Chapter 11: Diamond chandelier

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I came out of the Gryffindor common room out of breath. Within a couple of minutes the place would be flooded with students. I hurried to the Slytherin common room, wanting to be there before everyone else. Before my last turn I came across a couple of Slytherin students, Anna and Derek included. In an attempt to act casual, I slowed my pace and looked nonchalantly around. Their eyebrows shot up the moment they saw me. "Oh hey." I said casually. They looked at me then at each other bursting out in laughter.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Derek said, supressing a smile.

"What?" I sighted. I couldn't hide how out of breath I was.

"In the Gryffindor common room?" Pansy almost shot me with her angry eyes.

"Oh, yes." I looked away, trying to control my damn breath.

"It was a whole adventure I see." Anna pointed to me. "Was Fred there?" She eyed me.

"No, why?" I said too quickly in an anxious tone. I was standing too still and too straight too. They nodded at me, trying their best not to lose it. I looked down. My skirt was backwards and had missed a button on my shirt. To top everything I had a Gryffindor tie on instead of my Slytherin one, I must have taken it in a hurry without thinking. I closed my eyes in shame and went with my hands through my hair. My before sleek ponytail was now loose with wild pieces flying around. This made the whole situation even more embarrassing. The group was rolling over the floor with laughter. My cheeks were burning red.

"If Fred hadn't deflowered you yet he sure did now." Someone shouted, desperate for air, making the group laugh even harder. I took off the Gryffindor tie and hid it in the pockets of my robes. Almost anxious, I checked my robes, to see if I was at least wearing them right. Even when I was second hand embarrassed and as red as a tomato, I couldn't help but laugh with them. I gave them a face and walked towards the portrait in black and white. Once in the common room I sprinted towards my bed and closed the curtains. Not long after, Anna came in too.

"Tell me all about it." She opened my curtains and sat with me on my bed.

"It was Fred, not George in class, he pranked me." I laughed.

"Did you...?" She asked very carefully. Her eyes were screaming for the tea.

"Hell no. It got hot and heavy but not that hot and heavy." I played with my bracelet.

"So you guys kissed?" She asked, burning to know more. Her eyes were never leaving my face.

"Yes." I admitted. I felt my cheeks burning again.

"Was it your first?"

"With him, yes."

"Damn girl Fred Weasley huh? I am a true Cupido." She gave me a push with her elbow. "So how was he?" She continued. The door opened and a pair of other students came in. I laughed in relieve, I was saved by them. For the next day I was head over heels about what had happened in the Gryffindor room. I was so nervous to see him again at diner. I smiled at the thought. This is going to be so awkward.

"What are you smiling about?" Derek asked me. He was sitting next to me at the Slytherin table. Anna sat with her boyfriend at the Gryffindor table. I was looking at them.

"Shouldn't you sit there too?" He nodded at the table in front of me and gave me a wink. I sighted.

"No. He is not my boyfriend." I quicky added. I cringing at my own words.

"Not sure if that Seamus boy is Anna's boyfriend though." He looked at them and frowned his brows.

"What was that?" I looked at him, my eyebrows lifted and a smile on my lips.

"What was what?" He looked back at me, embarrassed.

"That look on your face." I said with a smile.

"Nothing." He said a little too quickly.

"You like Anna?" I shouted. "No way." I said in disbelieve. I laughed at the realisation.

"Shut it Blackburn!" He looked the opposite direction, Away from me.

"I think you should tell her." I took a bite of my bread. I was so hungry after my heavy make out session earlier this morning.

"And I think you should shut up." His eyes hard on me. All humour had drained from his face.

"Come on, don't be like th-" I began in a teasing tone, when Fred came in. My body cramped and my mouth flew shut. He looked directly at me and gave me a wide smile when he saw I was already looking. Then he waved at me. I waved very awkwardly back.

"I think you should go sit with him." Derek said in the same teasing tone as me before.

"Shut it, he can hear you!" I shot back, full of hypocrisy. He was now standing at the Gryffindor table with his back to us. It looked like he was saying his hello's to everyone. He didn't sit down. Suddenly he looked over his shoulder, to me. His eyes were sparkling and he gave me a memorizing smile followed with a wink. I laughed back then lowered my head focussing on the foods before me, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing from ear to ear.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked me with his eyebrow raised. He had turned himself completely towards me.

"I don't want to give him the wrong impression." I answered him, focussing on my plate.


"I don't want to rush things." I added quickly. The truth was that I liked spending time with Fred. He made me laugh and we always had fun together. But I couldn't forget how Malfoy had made me feel at the dance, a feeling Fred didn't give me. It had worried me since.

"Why? I think he really likes you." He looked just like me at Fred.

"I am not sure." I said more to myself than to him. I decided I had enough of this and stood up.

"Were are you going?"

"For air." And I walked out of the great hall.

I was laying in the grass with my eyes closed. I was listening to birds in the trees and the wind blowing in my ears. It was cold, but I didn't care. I needed a reality check after all. I was at a lake, on a boat. Everyone was speeding past me without any effort. I peddled the life out of me, trying to keep up with the others when I realized someone was in the boat with me. Draco Malfoy was staring at me with a huge grimace on his face. He came closer, right behind me and took my hands in his. His grip felt warm and comforting. Suddenly there was a loud noise right beside me. I woke up, startled by the noise, still laying in the grass. I had fallen asleep and had a dream about Draco fucking Malfoy. My head was hurting and my mood went down by 100%. I looked behind me, just some students practicing a spell that went wrong. I went back to the common room, straight to my bed. To my surprise there was a letter laying on my bed. It was a black envelope sealed with a silver stamp. I turned it around, nothing was written on it, not even my name. I ripped the envelope apart and took the letter out. It was some kind of invitation from a secret admirer. The letter was written in green ink with a neat handwriting. It said that that I should meet him or her in the chapel this evening after diner at 20 o clock. The letter was signed off by MD. That was it, no more information, no clue about from who it could be. I looked at the clock. I had already missed diner. "Damn it." I said out loud. I was also late for my secret "date". I took my stuff and went off to the chapel. I was now standing in front of the old building that was supposed to be a chapel. I had to ask some directions on my way here. "I just hope I won't get murdered." I whispered to myself and then opened the doors. The light inside was dimmed. It was quiet in here, maybe too quiet. I walked towards the front and looked around. There was a big diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the walls were covered in old paintings with golden Baroque ornaments. Finally I heard some noise coming from the other room. I walked towards it. "Hello, Anyone here?" I scanned the room. Every minute that passed was becoming more and more suspicious. I came to halt by a corner that was decorated with blue stones. Behind the corner was an old dusty couch. What I saw next, was no one prepared for.

"What the hell?" I yelled.

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