Chapter 29: something I want to forget

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The party was thriving the moment we arrived. The decorations were colour coordinated and the music clearly chosen by only Hufflepuff students. It seemed like almost the whole school was here, excluding the professors, they were chatting outside not thinking of coming in. The music was blasting loud and everyone was already in trance because of it. "Lame." Anna said besides me and dragged me into the room. Everyone was high on the music and was dancing without shame. I saw Harry and Ron doing some moves that I didn't know were even physically possible. It amazed me how everyone could be this united. For one night there weren't houses and rivals, just students enjoying. And the fire whiskey? I saw a big crate filled with whiskey. The professors clearly didn't knew about this. Anna noticed too and smiled at me, thinking the exact same thing. Next thing, we are sitting with a group of Ravenclaws, on the floor, drinking our sorrows away.

"Pass the bottle." I reached for it again and took a huge gulp.

"Nice." The guy in front of me encouraged me. I rose the now empty bottle up in the sky.

"Let's play never have I ever." The words stumbled out of my mouth. I was pretty drunk at this point, wanting to forget the whole past year. Everyone in the group cheered. "You start." I pointed at Anna, who was also pretty buzzed.

"Never have I ever, kissed the cousin of my best friend." She rose her glass and looked straight at me.

"You did me dirty here." I took another huge gulp from the bottle that filled itself up again. Everyone at the group laughed. "Wild." The boy in front of me laughed.

"Never have I ever, hey that is my favourite song!" Before I could finish my sentence, I was distracted. I got up and went straight to the dancefloor, taking my bottle with me. Not seeing, and caring, where I was going, I danced my life away. The electricity in the room was to die for. Everyone intoxicated by vibrations the speakers were pumping into the air. At this exact moment, life was good, I felt great. Spinning my head around and throwing my hands into the air, letting the music take me completely. The song had already changed a couple of times when I looked around for my friends. "Shit." I whispered, I had completely lost them. I was too intoxicated to go find them. With a huge smile on my face, I stumbled off the dancefloor to find myself a seat at the edge. To my surprise I saw Draco sitting at his own, overlooking everything with an unpleasant face. I dragged myself towards him and seated myself in the empty chair next to his.

"Yeez, you look hammered." He commented. I laughed and closed my eyes.

"Yeah, want some?" I threw my head in my neck and gestured the bottle towards him. He declined. "Got stood up by your date?" I asked him, peeking one eye open to look at him.

"Didn't come here with a date." He spat back, irritated as usual.

"Well, you should really try enjoy yourself. It seems like you don't enjoy a lot of things." I closed my eyes again.

"If this is your definition of fun."

"Then what is yours, mister Malfoy? Dancing at a fancy ball in fancy ass clothes that itch by every movement you make?" I straightened myself and looked at him. He looked back. I took another sip of the fire whiskey.

"I think you had enough of this." He reached for the bottle, but snapped it away with a huge grin.

"Don't be a fun spoiler." Another sip. "I had a rough couple of months, let me have this." My tone serious. I was scanning the dancefloor when I saw Fred staring at me in a distance, his friends besides him. "Need another one." Again, I drank from the bottle, the fluid burning in my throat.

"Will take one too." Draco grabbed the bottle and took himself a big gulp. I looked at him in satisfaction and laughed.

"Now we are getting somewhere." I took the bottle out of his hands, placed it on the table behind us and dragged him towards the dancefloor.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He struggled at first, but gave in when he saw my big smile on my face. He sighed loudly and obeyed my command. The perfect song was playing and I went fully out. Draco on the other hand was as stiff as a hark. He loosened up when I kept encouraging him. Seems like the fire whiskey was kicking in.

"My grandma has more moves than you." I poked him with my finger. He furrowed his brows at my command, loosening himself a bit more. I smiled. Dancing right in front of him, I could feel the electricity between us dancing at the same rhythm. The first time I had felt this, was at the Halloween masked ball. I had no idea at that time what I felt or if he was feeling it too. I've learned. I knew he felt it too, I could see it in his eyes. A slight chance in the way he looked at me, the wrinkle above his eyebrow disappearing completely. I could recognize him blind, by touch alone. This was something uniquely for him. We overcame the little space that was left between us and I loosened his tie. His eyes captivating mine when I looked up. A small smile escaped our lips. You could literally drown in them if you looked for too long. So I never did, afraid what would happen if I did. When I turned around again, I saw Fred taking one last look at me before leaving the party.

"Are you all right?" He looked past me and understood. "Were is Anna?"

"I don't know." my knees failed to hold me any longer and I crashed onto the floor, my head spinning. I couldn't see clear anymore.

"Let's get you out of here." Next thing I remember, he lifted me up and carried me outside. "God damn it, were is Anna is you need her." He cursed to himself.

"I don't feel so good." I managed to say into his chest.

"I wonder how you are still alive." He shot me back, amusement hearable in his tone. I felt us walking down some stairs.

"What are you doing with her?"

"Back off Weasley, she isn't feeling well." We pushed against something.

"What have you done with her?" The loud noise made me cringe. I buried my head further away in Draco's chest. His grip on me tightened at my reaction. I felt so safe here, with him.

"Nothing! She has been drinking git, because of you!" I felt his muscles tense up around me.

"Stop talking shit." I felt Fred trying to rip me off of Draco.

"Leave me alone Fred, go away, I don't want to see you ever again." I cried out, clinging onto Draco and hiding my face. I couldn't help but notice how good Draco smelled. Fred stopped right away. after a long silent, he walked away. I urged myself onto the ground to walk the lasting distance.

"Don't be stupid." Without a warning he lifted me up again and carried me towards my dorm. With a loud uncomfortable landing, he crashed me onto my bed. I sighed loudly.

"You are such a grandma, you know that?" I huffed, but quickly stopped as I felt the nausea come up. Draco pulled my shoes off and tucked me in under my thick blanket. He was about to leave, when I grabbed his wrist.

"Please stay." I whispered toward him. My eyes were closed, yet I knew he was only inches away from me, I could feel it.

"You are not in your right state of mind, Victoria." He freed himself from my grip. I sat up at once. He turned around by that. "Lay down, please." He begged me.

"But I want to feel good right now." I pouted.

"And you would feel good if I stayed here?" He asked in a suspicious tone, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, I've missed you." I would definitely regret this in the morning.

"Anna would kill me if she saw me here." His hands were resting in the pockets of his pants. He wasn't going to stay.

"Do you see her anywhere?" I looked around, in a funny way. "No I don't see her either." I smiled at him and reached for his hand. He took it but didn't come closer.

"Goodnight." He let go of my hand, turned the light of and closed the door behind him. Disappointment. I drifted away in the dark room within seconds. That was the first time I've dreamed about him. 

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