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'Merry Christmas sleepyhead' Mike said as he nudged Will, who was cuddling into him. The brunette boy slowly opened his hazel eyes 'Merry Christmas'. Mike ran his fingers through Wills hair 'You know what today is the first anniversary of'. The smaller boy pretended to think for a moment 'I know, Christmas 1986. Nothing much happened though' he said with a sarcastic smile. Mike rolled his eyes 'It's good to know that my boyfriend of a year remembers our anniversary'. Will smiled wider 'Oh yeah that was it. Not the best Christmas I've ever had'. The raven haired boy gasped 'You bitch. For that I might have to kiss you'. The brunette boy giggled 'No don't you're breath stinks!'. Mike ignored him and kissed him anyway. Then Holly tried to open the door, the boys and Mike put his hand on Wills shoulder 'It's locked'. Holly shouted 'Merry Christmas!'. The boys laughed 'Merry Christmas!'. Then Will stood up 'Let's go downstairs'. The raven haired boy wined 'Noooo!'. Will laughed 'Come on'. Mike put on a sad face 'I have to put a straight face on'. The brunette boy laughed 'Yeah, quite literally'. The other boy stood up, grabbed Wills waist and kissed him. Will pulled away 'Straight face'. Mike laughed 'trust me I'm as straight as a circle'. The smaller boy kissed his cheek 'I can see'.

The rest of the morning was pretty boring, apart from Mike and Will going off to do some gæ shit. Then Max and El arrived, looking closer than they usually do. But no one but Will thought anything of it. Not even Joyce, who had picked up on Mike and Wills relationship back in March, but hadn't told anyone. Not even Jonathan. Because of Jonathan knew then Nancy knew, then Holly would know, then Karen then, the worst of all, Ted. A pure homophobic bastard. But Will was lucky, his Dad was gone and Hopper was actually really open minded. He was the only other person who knew. And he carried on looking at the boys and winking every time they walked into a room that he was already in. Then the two just gave up and went down to the basement. They were sat on the sofa just talking, then Will remembered Max and El. So he changed the subject 'Have you noticed Max and El getting closer?'. Mike gave Will a weird look 'Ok random and no. Why do you think theres something going on?'. Will looked at the boy sarcastically 'No I asked for absolutely no reason'. The raven haired boy returned the look 'Haha very funny. But seriously, I've never thought of that before'. The smaller boy thought for a moment 'should we ask them?'. Mike gave him a look 'No. it's their business. How would you feel if they asked us that?'. Will nodded 'Point'. Then Mike continued 'Also they're 16, they can date in secret if they want'. Then the brunette boy changed the subject 'In two years we could be going to the same college'. Mike smiled 'Yeah of course we're going to the same college'. Then he kissed the smaller boy 'I love you'. Will seemed almost shocked by the statement, it was the first time Mike had said it to him, not that he'd said it either. The boy smiled 'I wanted to say that first' then kissed Mike, when he pulled away he said 'I love you too'. Mike laughed and kissed him again.

When the boys walked into the dining room after being told dinner was ready, Hopper winked at them. During dinner, Which Mike and Will were holding hands under the table for most of, Mike caught eyes with El, who was holding Max's hand under the table. The boy gave her a look as if to say 'Are you and Max y'know?'. El gave him a nod then shot him a look to say 'Are you and Will y'know?'. He nodded. The two sat for a moment, surrounded by the silent room, then they both started laughing. Causing Will to whisper into Mikes ear 'What's so funny?'. Mike whispered back 'I'll tell you later'. The smaller boy nodded and Mike and El carried on laughing. Karen stopped eating 'What's so funny?'. Mike answered 'Nothing Mom. The food is really good'. Then El added 'Yeah super good, thanks Mrs Wheeler'. The girl then turned to Max still laughing, causing her to start laughing too. Then Will started laughing, then Jonathan, then Nancy and soon the whole room was laughing. They even managed to wake up Ted, who then started laughing. But no one questioned why they were laughing.

After dinner, the 4 gays went down to the basement. 'So We're both gay?' El asked. Mike nodded 'Yeah, unless Max has a secret she would like to share'. Max gave him a sarcastic look 'Trust me she knows I'm not hiding anything'. Will made a gagging noise 'Too much information'. Mike put his hand on Wills shoulder 'It's ok'. Then Max and El kissed. Will buried his head into Mikes chest 'Please make them stop'. Mike kissed the boys head 'If them kissing means I you hugging me then they can do it all they want'. Will looked up and gave him evil eyes, then turned to the girls 'Can you two please get a room'. Max stood up and grabbed El's hand 'Happily'. Then the two left the room and presumably went to Max's house. Will gaged again 'I thought El was innocent'. Mike patted the boys head 'Me too bro'. Then the smaller boy looked at him in horror 'Bro? Seriously. Bro. Out of everyone you could call bro right now you choose me. The boy who loves you'. Mike smiled 'No but there's nothing else I can call you I hate pet names'. The smaller boy nodded 'Me too bro'. The taller boy continued 'Like what am I supposed to call you, baby? That's horrible. And I can't call you honey then I'll sound old'. Will looked at Mike 'Please don't call me baby or honey'. The taller boy ruffled the brunette boys hair and said 'Okay baby' as he stood up. Then Will said 'Ew' and threw a pillow at Mikes head. Then Mike looked at the smaller boy and said 'That was adorable'. Will then stood up and gave Mike a kiss. Mike smiled 'Still adorable'. The smaller boy frowned and Mike ruffled the boys head 'Sorry bub'. Will kissed him again 'Love you'. Mike smiled 'Love you too'.

-authors note-
This is kinda a filler chapter and the next one will be too. Also this was originally planned to be posted on Christmas Day but it'll probably be posted on the 27th instead.

20th December 2020
1132 words

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