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'Mike! It's time to get up!' Will shouted as he walked into their room. Mike groaned in reply, so Will pulled the covers off him 'Come on!'. The taller boy stayed where he was and just looked up at Will 'Fine MOM!'. The smaller boy smiled 'Thank you' then turned round to walk away before remembering 'Oh yeah, speaking of your Mom. She called to make sure we were still going for Christmas dinner. I said we wouldn't miss it and she said we can bring the dog as long as she doesn't shit on the baby'. Mike finally shot up 'Bean would never shit on Charlie, she's a very good girl'. The brunette smiled 'Of course the only thing to actually get you to get up is mentioning Bean. I've been replaced'. Mike smiled 'Yeah, you're right I've replaced you. We are now in a fight. I don't think we should go to my parents house, we don't want to cause a scene'. Will laughed 'Nice try! We're going'. Mike fell back onto the bed 'Whyy?! My dad probably hates us. And we haven't seen most of them for a whole year. And it's our 4th anniversary, we should stay here and celebrate'. The smaller boy walked over to him 'We only haven't seen your Dad in a year and we need to meet our nephew'. The taller boy rolled his eyes 'Ok'. Will pulled him up 'I made pancakes'.

When they were in the car, Mike said 'If Ted makes one comment about us, we're leaving'. Will nodded 'That's fair enough' then he ran his fingers through Mikes raven hair 'You know your whole speech wasn't that bad'. Mike looked hopeful for a second 'Really?'. The brunette smiled 'I mean not all of it was'. Most of the hopefulness drained from Mikes face 'What did I say?'. Will giggled 'Well you started by saying that you were happy about the foetus Nancy was growing into your niece or nephew'. Mike groaned and Will carried on 'Then you said that we can't get married or have kids because gays are the work of the devil and you love me and the fact that I steal your socks and hoodies'. Mike nodded 'It is adorable'. Then Will continued 'Then I had to stop you because you were about to mention sex'. Mike stopped functioning for a second, which isn't a very good thing to do while driving, 'I did what?' the boy asked when he finally got the function to speak back. Will laughed 'Don't worry I stopped you before you could go into any form of detail'. Mike turned to Bean, who was in the back seat 'Tell Will that Daddy says he's sorry'. Will gave Mike a dirty look 'One, tell me yourself and Two, Why do you get to be Daddy but I have to be Will?!'. Mike smiled at him 'Because she prefers me and you wouldn't let me call her Bob'. Will rolled his eyes 'Fine!' He then turned to the dog and said 'Daddy crazy'.

This is the dog:

The two stood outside the house for a second, holding each other's hand, and Mike was holding Bean

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The two stood outside the house for a second, holding each other's hand, and Mike was holding Bean. 'Does it feel bigger to you?' Will asked looking up at the house. Mike nodded 'I'm glad you noticed too'. Will turned to Mike 'Should we go in?'. Mike nodded 'Yeah, but you ring the bell' he held up Bean a bit 'I have my hands full'. Will laughed 'Ok' and rang the bell before saying 'Just stay off the alcohol'. Holly came to open the door, she saw Will and gave him a big hug saying 'Willlyyy' then she turned to Mike and said 'Michael', then she noticed Bean and gasped 'Doggy'. Mike smiled 'Her names Bean' Holly smiled at Mike before taking the dog off him and carrying her into the house saying 'I'm gonna make you a princess because Nancy won't let me make Charlie a princess and El isn't here yet'. The boys entered the house and Karen walked up to them 'Hey boys!'. The two turned to her 'Hey'. She smiled then asked 'Where's the dog?' Mike smiled back 'Holly took her, I think she said she was gonna turn her into a princess'. Karen's face dropped 'Oh god. HOLLY!' She shouted. Holly replied 'YEAH!'. Karen smiled at the boys again before shouting 'DON'T PUT ANY MAKEUP ON THE DOG!'. There was a moment of silence before they heard Holly say 'Oops'.

At dinner, everyone was talking, Mike was holding Charlie and Nancy was holding Bean. They decided to swap for practice. Everyone seemed to be ok, Max and El were even being more openly flirtatious, if that's even possible. Nancy looked at Mike and Will and asked 'When did you get her?'. Will thought for a moment 'March'. Nancy nodded 'And who named her'. Mike looked at Will 'He did, I wanted to name her Bob but he wouldn't let me'. Jonathan laughed 'Why couldn't she be called Bob?'. Will pointed at Joyce, who had started crying when the name Bob was first mentioned 'That's why'. Joyce was sobbing into Hoppers shoulder 'He didn't deserve to be eaten by those things'. Karen patted her head, not knowing what those things were. Nancy turned round and carried on talking to the boys 'Did he not suggest any other names that were actually ok?'. Will laughed 'No he's banned from naming things'. Mike smiled at Will sarcastically then looked at Nancy 'He probably won't even let me name our children'. Nancy smiled 'I'm with him on that one, if you have a son you'll probably call him Hanz or some shit like that'. Mike smiled and turned to Will who just stared him dead in the eye and said 'No. That is not going on the list'. Then Ted had had enough, he looked at Mike and said 'Stop it'. Mike turned to him 'What?'. Ted looked around the room then said 'Listen Son, Wills a nice kid but you've got to get out of this phase. Find yourself a nice girl, get married and have a few kids. Just please stop this bullshit'. Mike looked shocked 'I don't want a girl I want Will'. Ted continued 'I know you think that right now, but you're young. What about El, she's stupid, she probably hasn't got a boyfriend yet'. Hopper and Max turned to each other then to Ted and shouted 'HEY!'. But that was ignored, Mike looked at Will, held his hand, then looked back at Ted 'I'm sorry Dad but I can't do that, it's not a phase, I love him'. Ted took a sip of beer then looked at the boys 'Ok here's what's gonna happen. Either you break up with him and fix yourself then you can stay here, or you can take you're little boyfriend, leave and never come back. Because I don't want a fucking faggot in my house'. Mike nodded 'Ok, if it's what you really want' he then let go of Wills hand and turned to face him 'I'm sorry Will but this dickhead doesn't want faggots in his house, so get your stuff we're leaving' he then stood up and left. Will followed but before he left the room turned round and said 'Ted'. Ted turned to him 'What?'. Will smiled 'If I were you, I wouldn't go into the basement, or Mikes room, or the upstairs bathroom. A LOT of gay stuff has gone on in there' he then winked at him and waved 'Ok bye'.

Mike and Will had barely been gone for a minute before Max and El stood up, holding hands, and left the room. Karen asked 'Where are you going?'. Max didn't even turn around she just replied 'No faggots allowed right'. Then Nancy stood up 'We're leaving too' she then looked down and realised that she still had Bean 'And not just because I have their dog and they have my baby'. Then Joyce and Hopper stood up and just left. Before everyone else got outside, Mike was walking away from the house really fast, Will called him 'Mike! Slow down!'. But Mike carried on walking, when Will finally caught up to him he said 'Mike!'. Then the raven haired boy turned around 'Can we go home please?'. Will smiled 'Yeah, but first we need to give the baby back because you carried him out with you and we need to find Bean'. Mike looked down to see the baby 'Well shit. I'm not going back in so can you?'. Will took Charlie off Mike 'Of course, just stay here'. Then he turned to walk back to the house, but before he could get to the door, almost everyone was outside. He walked up to Nancy and gave her the baby, got Bean off Jonathan, got hugged by El and Max, and got given a big group hug from Joyce and Hopper then said goodbye to them all before he realised that Mike wasn't were Will had told him to wait. So he went to the only place he could possibly be, the park. It was he always used to go when he was upset.

When Will finally found Mike, he was exactly where he thought he would be, sitting on his favourite bench with his head in his hands. Will went up to him, sat down and said 'You ok?'. Mike lifted his head up and 'Sorry for not waiting for you, I just needed to get away from there'. Will smiled at him 'I get it' then he put his hand on Mikes shoulder 'I knew where you were anyway'. A look of sadness fell over Mikes face as he said 'I get it if you don't wanna be with me anymore, go if you want, you don't leave to stay just because you feel sorry for me'. Will ran his fingers through Mikes hair 'Hey! Me feeling sorry for you has nothing to do with me staying' he then lifted Mikes face to make him look at him 'Look Mike you said you wanted to be with me forever and for whatever crazy reason I said yes, you're it for me, I don't want anyone else, ok'. Mike nodded 'Ok' then he broke down crying and rested his head on Wills shoulder. Will ran his fingers through Mikes hair and hugged him 'It's ok'. Then Bean sat up and licked Mikes chin, causing him to laugh. Which made Will laugh too. Then after about 5 minutes Mikes head shot up 'Charlotte!'. Will looked at him confused 'What?'. Mike turned to look at Will 'For the list'. Will smiled 'I actually kinda like that one'. The taller boy smirked 'Am I allowed to help you with baby names now?'. The brunette smiled 'Maybe'. Mike smiled and kissed Will, when he pulled away he whispered 'I love you Byers'. Will smiled 'I love you too Wheeler, always'. Mike then stood up, picked the dog up, took Wills hand and said 'Let's go'. Will ruffled Mikes hair 'Let's go'.

-authors note-
So I haven't written in a while so this is later then I would have liked it to be. I'll be posting the epilogue a bit later because I'm fun like that.

29th December 2020
1890 words

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