26 ⋆ Mistake

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─── ・。•̩̩͙˚。✧: *.☽ .* :✧•̩̩͙・゚。───

Jimin's POV


I woke early, sitting next to his still sleeping form and watching as he took steady breaths of comfort. Carefully, I tugged my clothes back on after the events of last night and looked back at him.

I kissed him on the forehead sweetly and slowly left the cabin, walking back to the home I was staying at through the snow. Jungkook's mom was asleep still when I got back, so I managed to sneak upstairs to my room before she got to say anything. I sighed and laid down on my back, knowing today was the test run.

Would I see him today? I figured not if we were supposed to be kept separate, but still, my heart thumped wildly inside of my chest. I didn't sleep, but rather, paced my room and thought about all of the possibilities that could happen on Saturday. What if his wolf rejected me? I was human after all. What if his wolf hurt me? Would I die? Jungkook's mom was knocking on my door before I knew it, startling me.

"Hey, you're up. When did you get back?" She asked softly as she opened the door and leaned against the door frame.

I shrugged, "I got here a few hours ago. I didn't want to wake you up." I told her with a smile, sitting up.

She nodded and looked around. "Test run today." She finally said, walking over and sitting down next to me. I nodded and looked up at her with worried eyes.

"What was yours like?" I asked, hoping her story would provide some comfort.

"Well, my husband and I started this tradition when we made this pack. It was new and the rules were new and everything was new. We had already been mated for years, but we figured... new pack, new traditions. Like all the other packs do."

"And it was really romantic. I remember I found this pond deep in the woods and I thought if I stood in the water, his wolf would get thrown off and it would be funny. The water was freezing, even for werewolves. Instead of getting thrown off, he found me immediately and he dove right in." She laughed, her eyes wrinkling, recalling the fond memory.

"But it was nice. I was nervous, he was nervous, I think everyone was nervous. But it went according to plan, a few of the non-ranking wolves did it for themselves. And it's been that way ever since for all of the high ranking wolves. Now, it's your turn." She smiled at me.

"I think I'm ready to go." I nodded.

She turned around, whistling. Yoongi hurried in carrying the jar of paint and grinned. I raised an eyebrow at their little trick and shook my head.

"Time to get you all dressed up." He said happily.

I groaned and got pulled to the bathroom where Yoongi replicated the design I had chosen, Jungkook's mom styled the crown on my head, and I pulled on the clothing, or lack thereof, onto my hips.

They stared at me, smiling before I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. "Wow," I said, surprised at the look of myself as I raised my eyebrows.

"Beautiful." Jungkook's mom murmured in delight. Yoongi just smiled wider at his accomplishment.

"Alright. Let's get you down there!" Yoongi cheered as they took my hands and led me out of the house.

We walked next to each other to the clearing where the group of girls were waiting and all of the decorations had been set up. I blushed at the sight of their eyes on me, staring at what I had become.

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