The Gorgon and the werewolf - Brett Talbot

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GORGONS. Winged human females with brazen claws, the tusks of boars, scaly skin and living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone. In some Greek myths, blood taken from the right side of a Gorgon could bring the dead back to life, yet blood taken from left side was an instantly fatal poison.

I haven't acquired the wings, scales or the blood that can bring back the dead yet. However when I transform, my braids turn into venomous snakes, I grow claws and fangs, venom can be produced from my blood and my eyes glow a deep light green colour. I can only turn people into stone when I transform. But I haven't had any slip ups keeping in mind that I'm pretty good at control.

I came to Beacon Hills after running away from my foster home. My real parents had died last year during a hunter fight off. I came to this town because I felt drawn to it. But as I adapted to my surroundings, I came to know why I felt so drawn. I collected information on the supernatural life of the town. Pleasantly, one of my parents' friends, Satomi San, a powerful Buddhist Alpha werewolf lives quite nearby. I have yet to pay a visit to her but now that these assassinations have started, one has to be careful all the time.

I am currently at the Lacrosse tryouts. I know about Scott McCall and his pack but I decided to stay away to not blow my cover just yet. But now  I see him using his werewolf powers to stop goals, all I want to do is tease him.

So when it was my turn, I scooped up the ball and ran towards them. I made it look like I was gonna jump over so when Stiles and Scott jumped to catch me, I slid from under them threw the ball towards the net scoring a goal. I was instantly selected by our over-enthusiastic coach.

Later that day, it was almost dinner time. I was heading home from my shift at the local department store when Scott came and started walking beside me. We walked for few minutes until he broke the silence.

"Okay so just drop the act and tell me what you are" he said in a frustrating voice.

I try to keep my trap shut and maintain my calm most of the times because whenever I speak up, I spit rainbow coloured sass.

So I calmly replied, "Scott McCall, True Alpha, an alpha who rose to power last year on the sheer basis of merit and character. The one who assembled a pack consisting of a werewolves, werecoyote, banshee, kitsune and a spastic human. Also the only werewolf who has hunters as allies. Gotta say Scooter, I'm impressed."

He looked shocked to say the least. His uneven jaw was almost hitting the pavement. He quickly looked around to check if there was someone nearby and then spoke up again.

"How do you know all this?"

"Chill McCall! I'm not a hunter, I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n). My kind is known as Gorgons. I just moved in two weeks back. My parents died last year when some hunters attacked us. I fled and was accepted into a foster home. But then when you hit the reset button on the Nemeton, I was drawn here so I kinda ran away. I can assure you that I'm in no way a threat to you or anyone." Then I explained him my abilities.

"Well in that case I guess I should call a pack meeting pretty soon." He replied with a straight face.

"What? Why?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well for starters I had to bite that freshman kid. I was at the hospital......"

He trailed off explaining the whole story that lead him to give Liam the bite and then he said, "So we have to introduce him. Secondly we gotta welcome you into the pack as well".

"Oh my god! Dude! Thank you so much!
I owe you my life alpha" I said while dramatically bowing in front of him.

We laughed while he gave me a playful push and then we said our goodbyes to head to our respective houses.

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