39 ⋆ Transformation

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jungkook's POV 

"I pray you never know the feeling of losing a mate." I recalled my mother's words to him at my father's funeral.

Anxiously outside of the pack doctor's home, my foot tapping as I winced in pain - another broken rib filling my senses.

The transformation was getting more and more bones and flesh on his body, and soon, it would eventually reach his neck. Sounds of his pained cry filled my ears, making me drop my head in my hands and sob. I wasn't allowed inside. 

I ran my hands anxiously through my hair, gripping the long strands as I hadn't necessarily taken care of myself over the past few weeks.

"Jungkook!" Jimin cried from inside of the facility, making me look up with wide eyes. Disobeying the rule, I instantly slammed open the door, startling the doctor as he walked past.

"You shouldn't be in here!" He protested, but his words fell on deaf ears as Jimin's mangled body came into view from the bedroom. 

I pushed past the frazzled man as I winced once more, another broken rib filling my senses as Jimin could only whimper in pain.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I've got you. I'm here." I reassured as I sat down on the chair next to him, his body sprawled out on the bed. His face was deathly pale, drenched with sweat, tears, and pained eyes.

He looked over at me, panting heavily, and shakily reached out to take my hand in his. I gripped it tightly as I cried, more from being terribly scared than from his pain filling my body. His sternum and upper arm bones, humerus, broke in a crackle, making him toss his head pain with the loudest scream as his body shook violently.

I squeezed his hand. The sound made my ears tingle and my skin crawl as his pain was only mirrored within me and I let out a desperate cry of pain.

"Can't you do anything?" I begged the doctors who stood uselessly in the room.

The doctors shifted nervously, until one came next to me. He pulled an extra chair beside me and sat down, looking at me with saddened eyes before looking at Jimin whose eyes were scrunched closed and his lips were parted in an attempt to find help in breathing.

"Alpha. This is nonreversible. Until it reaches his neck, which will happen rather soon, we don't know what fate will become of him." 

The information shook me to the core, a cold hard stone landed in the bottom of my stomach, even though I already knew and understood that the transformation cannot be stopped once initiated.

I slowly looked back at Jimin's whose eyes were already staring back at me.

"It's okay, Kookie." He whispered, tightening his hand around mine with a smile that wrinkled his eyes. I gave a strained smile back before I leaned over him and placed my lips gently against his. His small, shaky hand reached around my neck and held me in place, savoring a moment we didn't know if we would ever have again.

"I love you." He whispered after he pulled away. Tears filled my eyes at his somber words. 

"You said that like you're saying goodbye." I whispered, my eyes searching for any sign of hope within them. There was none that I could see.

I closed my eyes tightly and placed my forehead against his, squeezing his hand in assurance as his collar bone snapped. He wailed, making me pull away and sit back down as my body ached.

"I remember," Jimin started, out of breath, "when I first met you I thought you were going to kill me."

I laughed pitifully, looking at his beautiful face through watery eyes as I placed my hands around his broken hand and held it to my lips, kissing his knuckles.

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