31 ⋆ Innocent

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's POV

"Get out of my way, get the fuck out of my way." I wailed, pushing past Jungkook's advisors as my eyes fell on the terrible sight in the snow.

"Oh," I breathed, freezing in my spot.

He lay so peaceful, yet so mangled, in the largest pool of blood I had ever seen in my life. Anyone could tell this was done with malice. I took a few strangled steps towards his body as my eyes raked his skin.

Deep holes from wolf's teeth punctured his neck, some of the skin peeled back and torn to reveal the wet, bloody meat underneath that still looked fresh despite the time. His left arm and leg had been broken at obscene angles and his right hand was bent so far back, it was a wonder to me how something could have angled it in such a way as his wrist bone penetrated his skin. This was not the work of humans, but rather, wolves.

My lip trembled as I stood there, hands shaking without knowing what to do, lips parted without knowing what to say, and eyes wobbling without knowing where to look. I slowly walked forward and fell to my knees, gently placing my arms underneath his limp and sopping body, picking him up. Seungjae's head lolled back into a sickening snap, making me whimper as his face revealed itself to me - eyes missing and teeth completely knocked out. Something snapped inside of me, and I screamed; a deep, guttural, pained cry.

I held him close to my chest; an incoherent moaning of no's left my mouth as I held him close, rocking back and forth, holding him as tight as I could against me.

Freezing blood still within him seeped into my clothes and skin as my tears fell on his white complexion.

"Help me, help me..." I whimpered as people stared. I wailed pitifully into his body, craving for my once best and only friend, the once so innocent but oh so wise little boy, to return to me.

The sadness and emptiness grew by the second as eyes stared at the scene before them - a Luna gripping the first true friend he had ever made here; desperate to revive something within him. They averted their eyes, looking anywhere but the scene.

"Jimin," Jungkook's voice sounded gently behind me, his feet taking tentative steps behind me.

"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed so evilly, I could taste the venom within my words.

Suddenly, I was somewhere beyond where I was.

A cabin.

Three men.

A fire.

One man in front of it.

I stared at the man by the fire, still on my knees and in the position of holding Seungjae. It was warm inside and the sound of the fire crackling filled my ears as the man squatting by it poked a long stick into the embers. I breathed heavily, swallowing hard at the situation unfolding before me.

The man by the fire seemed to sense something as if he could feel someone else had entered the room.

Carefully, he looked over his shoulder and locked his eyes where I was squatted. One eye was completely closed over with a long purple and red gash sliced perfectly over it, presumably empty of eyeball underneath the patch of the closed skin. My blood ran colder than it had already been.

I recognized him immediately as the man from my dream so many nights ago, Donghae Yang, the Alpha of Jeon pack's rival pack. The dark blue eyes and mess of dirty blonde hair suited him perfectly, but there was something slightly off about him. He stared at me, a spiteful smirk spreading from ear to ear. My lips quivered as I took in a sharp breath, my hands dropping from the position of holding Seungjae. My eyes squinted painfully at him as tears continued to pour from my eyes.

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