and no progression." His dad sighed, disappointed.

"I will try harder." He said stubborn.

"I don't understand, you were so cold this morning?" I asked Draco

"I knew this was coming. I thought if I pushed you away, there would be no need to involve you... I am sorry it didn't work." He looked down.

"No, Victoria is going to do it. End of discussion." Mister Malfoy decided.

"I won't." I said loudly, already getting up to walk away.

"SIT down, young lady." Lucius demanded

"We are not involving her in this!" Draco stood up against his dad. The room went quiet and all our eyes towards him.

"Your feelings for this girl aren't going to be a problem for us, do they?" Lucius spoke. My heartbeat was picking up its pace by every word.

"No." Draco was clearly scared of him.

"Then make her do it." He whispered.

"No." He said while looking at the other direction.

"Obiliviate." Snape's wand pointed towards Draco's back and shouted the spell that would change everything.

"No!" I screamed and rushed towards the boy I fell so in love with. Someone held me back, right in my place.

"The only thing you will remember is, that Victoria is your future wife, she is the best friend of Anna, she is the daughter of the Blackburn's and she is incredible annoying." Snape whispered into Draco's ear. I heard everything and looked at the whole scene, petrified. A couple tears rolled down my cheek.

"So that won't be a problem anymore." Lucius said lightly.

"HOW DARE YOU?" I screamed.

"It needed to be done." He didn't care. "And now you are going to help us with Anna."

"Rot in hell." I answered and got up.

"Okay, other strategy than." Lucius said calmy and gestured towards Snape. In a whip I was petrified and couldn't say a thing.

"The only thing you will remember is that how Draco doesn't love you." He whispered in my ear, holding me by my hair. "Obliviate." I got snapped back by a painful pinch in my arm. Before me was standing Malfoy, over the moon angry that I had slapped him after I had found out that he was the one who cruciated me.

"Freak!" He spat towards me and walked away towards class. His friends gave me nasty looks and laughed. What had just happened? I got completely sucked into an alternative universe. For how long was I dreaming? But everything felt so real, it was like I was right then and there at that moment. The second that thought had passed through my head, the pieces fell in place. What had happened after I got pulled away by snape a couple of days ago?

"Holy shit, those were memories from a week ago."

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