How it all began (①)

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"It's such a nice day to go for a walk"

Said Moonstar, the rapper of MAMAMOO one fine morning, when the sun was up and the sky was blue as the ocean, when she decided to go on a quick walk before going to work as a very famous celebrity in South Korea.

Moonbyul's favorite place was a secret garden in a small area at the end of her block, she used to go there a lot but she doesn't go there often because of her busy schedule ; she was stressed out recently so she decided go there and get some fresh air.

It wasn't that far from her house so she went on foot.

Little did she know that someone was in the same situation .

As she was walking, she was humming her favorite tune, enjoying her 15 minutes of walking, byulie was in a very good mood,


She got a call from yongsun unnie.

[The conversation]

Moonbyul: hello yongsun, how's it-


Moonbyul: Wait what? It's still 7 am unnie, didn't you tell me that work starts at-


Moonbyul: But I was goin-


Moonbyul: Fine Fine just don't yell.

[Solar hung up]

Moonbyul POV :

Ugh , I hate it when unnie scolds me, especially when I don't do anything wrong, she blames me on anything, she's the one who gave me the wrong timing, what did I do??
Anyways I have to get there as fast as possible otherwise she'll scold me twice today.

Writer POV :

byulie ran back the other way in the speed of light to get her car and get to work as soon as possible, she eventually made it, got in the car and drove away to her work place

[After 20 minutes]

Moonbyul arrived at the RBW company running like crazy, she reached the practice room, opening the door.

she found hyejin lying on the floor and wheein was doing weird stuff as usual, but most importantly..

she found younsun walking in circles looking mad as a volcano.

Moonbyul came in quietly, but yongsun noticed her entering.

"FINALLY" said yongsun angrily.

Wheein and Hwasa looked at Moonbyul in fear.

they all feared their leader Solar.

"I'm so sorry , I might have got the time wrong or something" Said Moonbyul regretfully.

"Well YOU SHOULD BE, I told you guys that we have a VERY important dance routine to memorize, I've spent 6 hours memorizing it so I can teach it to you guys and you just DON'T CARE" said solar shouting at byul.

"I promise I won't be late again" Said byulie , abit surprised by solar's anger issues.

Wheein and Hwasa tried calming down yongsun because of all the yelling.

Wheein POV :

Gosh , Byul was trying her best not to fight with her .

I swear I thought they would start fighting if it weren't for byul's acting , Yongsun was so mad at her for just 20 minutes.

I bet Moonbyul did that just because we were in the company, let's hope they don't start a fight after work.

Moonbyul POV :

ALL YONGSUN CAN DO IS YELL, like she knows that I live far away from the company, she should know that it takes a long time to get there.

anyways I don't want to fight with her, because fighting with her opens up a never ending war.

I win obviously , but i don't have the energy to fight today .

No garden + fight = gosh pls no.

Writer POV:

They started the practice with no words, it wasn't normal for them not to laugh much, wheein and Hwasa tried to cheer them up but it was no use, at least they didn't fight.

[After 3 hours]

"That was soooo tiring" Said wheein while drying her sweat.

Hwasa had already raced to the car, while Moonbyul was walking with wheein, leader yongsun was at the back.

Yongsun knew Moonbyul was sadmad, so she thought to go apologize to her.

"Moonbyul-Si" Said solar while running up to moonbyul , dragging her back.

Moonbyul looked at her with cold eyes and kept on walking.

Yongsun tried to catch up

"Byul I know you're mad about earlier, I told you guys to come on the timing but I forgot to tell you that we changed our daily work time..

I'm sorry"

With that moonbyul stopped walking and looked at the ground.

"It's just that today was very important and I wanted all of us to come early, I shouldn't blame you on this, I just realized after we finished that I forgot"

"I'm sorry too yongsun"

"For what?" Said yongsun confused.

"For making you angry"

"I know you try you're best not to scold us, I guess it was something very important to you" Said byulie feeling a bit guilty.

They hugged each other and laughed.

"But You should really control those anger issues of yours" said byul playfully.

"Bruh it's your fault , you made me mad dummy"
Said solar , hitting byul's arm a bit too hard.

"YAYY ! you guys didn't fight" Said wheein who had heard everything.

They all laughed and went to the car after hyejin.

But byulie was still determined to go to her secret garden tomorrow

The look of it and the smell of the beautifully colored roses couldn't get out of her mind

"Oh how I love that garden" Said byulie to herself.

Roses Are Red ❀  { Jinbyul }Where stories live. Discover now