14 ⋆ Missing

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jungkook's POV

"We can't fucking find him," I said, reiterating the words that were just spoken to me.

Pacing the conference room, my advisors stared at me worriedly. They nervously looked at each other, a hint of fear rushing across their face. By now, it was well past dark, nearing midnight. We had been searching all day, yet no one had any trace of him and where he was.

I turned and punched my fist into the wall, creating a giant hole. The sickening crunch of my knuckles filled the room as I pulled the broken and bruised fist from the now crumbling drywall. The advisors shuffled in their chairs, nervous.

"Tell me how the fuck no one can get a lead," I growled, glaring into each of their eyes. I sighed angrily and waved them off. "Get me Yoongi." I hissed. They went quickly as I sat down at one of the chairs and placed my head in my hands.

He was missing. Cold. Alone. Dead. I growled at my inner wolf as he talked to me, and slapped my face. "Stop thinking like that," I said exasperatedly to him. He's human. He's dead out there. I just growled and looked up, meeting the calm face of Yoongi in the doorway.

"I've heard the news. Still can't find him?" He asked, looking at me sadly.

I shook my head and stood, walking over to him with sagged shoulders. "I don't know if you can... talk to Her or something..." I said.

Yoongi pursed his lips but nodded softly, reaching out to put a light hand on my shoulder in comfort. "I heard what happened at the training field this morning. He doesn't know it yet but She's talking to him, giving him that kind of strength. I can talk to Her. She'll know where he is."

I thanked him and followed him outside as he slightly lifted his hands to his sides and looked up to the sky, mumbling incoherent words to himself. Then, he started walking, almost appearing to be induced in a zombie-like state of mind; possessed with glazed over eyes in a creamy white shade, completely at the will of a higher being.

We headed deep into the forest, passing wolves who were still looking this late at night. I motioned at them to go home, that we knew where he was and they no longer had to stuff their noses in the snow. They bowed their giant heads gratefully and turned, leaving quietly. We walked for a long time in the freezing cold and snow, Yoongi taking jagged turns and pauses.

Suddenly, his body lurched and his eyes went back to their normal color, a sign he was returned to a conscious state. He turned to me and nodded, "He's somewhere around here." I nodded and watched as he began to walk back in the direction we came, eventually lost him in the darkness and snow.

"Jimin!" I yelled, waiting for something-anything. I tried to smell the air, but his scent was lost in the snow.

"Jimin!" I called again, my eyes strained in the dark. A cold breeze blew, and I smelt it. The faintest, softest smell of blood. Dead, my wolf spoke in my head. I growled and quickly walked through the snow, determined to find him, yet at a loss of which way to turn. A few yards away, almost completely buried under snow, was the silhouette of his body. Dark blood stained the snow around his head.

"No, no, no," I muttered, running forward. I collapsed on my knees by his side, my hands were frozen and shaking in the air, unsure of where to start. Quickly, I shoveled the snow off of him and picked him up in my arms, his body limp and freezing. I placed my hand on his cheek, gently grazing my fingers over it. My eyes scanned his head and spotted the giant gash which had split open his skin, dry blood running down the side of his face, dark as wine.

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