21 ⋆ Wreck

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's POV

2 days until preparing for the mating ceremony

I woke slowly, a sudden soreness spreading through my body starting from my right shoulder. I weakly cried out, tears forming in my eyes as I gradually woke.

Jungkook was by my side before I knew it, taking my hand in his and staring at me as I groaned and froze, avoiding movement. He shushed me quickly, kissing my forehead and rubbing my hand.

"Jungkook?" I asked as he reached out and wiped my tears away.

"Don't move much." He advised, staring at me with concern.

I nodded quickly and closed my eyes, pulling my hand from his and reaching over to touch my shoulder which was covered in thick bandaging. "Where am I?" I asked softly, unsure of what had happened after Jiyoo had shot me.

Jungkook slowly got into bed next to me, situating himself behind me and laying my back against his chest without causing too much pain to me.

"You're in our bed, honey. I've got you. It's okay." He hushed. I whimpered as a shock of pain went through my shoulder. "You were shot. Do you know who did this to you?" He asked, trying to worm the truth out of me. I nodded weakly and rested against his chest, sighed, and closing my eyes.

"Who did this, Jimin?" Jungkook asked me, gently running his hands through my hair.

"Jiyoo," I whispered. Jungkook froze for a minute but nodded, continuing to pet my hair.

"Do you know why she did this?" He asked, digging a little deeper. I could tell he was containing his rage, trying to keep calm.

"She said I didn't belong and that you should've chosen her," I told him blandly with no emotion.

"I hope you know that you'll always be mine," Jungkook said after a while, running his hands up and down my arms.

I smiled softly, wincing at another stab of pain. "I know," I whispered, snuggling a little further into him. The wound twitched in pain again and I hissed. "Make it stop," I whimpered, the pain becoming unbearable.

I could practically feel how helpless Jungkook was, his heart breaking in his chest at my cries as he wasn't sure what to do. I reached out and pulled him close, tilting my head and bare my neck, signaling just what I needed. He reached down and gently sunk his canines into my neck, making me moan in the slight pain.

Slowly, he sank down a bit harder before letting go, a trail of saliva and blood connecting the two red dots on my skin to the points of sharp teeth.

"I don't know how else to help you." He whispered, the tone of desperation evident in his voice. I grabbed one of his hands that's wrapped around my waist and raised it to my lips. I kissed it softly and held my lips there, a sign of appreciation that he was trying his best for me.

I pulled my lips away, sudden anger boiling within me. "Kill her," I said softly, the tone of my voice sweet and innocent as if I was talking about how good the weather was.

"What?" Jungkook asked, not catching what I said. I quickly pulled away from him, getting out of bed.

"Hey, woah. What are you doing? You need to take it easy." Jungkook said gently, reaching out for me.

I turned and stared at him, shaking my head softly. "I'm fine, Jungkook." He just looked at me, worry evident on his face.

I walked into the closet, quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I stared at the wall as I changed, my blood boiling with rage. No one tries to kill me. No one kills Park Jimin. No one kills the future Luna. I took in a deep, shaky breath, and grabbed the white crown which rested on the shelves in front of me.

"Jimin. What are you doing?" Jungkook asked as I strode past him, anger coursing through my veins with a sudden rage.

"I'm going to fucking kill her," I growled, ignoring the slight pain in my shoulder. Jungkook watched with wide eyes as I put the crown on and marched out of the house. "Tell the pack to find her and bring her here," I commanded, Jungkook nodding slowly with stern eyes as he followed behind me.

I could tell he wanted revenge too, his eyes filling with hardness as he turned to the closet and changed too. I went to the middle of the circle outside of our house, waiting steadily, my eyes staring in front down the gravel path.

I watched as people suddenly walked out of their houses, walking confusedly towards the giant circle that was the higher ranking houses. They stared at me, uncertain, as I waited, still in the center of the circle, my eyes trained on the gravel path before me.

All was quiet and still as we waited for something, anything; a hush amongst the crowd. Suddenly, Jiyoo's cries sounded from down the path. I watched as two guards dragged her kicking and screaming down the path, trying to break free. Jungkook approached behind me, standing by my side as they continued to drag her forward.

They dropped her on her knees a few feet away from me, pleas of forgiveness falling on deaf ears. I glared with narrow eyes at her, for every second I stared into those terrible eyes, the more rage flowed through my veins.

"For those of you who don't know-" I quickly walked forward, cutting off Jungkook as he began a speech. I growled at Jiyoo, her eyes growing wide as I marched forward.

I rapidly placed one hand around the back of her neck and the other on the top of her head, snapping her neck quickly and instantly will a yell of pure and utter annihilation. The crowd gasped loudly at the sudden snap of the neck bone as her body fell instantly on the ground, people looking away, covering their children's eyes.

"This woman tried to kill me last night," I stated, my voice wavering just a bit, grabbing everyone's attention as they stared. "Let it be known from this point on... if you try to harm or kill me or my mate, you will perish by the hands of me." I stared at all of them, breathing heavily.

I looked down at Jiyoo's dead body, the limp figure of a woman whose hand shook when she held a gun. I straightened myself and quickly turned away, walking past Jungkook dominantly.

"You can give your speech now." I spit lowly, striding into our house, and slamming the door.

I hurried up the stairs, walked into the closet, putting the crown back on the shelf, and stripping down. I winced at the stinging wound. "Fuck." I whimpered, the sudden shock of pain taking over instantly. I wobbled over to the bathroom, turning on the shower as it grew and grew in pain.

My anger slowly died off as I stood under the hot water, pain replacing my anger. I cried out, placing a hand over my shoulder, tears forming in my eyes as the hot water ran over it. Wasn't sure how it happened, but moments later I was sitting down in the shower, crying miserably and holding myself, having a complete breakdown.

Jungkook suddenly came into the shower, looking down at me with sad eyes. I looked up at him with a tear-streaked face, shaking my head, finding no words to say. He sat down and pulled my back against his chest as he held me tightly and let me cry.

"I don't belong here," I sobbed, "I don't belong here." Jungkook sunk his canines into my neck once more, and he released a calm scent of werewolf hormones that filled the air, making me go slack instantly. It was as if he had a million chemicals for everything.

I sat there, limp against his body, motionless, as he held me tightly and rocked us back and forth. I could only sit and listen, completely paralyzed as his own sounds of emotion filled the bathroom, his own sobs bringing silent tears down my face.

"I love you. I love you." He repeated, over and over again, petting my hair nervously as we sat on the floor of the bathroom, our lives a complete wreck.

─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

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