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Mike and Will arrived at the Wheelers house at about 12. They stood outside for a moment. Will turned to Mike and said 'This feels weird'. Mike looked at Will 'Yeah'. Will looked shocked 'We live together', Mike nodded 'Yeah and we've been together for 3 years'. The smaller boy smiled 'Yeah and we're 18'. The taller boy smiled 'Yeah' then he thought for a moment 'And our siblings are married'. Will nodded 'Yep and they don't know that we're together'. Mike smiled 'But Hopper, Joyce, El and Max know'. Will smiled back at him 'That's about everything, should we go in?'. The taller boy rang the bell 'Okay'. So they waited until Holly opened the door. 'Merry Christmas Will!' She said as she ran up to the boy and gave him a big hug. 'Merry Christmas Holly' he replied. Mike just stood by watching them and said 'Hey Holly'. The girl gave him a dirty look and said 'Hi?'. Will looked at Mike and laughed, then Karen and Joyce came to the door and each hugged their son. When Karen let go of Mike she said 'Come in, it's cold!' So they all came in and Karen continued talking (well more bombarding them with a million questions) 'What's it like going to school together again? Did you miss it? I hear you two share an apartment does anyone else live there? Oo. Are your rooms close?'. Joyce turned round and winked at the boys, knowing full well they share a room, and a bed, and a sock draw. But Karen continued 'If you do share a room, are your beds close? Is it like the foot of your beds are together so you can play footsies in the middle of the night?'. Mike burst out laughing 'Mom stop! I'll tell you everything in a minute'. Karen smiled 'Sorry. But I wouldn't be surprised if you did do the footsies thing because once when you were little, I came into your room to check on you two and you were cuddling and kinda playing footsies while right next to each other and it was so cute!'. The boys laughed and Mike put his hand on Karen's shoulder 'Mom!'. She smiled again 'Ok, I'm just excited'. Will looked at her 'I can tell'.

After Karen was done asking all the questions, Mike was stood in the kitchen alone, until Joyce walked in. She smiled at him and said 'You ok?'. The boy smiled 'Yeah', the woman placed her hand on his shoulder 'Mike, I've known you long enough to know when you're upset'. Mike looked at the floor 'I just don't like all the questions, I'm scared I might accidentally say something about me and Will'. Joyce nodded 'Want some wine'. Mike looked up at her 'What?'. She rolled her eyes 'Come on kid, you're 18 now. Have some wine, it'll take your mind off it'. He smiled 'Ok' then Joyce poured him a glass of wine that he downed, basically in one go. Joyce smiled 'Wow you're your mothers son'. Mike laughed, then he felt the need to say something 'You know I'm not ashamed to be with him, right?'. Joyce put her hand on his shoulder again 'Yeah, I get it. It's scary. But just a word of warning, you shouldn't be scared to tell your Mom. If anything you should be scared to tell you're Dad'. The boy smiled 'How do you know my Mom would be ok with it?'. Joyce smiled 'Trust me I know'. The boys smile widened 'Can I have more wine?'. Joyce smiled at him 'Sure, take the whole bottle, you need it more than I do. Also we do have like 20 more in the fridge'. Mike took the bottle off Joyce 'Thanks!' And walked back to Will. He held up the bottle 'Look what I got!'. Will gave him a stern look 'Give me the car keys'. The taller boy looked confused 'Why?'. The brunette rolled his eyes 'Because if you're drinking then I'm driving and if you don't give the keys to me now then you won't give them to me later and I don't want to have to deal with drunk argumentative Mike'. Mike said 'Fine!' and gave Will the keys.

As the day went on, Mike got more and more drunk, which was funny, until it wasn't. At dinner, it was normal, but with Mike telling a few inappropriate jokes, which were only making Will, Holly and Hopper laugh, but he was glad he had an audience. Then Nancy stood up and said 'I need a drink, anyone else?'. Karen said 'We have wine here, just have a glass of wine'. Nancy smiled 'I'm fine thanks, I'll just have some water or juice or something'. Joyce took Nancys glass 'Come on just have some wine with the big girls'. Nancy took her glass back 'No I'm fine. Really'. Joyce laughed 'What are you pregnant or something?'. Nancy sat back down 'I am actually'. Joyce frowned 'Well now I feel like a dick'. Karen ran over to Nancy 'Omg, honey! How far along are you?'. Nancy smiled 'About 7 weeks'. Karen started crying. Joyce smiled again 'When did you find out?'. Jonathan answered 'Last week'. Joyce went over to them and gave them both a big hug 'Congratulations' she then looked at Jonathan 'My baby's having a baby'. Karen managed to say through her sobs 'My baby is also having a baby'. Then Mike stood up clinking his glass 'I would like to propose a toast' Will tried to stop him but Nancy said 'Let him say what he needs to say, I'm sure we'll all be very interested'. Mike pulled his tongue out at Will before continuing. 'I would like to congratulate Jonathan and Nancy on the foetus Nancy is currently growing into my niece or nephew'. Will quickly said 'Yeah that's nice, you finished?'. Mike looked him dead in the eyes 'No. And I think you'll really like this part!' then he kissed Will on the forehead, causing everyone to finally have all their focus on him. Will put his head in his hands and Mike continued speaking. 'But I can't have kids or get married. Well I could have kids but they wouldn't be biological, but I still can't marry the person I would happily give the world to. Because it's wrong and not socially acceptable and a sin and gays are the work of the devil or some shit like that, I don't know I couldn't be bothered reading the signs. But I don't care if I'm the work of the devil because I'm in love and he loves me too and we live together and we share a bed and a sock draw which is basically just filled with my socks because this boy right here Mr William Byers loves big socks. And he also steals all my hoodies and sweaters and they're really big on him and I love it when he wears them to bed and I wake up with him snuggling into me with a big hoodie on and I think about how beautiful he is and how lucky I am to be his boyfriend. And not to mention the se-'. Will cut him off 'Right, it's been lovely seeing you all but I think it's time to get someone home'. Jonathan stood up 'You sure you'll be ok driving'. Will smiled 'Yeah I'll be good'. Jonathan nodded 'Bye'. But Will didn't hear him, he was too busy with Mike whispering 'You're pretty' down his ear.

When Will finally got Mike in the car, Jonathan and Nancy came out. But Will didn't see them until Jonathan shouted 'Why didn't you tell me? You used to tell me everything'. Will looked at him 'I'm sorry, Mike didn't want to tell any of his family and if we told you but you couldn't tell Nancy. We just didn't want you to have to hide anything from her'. Nancy smiled 'We already knew something would happen between you two, you could have told us'. Will smiled 'We just didn't want there to be any weird reactions'. Jonathan looked disappointed 'We wouldn't have treated either of you any different'. Will nodded 'I know'. Then he went to get into the car before Jonathan said 'How long have you two been together?'. Will smiled '3 years' and went to get into the car again, before Jonathan spoke again 'Are you happy?'. Will just nodded, so Jonathan and Nancy turned to walk away. Then Will said 'You know we're both really happy for you'. Jonathan turned around and said 'Thanks'. Nancy turned around too 'Hey at least both of you will be biological uncles to the foetus I am currently growing into your niece or nephew'. Will laughed 'Yeah'. Then Jonathan said 'Omg we can start saying there's a Byers for every Wheeler now'. Will laughed again 'Yeah, anyway I should probably get Mike home, bye'. Jonathan ran up to him and gave him a hug 'Bye'.

On the way home, Mike lifted his head up and said 'I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that'. Will grabbed his hand 'It's ok, they had to know and no one was gonna do it while sober'. Mike giggled 'Yeah'. Will took his hand off Mikes, focused on the road and said 'Maybe we could get a dog'. Mike sat up really quickly 'Yes! We can name him Bob. Actually no we don't wanna make your mom cry. Ooo, maybe Carl'. Will laughed 'You're not naming our children'. Mike blushed 'I know'.

-authors note-
This part was super long but it was also kinda the reason why I wrote this fanfic. Mikes drunken speech is based off Lorelai's drunk speech that she gives at Lanes wedding in Gilmore Girls.

24th December 2020
1645 words

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