Almost a Stilinski??- Stiles Stilinski

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"Stiles hurry the fuck up man my feet hurt like a bitch!". I exclaimed while transferring my weight of my either foot alternatively.

Stiles and I, have been dating for about 4 years now, we've been each other's rock. Being humans in the supernatural world often took a toll on us but we were there for each other through all of that. We kept the other from going insane. We started dating a while after Stiles and Lydia decided that they were better off as friends.

I've known Stiles since I can recall. Both of us, along with Scott, have been best friends since our diaper-age. I never knew I felt for him in this way until after he broke up with Lydia. When he told me the news, I felt relieved.

I was mainly confused because my best friend had just broke up with the supposed love of his life and I somehow felt relieved. But with every passing day, I realised my true feelings towards him.

He seemed to reciprocate the feelings and asked me to be his girlfriend on this day, 4 years back.

As for now, we had just arrived back home after throwing an anniversary dinner for the pack and close family. And my shitheaded boyfriend was having trouble opening the fucking door.

"I didn't know earlier that dad was gonna be on patrol duty tonight!". He groaned while desperately trying to open the lock using the spare key.

"UGH! GEEZ! Give me the keys, lemme try it." I said after his feeble attempts.

"What-". I cut myself off as my gaze met the black velvet box he had placed on my palm.

"Open it up". He said softly.

I dropped the heels that I was holding with my index and middle finger over my shoulder and opened the box.

Inside, was a beautiful princess cut diamond ring. I was just processing this when Stiles kneeled on one knee.

"(Y/n), I know I might be forgetful, there are times when I don't even bath, I showered today by the way- yeah off topic but just for clarification you know- anyways, as I was saying; but I promise me, if you marry me, I'll always- and by always i mean forever and beyond eternity; will be this weird. I'll shower everyday. I won't cease to make you laugh because it's the most melodious music to me."

" (Y/n) (Y/l/n), I once dropped a teardrop in the ocean, once you find it, then and only then, will the thought of not being with you will even cross my mind. You are my literal ray of sunshine. Angry sunshine. But sunshine all the same."

By now, tears were rolling down both of our cheeks and I had kneeled in front of him while cupping his face.

"So today, on our 4 years anniversary, I ask you, will you marry me and be the rightful mother to Roscoe?" He asked.

Both of us chuckled while crying and I nodded my head so furiously that for a moment I thought I was in a Metallica video.

He slid the ring on and we sat their in the same position after hugging, our foreheads still touching, still crying- very visibly and I was still cupping his wet cheeks.

"From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But that has all changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet". Stiles recited the line from the movie we watched on our first date.

He pulled me closer by my waist, I was now in his laps, straddling him. Our lips met in an emotional kiss. It held every emotion that we felt at the moment. Joy, passion but most importantly Love. One of his hands was snaked around me and placed on my hips while the other was at the back of my head. My hands were tugging at his hair at the nape of his neck eliciting moans from him within the kiss.

"I love you so much Mieczyslaw Stilinski. I swear. Thank you for all the love, I think my cold, dead heart just grew 50 sizes." I joked as we pulled apart a bit.

He scrunched up his face and replied, "I'm gonna let that 'pulling full name' thing slide since like you're pretty much a Stilinski now"

My eyes grew wide in excitement and mischief. Because let's be honest, he'd rather accept that Peter and Theo are the best people on the planet to ever exist, before letting anyone call him by his full name.

I was about to speak but he beat me to it by saying,  "Still not gonna let you drive Roscoe honey".

My mouth hung open. He just giggled, pecked my cheek, pulled me up and walked inside after easily opening the door.

"You asshole! I thought as her mother I'd gain the right...." I trailed and followed him inside.

But one thing was for sure, that I'd never stop fighting with him. Just like I'd never stop loving him. Well ofcourse not untill Tom Hiddleston realizes that he can't live without me.

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