Chapter 4: Black suit

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Derek was given the order to show me to the Slytherin common room. He seemed excited to show me.

"The common room is in de dungeons." he said while he stood up from the dinner table.

"Dungeons? Sounds lovely." my tone was sarcastic. I was imagining how cold it must be in there and shivered at the thought. We were going down a pair of stairs in complete silence. I let my eyes slide over all the architecture and did not miss a single detail. It sure was not wat I imagined. Derek took a halt, I almost bumped right into him. He was standing in front of a very long, and very old, painting with a lot of blacks and whites. I was confused, he looked at me with a hopeful smile. His red curls bounced at the excitement.

"This is the door to the common room. You need a password before you can enter. The other common rooms have one too. It is absolutely forbidden to share the password with another house, Do you understand?" He said to me very strictly, his gaze straight into mine.

"Yes, I understand." I took the form of a military.

"The password is Pureblood." He rolled with his eyes while saying so. "The eyeroll is not included." He said, when he saw I was about to copy him exactly. "Go, give it a try." I stood in front of the painting with both legs slightly parted. "Pureblood." I said it with the slightest hesitation. The door did not open. I heard someone snort loud behind me. Actually there were multiple noises coming from behind me. All very mockingly.

"Only purebloods can open the door, you filthy mudblood." Ah, the boy who was giving me glances and dead stares just minutes ago. His friends laughed at his comment. Was that supposed to be funny?

"It not true, she is new here give her some time to breathe before you go and harass her." Derek said in very defensive tone. They stopped laughing. Malfoy stepped forward till he was just inches away from Derek. Looking down, he was giving him lightning strokes just by looking.

"Don't kiss guys." I said to Derek, not daring to look at the Malfoy boy. My friend broke down in laughter and I saw even his friends were having a hard time keeping their faces straight. Draco on the other hand had turned as red as a tomato. He stormed off very dramatically and his friend followed him like a herd off sheep.

"And you all are scared of that?" I said scoffingly. "Pureblood." The portrait moved, making a clear path through the wall to a Very green room.

"What did it mean, the word Malfoy said?" I looked at the ground. I knew it was an insult.

"Mudblood is a very nasty word for dirty blood. Blood that is not pure magical as in no magical parents. Pureblood is the opposite." he said, all humour was gone.

"Yeah, knew it would be something like that." I admitted it. I looked around and was amazed by how much green you could put together without getting a headache. In de centre was very long black leather couch with a steel fireplace burning yellow flames. The staircase to the dormitories was made out of cold grey stone. It split in 2 were the girls rooms were met with the stairs.

"Can't give you a tour there." Derek said. "Will see you around." and he left without waiting for my response. I pushed the very heavy wooden door open and to my surprise no one was there. I found my stuff and my bed very quickly and got installed. My bed was next to the one with a very big teddy bear in it. "We will be great friends." I said jokingly to myself. Before I could blink my eyes, my classes had already begun. My first week at Hogwarts flew by like a snowstorm. The girl next to me in the dormitories turned out to be a great match with me. We became good friends in the first week and walked to our classes together. Her name is Anna Greengrass. She is a pureblood child of a very wealthy and respected family in the wizarding world. Unlike her parents, she is very nice and refuse to believe that purebloods are better than half-or-mudblood. A true gift here in Slytherin. I was walking to my first class of the day. My hair was still a mess after the girls night and also girls fight we had in the dorms yesterday evening. The dark bags under my green eyes revealed that we hadn't had much of sleep last night. On my way to charm class, I saw Anna walking like a zombie the complete opposite way.

"Anna, were are you going?"

"Get it down, Blackburn." She didn't even looked behind her. "No need to shout!" She said rather pissed. I turned her around and saw her eyes were bloodshot red.

"Have you been crying?" I asked totally stunned. Her Black short hair was patched and soaking wet in some places.

"No." It was not believable.

"What happe-." Before I could finfish my sentence, her tears broke out again and she jumped right into my arms.

"I know he is a jerk, but I can't help but feel hurt anyways." she was almost not understandable under her sobbing's. "Malfoy." was the only thing I could understand further. I knew enough, that git! I stormed off, blind by rage, to charms class. Knocking very politely on the door, asking for Malfoy to come outside.

"Sorry sir for disturbing, Dumbledore asked me to fetch Draco Malfoy. Can he come outside?" The professor gave Draco permission to come with me. I heard Milfboy grab his stuff and walking towards me. I closed the door behind him. Every set of eyes were on us. As soon as the door was shut, I hexed the hell out of him. "Petrificus totalus." I whispered, before he could block my spell. Draco froze on the spot with a very frighting face. I knew he could hear me. "Who we have here, the Slytherin prince. Quite pathetic don't you think?" I was boiling uncontrollably inside with rage. I said every word very carefully with passion and expression. "If you dare to even look at Anna again, you will wish I had just petrified you." I leaned in. My lips were almost touching his ear. I could see the goosebumps forming on his skin. "Do you understand prince?" I smiled, teeth shining in the dense light coming from the windows covered in red paint.

"What is the meaning of this?" I straightened by back and turned around. Behind me was professor Snape with a very confused look on his face. "Did you just hex a student, miss Blackburn?"

"I had my reasons but yes, sir." I said with confidence, not regretting a damn thing.

"Aweek of detention." He said it with no emotions nor concern for Malfoy andjust left. I was still looking at the professor walking away like a Disneyprincess when I got hit with something blunt on my head, so hard it made mefall on my knees. My vision went black. I opened my eyes for a brief moment,not realising I had fallen on my back, and saw someone standing over me. I wasa tall figure with light hair and a black suit. "Malfoy?" And Iblacked out completely.

 "Malfoy?" And Iblacked out completely

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