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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's Pov

"Oh my god, you're kidding me." I groaned, slapping my hand on the phone screen. I grimaced and held the phone up to the sky, trying to get a signal. I sighed, giving up, and stashed the phone in the back of my pants. "Yeah, party in the dark, creepy-ass forest my ass," I said, looking around anxiously at the dark forest.

"I knew this was a bad idea. Goddammit, Taehyung." I groaned. I looked around once more before deciding on a direction to go, not remembering which way was the way I came. I walked through the forest for a while, going even deeper, wrapping my arms around myself as it was just a bit chilly. I heard something crack in front of me, making me stop and freeze.

"Hello?" I questioned slowly.

Suddenly, a girl ran out of nowhere, laughing ecstatically and looking behind her. "He's coming!" She giggled, grabbing my hand and making me run behind her.

"Who?" I questioned, almost scared. She just laughed and smiled back at me. I managed to get a glimpse of her, her hair long and black with beads woven into it.

She wore a tan bandeaux around her chest, and a skirt made of the same fabric and color. Her face had red paint stripes adorning it and I realized she must have been participating in some sort of ceremony in the woods. I let go, stopping, making her stop too and look back at me. It seemed as if she didn't have time to waste.

She said, "Good luck!" then continued running. I watched as she found a tree a few meters back, climbing up it rather quickly. Slowly, I looked up and saw the giddy smiles and eyes of other girls and men hiding in the trees.

"He's coming!" Someone whispered above.

"I can smell him." A girl murmured heavenly.

I was starting to get scared, realizing I was in the middle of some kind of cult that I didn't want to be a part of. Suddenly, another girl ran past me, her eyes wide and excited. I grabbed her wrist making her stop, and pulled her behind a tree.

"What's going on?" I whispered, scared.

She laughed at me. "Alpha's coming for a mate. It's a game, tradition. All the single wolves of age hide, and he has to find his mate based on smell because he can't see them. But you better hurry, he's coming quickly." She giggled, pulling away and somehow managing to almost fly up the tree and huddle next to a boy who giggled happily against the branch.

"Alpha? Mate? Wolves? What the fuck is going on..." I whispered, starting to tremble. I turned and began to run, hearing behind me from the trees, "There he is!" I quickly hid behind one of the thicker trees, looking above me at two girls who stared down at me, giggling. They waved at me to come up in the tree, so I quickly attempted to do so.

Suddenly, they stopped smiling and went quiet. I stopped what I was doing and remained still, closing my eyes as I could hear leaves and twigs snapping under heavy footsteps. I let out a shudder of breath and decided to make a run for it. I barely took two steps before I was slammed roughly against a tree, making me cry out.

I was flipped around, my back to the tree, as I stared up into the menacing eyes of the most wickedly handsome man I had ever seen. His eyebrows were furrowed angrily and threatening. He was breathing hard and his eyes were dark, clouded over by the thrill of the game and desire. He stared at me, a low, inhuman growl sounding from within him.

I whimpered and turned my head away from him as he leaned forward and dragged his nose against the bare skin of my neck, one of his strong hands gripped firmly on my hip and the other placed on the tree beside my head, completely blocking me in. He pulled away and made me look at him, placing a hand under my jaw and forcing me to look up.

I was paralyzed in both fear and, strangely, desire. Something within me yearned for this aggressive man grabbing me firmly. He reached up with his other hand and placed his thumb under his rather sharp canine, dragging the finger under it and opening the skin, blood slowly seeping through.

He reached out and placed the thumb against my forehead, making a shape of a crescent. He leaned forward once more and growled in a heart-stopping, soul-shaking, deep and seething, "Mine." And then, I passed out in his strong arms.

─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

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