43 ⋆ Blond

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's POV

He sprinted down the stairs, engulfing me in his arms before I had the chance to even blink or take another breath.

I smiled so widely, my cheeks ached as I held onto him tightly. His fingers ran through my hair, gripping the strands as his other hand held my back, pulling me flush against him as I held my arms around his torso. I closed my eyes and savored this moment, this reconnection, this immense love that we shared.

"Missed you so much. I love you so much. I love you. I thought you were gone. I love you." Jungkook rushed, holding me so tight against him, it felt as if he was going to crush me, but I loved the feeling.

I opened my eyes and looked around me at the dark house, already giddy at the thought of it being warm and welcoming once more.

"I love you, Jungkook." I whispered, rocking us from side to side, holding on just a little bit longer.

He pulled away, holding my biceps as his eyes raked over my body, drinking in the sight of me before him in the flesh. His eyes locked with mine, but his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me.

"What? What is it?" I asked as I reached out and placed the palm of my hand against his cheek, rubbing the soft skin with my thumb.

"Your hair is blond." Jungkook murmured. I swallowed and nodded, not quite caring or processing the words as I only cared about being here with him in this moment.

Jungkook pulled me against him once more, the sound and feeling of his heartbeat echoing through me. I smiled and gripped his strong shoulders, closing my eyes to relish in the feeling.

I was about to fall asleep, I could feel it, and Jungkook seemed to sense my tiredness too as he gently picked me up bridal style and carried us upstairs. I loved the feeling of his muscles straining against mine, I loved the sound of his heart beating in his chest, and I loved the scent he carried with him - wood, pine and rain.

"Please, don't ever leave me." Jungkook whispered into my ear, making me smile and nod my head.

"Never." I answered quietly as the feeling of our soft bed touched my body and swallowed me up, comforting every joint and ligament with gentle ease.

The bed dipped beside me as his strong arms wrapped around my waist, his chest moving behind my back as he held me close to him, his nose buried in my hair. I fell asleep loved.


I woke up to the familiar stream of light coming in through the curtains, a red and orange glow drifting over my eyelids.

My eyes opened to meet the white pillows and sheets of Jungkook and I's bed.

Jungkook. I smiled at his name and rolled over, meeting his still sleeping face which rested inches from mine.

My fingers pinched my arm, just to make sure this wasn't a dream, and sure enough, it was real.

I carefully reached out and placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing the skin with my thumb as I looked over the features I loved. Long black hair, sharp jawline, his mole under his lips.

I giggled and noticed something new - what seems like sharp teeth earrings sticking through his ears. I raised an eyebrow at the sight, but smiled anyway as his eyelids slowly fluttered open, his giant doe eyes meeting mine.

"Good morning." I greeted softly. A smile spread quickly over his face as he rolled on top of me instantly, making me giggle and I wrapped my hands around his neck.

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