Chapter 45: Hospital talk

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I was at his side the whole night. The Hospital was empty and cold, besides for us. Wrapped in thick blankets, he was sleeping ,still unconscious, in a warm comfortable bed. Me on the other hand, sat curled up in a ball in the chair beside it, also wrapped in multiple covers. I tried to sleep for a couple of hours, but I didn't seem to find my peace. "Victoria?" I heard a small low voice break the silence. I shot wide awake at one. Seems like I had some sleep after all. "You stayed?" His voice grew even softer.

"How do you feel?" I stretched myself and sat up straight. Even though the air around me felt cold, my body was glowing.

"you didn't stay all night, did you?" His eyes searched for mine and grew when ours locked together.

"I have, actually." I admitted with a small smile on my lips. I looked around. Through the windows were soft light rays dancing inside, revealing a lot of dust particles flowing in the air.

"That can't be comfortable." He looked worried, scanning my whole body.

"I can't complain. I am not the one who was almost murdered." I swallowed thickly. "How do you feel?" I asked him again. He laughed softly before lifting one side of his blanket and shoving a couple of inches to the side. He patted the empty space next to him with his free hand.

"Join me, please." He gave me my favourite smile. I looked around to make sure we were alone, but quickly realized that I didn't care if anyone saw us or not. I climbed besides him under his warm comfortable blanket. I turned myself on my right side, facing him. He looked me deep in the eyes before continuing. "Now am good." It was only a whisper. My brain needed a minute to process his words.

"How are you feeling?" I caught myself trying to shove closer towards him. "Your wounds, etc." I looked down at our hands, strangled into each other.

"They seem healed." He whispered close to my skin, it gave me goosebumps. "I am sorry about everything." he said in a stern voice. I lifted my head at that.

"Draco Malfoy apologizing, wow. It only took a near death experience." I teased him with a huge smile on my face. His eyes lightened at my joke and he poked me in the ribs. "Don't be sorry." I said, my face serious again. "I only wish you trusted me earlier with this."

"I couldn't, Victoria." His face turned away from me. "If Potter hadn't forced me, I would have never said it." He said coldly. My heart crumbled together.

"And keep ignoring me for like... forever?" His sentence hurt.

"If that was the best thing for you, yes." He looked at me again. "But you have to know that I never wanted any of this." He said softly while turning onto his left side, also facing me.

"I don't understand."

"I was forced into it, by my family." He looked down at my hands. "No turning back." He whispered while taking one. In the contrast with other times, his hands were actually warm now.

"You said you didn't wanted to ignore me." I fell quiet for a moment. "Did you mean it?" I looked at our hands again. The feeling was so comforting.

"Yes." He sighed shortly.

"But... you didn't ignore me on the ball though." I fell my cheeks glowing red. He saw.

"I promised myself one normal night. One night were I wasn't a Death Eater, just a boy with a massive crush on the daughter of a family friend." He brushed my red cheek with the back of his hand. I couldn't supress a smile. "And that is exactly what I would do if my life was normal, dancing with you at a ball and whispering a million times how good you look." The smile on my face grew massive, revealing every feeling I had for this boy. So he had a crush on me? He laughed at my reaction. "Going back to ignoring you was.." He thought about it for a moment. "unbearable."

"I thought our families wanted to see us together?" I asked him softly, supressing the overwhelming happy feeling that flooded me inside.

"They do, but I would have involved you into all of this eventually. And I really don't want too."

"Why not?"

"Because." His voice became more serious. " This is pure shit, pure evil. One wrong move and your dead, literally." There was a small silence hanging over us, both thinking this through. "I had to do horrible stuff." His voice was almost not understandable.

"Like what?" I was looking him deep in his eyes.

"It was that or being killed myself." He shoved the question away from him. I respected that he really doesn't want to talk about this. I swallowed thickly at his words. Killing or being killed.

"Am so sorry this happened to you." I shoved a little closer, laying almost against his chest. He pulled me closer, our bodies now touching. His arms were wrapped around me like the blanked on top of us. "I have been worrying about you for weeks now." I admitted, burying my face into his chest.

"I tried avoiding you by skipping classes and coming to meals late." He thought about that. "I could see that it didn't work though." He laughed softly.

"That made me only worry more, stupid." He poked me in the ribs again. I brought a little space between us again, so I could see his face again. "Did Anna know?" I was afraid of his answer.

"No. It is not something to be proud of." He admitted. It was quiet for a bit, just enjoying each other's company.

"So you have a crush on me?" I teased him. He laughed loudly.

"Can't believe I actually said that." He laughed loudly.

"So, is it true?"

"Maybe." The smile on his face grew wider while saying this.

"When did this happen? Malfoy actually caring." I said while looking down. He snorted at that. "There is something else you said... In the bathroom yesterday." I was afraid the following words were going to hurt me.

"I meant it." We both tensed. "Do you...?"

"Yea..." I admitted, face down.

"Really?" His voice sounded lighter than before.

"Mmhh... Don't understand it either." I laughed back, trying to cover up the embarrassment in my voice.

"Look at me." He demanded me.


"Look." He forced me to look at him. He examined my face closely.

"I don't understand it either." He said in a teasing tone back, frowning his brows. I pretended to be offended at his words, I was flattered.

"I am glad you are okay. Even when you are a jerk." I laughed.

"Aww, I know you love me." He said back in a teasing tone. The room had already became more light.

"Do you, mmhh?"

"Uhu." He looked down at me, coming closer, a small smile playing on his face.

"Can you stand?" I pushed him away from me.

"To do what?" A huge grin formed onto his mouth. I bit on my lips to supress one myself.

"Go to class." I answered dryly.

"No." He answered too quickly with an angry face, but smiled right afterwards.

"Ahh, good you are awake." Miss Pomfrey stepped into the room. Draco loosened his grip around me in an instant and I flew out of bed right back into my chair before she could approach us.

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