Sunshine - Issac Lahey

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Warning: Mention of domestic abuse quite a number of times.

Third person P.O.V

Beacon Hills. This town had something strange in its air. It was almost as if there was always something lurking in the shadows just waiting to corner you in a dark alley and suck the soul outta you. You had just moved into the town and was still unpacking the boxes when you dropped one of the cups. Your dad barged in with anger all over his face.

Yes, you were abused by your dad. It all started after your mother left him. His insecurities got the best of him. He used to beat you, make you clean the house over and over again or simply lock you in the cabinet to punish you. You couldn't tell anyone because he was all that you had left. You were still thankful that his abuse hadn't turned sexual. Students in your old town weren't so kind to notice anything. You went on everyday as if you were not being broken, mentally and physically at home.

When your father came in the living area with angry expression, you knew you couldn't escape so you just did what made sense to you, "I-im s-s-orry dad I di-din't- I d-droppeed it by m-mis-mistake, it won't ha-happen ag-again, I'll clean I-it u-up".

He had an unreadable expression on his face and said "That you will but I do have to punish you now don't I. Or else what kind of father will I be?" I mean i don't know old man, you tell me, a good father? Probably?

He succeeded in delivering a punch and slap to your face which resulted in a busted lip and bruised cheekbone. And that neckhold probably caused bruises.

After receiving the beating you went in your room, locked it, took an ointment, your phone and earphones and sneaked out after confirming that your dad was asleep. You ran off to the nearest park. In the way you had applied the ointment to your bruises. On arriving you saw a boy sobbing on one of the benches. You went over and sat next to him.

He looked up and your gaze met the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. He was a bit pale, lanky, would've been around 6'3 which considered to your 5' was gigantic. He had adorable golden curls dangling from his head and a bruise under his eye?

You scooted closer to him, took out the ointment, and as you raised your hand to apply it to his bruise, he moved back. You reassured him with a small smile. You aided him while concentrating on the bruise and felt his gaze on you.

When you were done, you wiped your hands in your sweats. You put in your earphones, played 'if the world was ending' by JP Saxe and Julia Michael's and gave him the other end of the earphone. He looked at you with puppy eyes and plugged it in. You both sat there the whole night, without talking, listening to songs, staring at stars.

It had been a two weeks since you had moved into the town, today was your first day of sophomore year at Beacon Hills High School. You wore baggy clothes, hoodies and caps so that no one would be able to see the bruises and cuts on your face.

It was a free period when you were seated in the hallway when you heard something break from the janitors closet. You walked in to see the same guy from park in a corner, whimpering. You pulled him in a hug and calmed him. Then handed him the ointment tube you had just bought after seeing the bruise on his face. And walked away.

It continued like this for the whole year. You two would meet in the park after getting beaten up, listen to songs, and at times he would fall asleep in your lap. You would give him the ointment tube after every two weeks. Both of you didn't need words to converse. Your eyes did that for you. You never asked anything neither did he. You both didn't even know each other's names.

Then the next year, you finally came to know his name. Issac Lahey. The boy accused of killing his own father. But after his name was cleared, you saw a new version of him. He started hanging out around with the popular kids and soon enough became one. But that didn't stop you. You saw him in the cafeteria sitting with Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Erica and Boyd. You mustered up some courage and went to the table. You nudged him slightly on the shoulder, his eyes softened as he turned to meet your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. You shifted on you feet awkwardly feeling the gaze of everyone on the table. You took out the tube of ointment from your pocket, handed it to him with a small smile and took off.

Issac's P.O.V

I was sitting in the cafeteria with my pack and Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison when I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder. It was so soft that if I wasn't a werewolf, I probably would've missed it. I turned around and there was (y/n). Yeah I know her name. That's the first thing I did after returning back to school when Jackson took his statement back. My eyes instantly softened, she still had a cut above her right eyebrow but her eyes looked the same. She was wearing her typical baggy jacket and had hands in the pockets. She took her hands out and place the ointment tube on my hand with a small smile and left.

Ofcourse she doesn't know about what I am now. But she must've seen the change in my attitude. Everyone noticed it. But she didn't judge me on the basis of my new reputation. She still was the same (y/n) I'd go out to look for after dad had beaten me up.

"Well that was weird" said Erica.

"What was that about? Am I missing something? Or are we all? Scarffboy?" Stiles asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I told them everything. To say the least they were all in awe. "Well its certain that you like her man ask her out" Scott said beaming like the puppy he is.

"Hm I guess I will tonight at the park" I replied.

The day passed by pretty quickly. I was waiting for (y/n) in the park at our spot. She never came. It had been 3 hours past our regular time. So I decided to follow her scent. I got outside a cozy looking house not very far from the park. Within a second i heard something break and then cue the beating and swearing.

I knocked the door down and saw (y/n)'s father beating her up with a belt. I quickly went over there punched him knocking him unconscious told her to pack her bags and left with her.

I took her to the park first "(y/n) you're not going back there okay? You're gonna stay with me" i said looking at her.

She snapped her head at me and said meekly "y-you kn-know my na-name?"

"Ofcourse I know your name love. How could I not. After that night when you just came outta nowhere and applied ointment to my bruises, I felt a connection to you. How couldn't I? You cared about me more than anyone in my life. You gave me hope. You gave me a reason to get out of bed every morning. When I would get beaten I would think that after two weeks you would give me the ointment and eventually everything will be alright. You acted as my sunshine and I can't let you go back there knowing that the beatings will only get worse" I confessed to her.

"But Issac, my dad is all I have left i-" she started speaking but i cut her off by pulling her into a kiss.

At first she didn't respond so i started backing up but then she leapt forward and captured my lips and returned the feelings through the touch. I kept one of my hands on her waist and the other on the back of her neck. Her tiny hands cupped my cheeks as she was on her tippy toes because of her cute height.

"You have me now and you'll always have me, my friends are your friends. You don't need to lead a life full of wondering when the pain will end. Because now, from here? the pain ends, if your dad comes around, I'll make sure to give him a sight to watch" I stated while looking into her eyes.

"He won't be able to do much after 3 days, I'm gonna turn 18 and I will be legally able to move out". She said and I beamed with happiness.

I took her to Scott's place because let's be honest, I won't let her stay at Derek's train station.

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