34 ⋆ Tears

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jungkook's POV

Everything was destroyed.

Living room? Wrecked. Bedroom? Trashed. Kitchen? Mutilated.

I sat on my knees heaving in and out, my fists bloody and ripped open after coming in contact with wood, glass, and wall. I quickly placed my head in my hands and sobbed for a long time, his terrified face and cries of my name flashing through my mind.

"Oh, moon goddess." I whimpered to myself, looking up at the ceiling as hot tears rolled down my face. He was gone and wasn't responding through the link meaning he was either unconscious or worse, but I assumed the first as I hadn't felt any intense pain. The mating mark would sting and burn incredibly hot, but for now, there was nothing.

The image of him screaming flashed over and over in my mind, making me angry. I quickly clambered to my feet and looked around through sore eyes at the ravished home caused by my rage.

I dragged my heavy feet up the stairs, passing crushed picture frames and shards of glass. The bedroom, already torn apart by Donghae and his minions, met my red eyes as I walked inside slowly and stopped.

Anyone could tell they were looking for something intensely. My something. My Jimin.

Tears started once more in my eyes as I looked at the closet door which hung flimsily on its hinges after being flung open.

His scent lingered from within, causing my feet to move and my heart to sway. My fingers gently reached up and touched his mark on my neck, a sense of security flooding me as I stepped into the closet and saw the pile of my clothes immediately to my right. He had tried to hide himself in my clothes.

"Good boy," I whispered proudly, bursting into tears immediately as I fell to my knees and picked up my clothes in my arms.

"You tried to cover your scent, didn't you?" I questioned the empty closet, hoping he would answer somehow. Gently, I raised one of my sweatshirts, one of his favorites, to my nose and took a deep breath, the faint smell of lavender and vanilla invading my senses. I sniffed and wiped the tears off of my face, pulling the hoodie on quickly overtop my bare chest, feeling just a little bit closer to him.

I rose and walked out of the room, transforming my sadness into anger as I marched out of the house and informed my remaining advisors to meet me at the conference hall, meanwhile looking down at my torn open hands and quickly wiping off the blood.

It didn't take long for everyone to meet; a flurry of angry words, unsure gestures, and defensive comments filling the room as I walked inside to meet them.

They shut up immediately after taking a good look at my red and splotchy face, a result of crying. I walked to the front of the table, my eyebrows furrowed angrily, glancing at Taehyung who stared at me, unsure of what I was about to say. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. My body collapsed in the chair behind me as my hands quickly covered my face, a new rush of sobs coming to me.

My advisor's shifted uncomfortably in the room as they had never seen this vulnerable side of me. Only Jimin had. Jimin. His name made me drag my hands down my face, pulling the skin to a long expression as I looked around at all of them.

I leaned back in my chair further and looked at the center of the table, thinking of what to say first. I took in a deep breath and wiped my eyes, looking around wearily afterward.

"They have Jimin." I finally decided, stating the sentence briefly. A few uneven sighs escaped the men around me as others placed a hand over their mouths in disappointment and disbelief.

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