27 ⋆ Leave

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's POV 


The sun was barely over the horizon, but I had been up long before it broke over the land. I sat up in bed, my skin frozen by the cold air, but I was stuck in place staring at nothing in particular outside. I slowly looked over my shoulder at Jungkook who slept peacefully behind me, his hair fanned over the pillow and chest rising slowly. I turned my head and looked back out the window, staring at the soft glow of the sun not even visible yet. Carefully, I got out of bed and padded over to my bathroom. 

I walked inside and closed the door, fumbling on the wall for the switch until my fingers flipped it up. The light flicked on and revealed someone who I didn't even recognize anymore - god do I look awful. A small scar rested on the top of my forehead from running into a tree, a cloth patch covered the shrinking hole of where a bullet had entered my skin, and a dark red, swollen bite rested on my left shoulder.

I whimpered and slowly fell to the floor, holding myself in my arms. Too much, too much. I sobbed quietly- terribly- and looked back up at the mirror that was a few feet above me. I didn't want to look again.

Leave. You can't do this.

My mind repeated the words over and over until I stood and walked to my closet, pulling on some warm clothes as I knew I'd be in for a walk. I looked back at Jungkook, staring at him once more. 

Before I left for good, I quickly walked over and kissed the top of his forehead, holding it there for longer than I intended to.

"I'll always love you," I whispered softly.

Backing away from the bed, I padded downstairs with tears and rummaged through some drawers in the kitchen, pulling out a pen and a pad of paper. I stood there for a while, staring at it as my tears dropped and spread across the paper, blurring the inked lines. 


My beloved Jungkook, 

I love you so so much. But I have to go. I have had nothing but the pain that comes our way from pursuing this life with you. I love you, but don't follow me.  

Sincerely, your Jimin. 


I sniffed and slowly backed away from the paper, dropping the pen on the table with a soft clatter. I took one last look around the house, admiring its memories here and there, then stepped outside into the cold air. Shivering, I pulled my coat closer to myself and began my walk down the gravel path.

"Luna?" Yoongi asked, walking in the direction of our house as I hurried down the path away from it.

"I'm sorry, I'm no longer your Luna," I whispered and quickly walked past him, leaving him standing confused in the middle of the road. 


Jungkook's POV

I woke to the sun streaming in through the window and the feeling of someone staring at me.

Groggily, I opened my eyes and reached out to feel for Jimin only to feel nothing and see Yoongi standing next to me, his face somber.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up and looking around for Jimin. Yoongi threw a piece of paper at me and watched as I unfolded it.

"Read it," Yoongi said stiffly.  

"My beloved Jungkook," I stopped, realizing this was Jimin's handwriting, "I love you. I love you so much. But I have to go. I have had nothing but pain come my way from pursuing this life with you. I love you, but don't follow me. Sincerely, your Jimin." I slowly lowered the paper, my heart constricting at the words. I looked next to me and noticed the indent on his pillow of where he had been laying was still there. 

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