Chapter 20: dusty cupboard

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"Is there a problem here?"

A slow non interested voice said. Draco and I were still facing at one another in confusion, or was it something else? It was clearly that neither of us wanted or understanded the energy that danced between us.

"No sir." Draco answered without looking at Snape.

"He wants his tie back." I turned myself to the professor. "You still have it, if I am right." I continued after seeing his blank face, not expecting this answer. His gaze went over to Draco.

"Don't you have enough ties mister Malfoy? A word in my office please." Snape gave me one more look before turning his cloak over and walking towards the exit. Draco followed him without another word to me. What does Snape wants to discuss with Malfoy? I wondered. I looked around to make sure no one was looking me and decided to follow. I sneaked over them, leaving enough space between us. I looked at my right, seeing a cave looking corridor, perfect for hiding. I rushed towards it, my focus entirely on the cave when someone bumped into me from behind.

"Hey watch were you're going!" I turned around angry. It was Fred. His eyes hard on me, not leaving my face. Something was in it, desperation perhaps? He wanted to tell me something, I just couldn't place what. Then looked straight at my robe. I reached for nothing in my pocket when I felt a small note sitting in it. I looked back up again at him, he had continued walking with his girlfriend. I hurried out of sight into the cave looking corridor before opening the note. His handwriting was sloppy, almost not readable.


Meet me after curfew in the broomstick closet from the Gryffindor quidditch team


A knot tightened inside my stomach, I disliked a lot about this. Why being so sneaky, why after curfew and why in a broomstick closet? I wasn't even familiar with Gryffindor quidditch rooms, but I might know someone who could help me. I stormed outside towards the garden to find Anna and Seamus. I saw then walking hand in hand just across some Claw flowers. "Anna!" I screamed from across the flower field. I came to halt right in front of them, out of breath. "Can I talk to you real quick?" Fixing my hair as I spoke.

"Yes what is it?" She eyed me from head to toe and stopped her gaze when she saw the note in my hand. I crammed it back inside my robe.

"In private please." This was stupid. She looked at Seamus with weary eyes. He understood and walked away.

"I got a note from Fred." I handed her the note. "You must find out for me were the broomstick closet is from the Gryffindors." I stumbled over my words.

"How do I need to find that?" She looked at me and back at the note.


"Ask him yourself!" She urged, irritated.

"Fred basically ran me over to shove this piece of paper inside my robe. I think no one can know." It sounded so weird and wrong saying it out loud. It was quiet for a few seconds, considering my request.

"All right then," She finally said. "But after curfew? Girl, you will be expelled and don't forget why we aren't allowed." She whispered. "Is one dementor attack not enough for you?" She added intensely.

"I have to know what this is about." I ripped a piece from the note and gave it to her. "Send it to me with the exact location once you've got it." I crammed the piece in her hands. She looked like a beaten puppy, nodding once. "Do not tell a soul." I warned her.

"I will do my best." She turned around, heading back for Seamus. I watched her hopping away while think of my next move. Malfoy. I walked back into the castle, slowing my pace when entering. Try to look casual, I thought. I took a detour to Snapes office and acted like I had forget something when stumbling across some students. To my expectations, the door of his office was closed. I could hear dimmed voices though the thick wood, not being able to actually hear what they were saying. I had to find another way to spy. Right now I was leaning my head against the door of a professor, spying in the open, ready to be caught by a student, or even worse another teacher. I reached for the map under my hood. Since the twins had left, I always carried it on me. Carefully, I unfolded the ancient parchment.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." I pressed the tip of my wand against the paper. The map showed itself to me. I saw Snape and Malfoy standing in this exact room, not moving. They were probably sitting. My eye was caught by a little room on the other side of the office, immediately against a raster. I couldn't believe my luck. I would be able to hear every world to the very tone of it. The door was disguised as a wall carpet, hidden behind a couple of witch-brew plants. I pushed the handle as quiet as I could, afraid it would make a loud squeaking noise. The door was locked. "Saints." I cursed. I looked around me once more to make sure I wasn't having company. This wing was cramped with professor offices, students avoided these corridors as the plague. "Alohomora." I whispered and the door cracked open. In a flash I placed my hand on the squeaking hinge to stop the noise. I opened the door with precisely and locked it again behind me. The room was small, dark, dusty and creepy. Nothing really was in here, just old books and a bike wheel. In the dim light coming out of the raster, I saw a light switch. I couldn't risk it.

"But I can't fucking help it, I feel responsible." Draco said in a high pitched voice. It grabbed my attention, my hearing razor sharp.

"Language mister Malfoy." Snape said, as uninterested as always. "The actions of your family does not define you." He added without a grin of emotion.

"People are getting attacked, She has been attacked." I heard anger, anxiety, maybe even panic.

"That was before your involvement, now put those ridiculous thoughts out of your head." Snape shot back. Were they referring to dementors? It was silent. I heard footsteps fading in the distance and a door being opened. I was listening more closely. Confusion struck me. Was Malfoy talking about the involvement of his family in this dementor drama? Well, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Didn't mommy ever tell you it is rude to eavesdrop, Blackburn?" The door of my hiding spot flew open and a pair of angry blue eyes landed on me. "What the hell, Victoria?" he was furious.

"It is not what it looks like." I flew to my feet, trying to defend myself.

"I don't believe you!" Draco yelled.

"Keep your voice down, we do not want for Snape to interfere again." I whispered to him as loud as I could.

"Explain yourself then." He almost barked.

"Was supposed to meet someone here but guess I am in the wrong cupboard."

"Is that all you can make up?"

"See for yourself." I showed the note form a distance, close enough to read and far enough to not read it well enough.

"This isn't even close to the Gryffindor-." He began, but I interrupted him.

"Shut it, someone is coming!" I grabbed Malfoy at his arm and jerked him inside the cupboard with me.

"What the hell are you thinking?" He whispered loud.

"Can you shut your damn mouth for just a sec?" We stood there, crammed inside this room that was too small for the both of us. His chest was basically pressed against mine, our heads in different directions.

"I think he is walking away." Malfoy said after a long and uncomfortable silence.

"It is a she, you dork. Can't you hear that those shoes have definitely heels?" The footsteps abruptly stopped. "Shit." Before I could say anything more, Malfoy smothered me with his hand and gave me a warning look. His grip was tight and cold around my burning cheeks. He lowered his hand a long second later. When the footsteps finally moved again. I sighed deeply out of relieve. I supressed a smile.

"You are crazy." Draco opened the door and brought space between us. Space I didn't want. "I can only imagine what had happened if that person opened this stupid door." He combed through his hair with his fingers. We looked at each other and broke down in a grin. The corridor filled itself with the sound of our laughter. 

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