My Home - Deputy Jordan Parrish

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(Y/w/n)- Your work name

"Let not the tie be mercenary, though the service is measured in money. Make yourself necessary to somebody. Do not make life hard to any." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Being a mercenary is tough. You have to live with the guilt, compartmentalize your emotions, you have to stop thinking by your heart and bury feelings deep inside. When you're killing someone for money, you can't let your emotions get in the way.

These are the common mercenary norms. Let me tell you, I don't give a flying fuck about these norms. Really. I don't. I get paid to kill but I have my own way to do that. The first thing I do about my target is research them. Their history, what relation or bad blood they have with the party that's paying me. When I'm satisfied enough that the target is a threat, then and only then I eradicate them.

Another fun fact about me, I'm not just any mercenary, I'm one of the world's deadliest supernatural mercenary. Yes, there are times when I want my life to be normal, when I want to have a place called home, a place where I can return to after a boring ass day at work and a family. But this world, the world in which I gamble, it doesn't spare anyone. It doesn't show mercy on love.

Recently I got a call from an old friend of mine. Dr. Alan Deaton. He informed me about the hunter problem Scott McCall's pack was facing in Beacon Hills. I've been to the town earlier during the deadpool assassinations. When he contacted me earlier to train and fight with them I immediately accepted the offer because they were ready to pay a good price. So currently I'm on my way to the town. And don't worry I'm not writing while driving. Or am I?

I halted my motorbike in front of Deaton's clinic. The bell wrung when I entered and as if on the cue the doc comes out of the surgery room and greets me.

"I didn't expect you to come by so soon". He stated while giving me a small smile and shaking my extended hand.

"What can I say, I'm full of surprises". I said with a playful smirk.

"Well we can use it to our advantage, please come on in. I want you to meet someone before tomorrow's session". He replied while walking into the surgery room.

As I followed him into the dimly light room, I could see Scott McCall standing at the end of the examination table. We shook hands with a smile and nod.

"Scott Gregorio McCall,  son of Melissa McCall and Agent Rafael McCall. 21 years old. True alpha. With a pack consisting of various supernatural beings." I narrated while looking into his eyes.

He looked at me dumbfoundedly and asked "how do you know all this?"

"Well I was hired to kill you, then I did my research about you and well seeing that you're still alive we can say that I spared you." I answered with with a shrug.

He listened with his mouth agape and said " you? And who hired you to kill me?"

Before I could answer Deaton spoke up "Scott this isn't the time for all the interrogation,
(y/w/n) here is going to be training all of you and help you fight off the hunter. We only have tomorrow's day."

"I'm really grateful for that trust me i am, but what is stopping you to killing all of us? Those hunters could offer you more money to flip sides for all we know." Scott questioned warily.

"Scott, my man, in my life, there was a time when money was everything. But soon enough when existential crisis started hitting I asked myself if what I'm doing was right? So in order to make it right, I only kill the people who deserve it. That's the reason why I do so much research about each target. I mean damn bro I even know who all you dated and alot more stuff that I probably shouldn't disclose to not come out as a creep. But trust me, I've had enough opportunities to kill, but it's the first time when I've been offered the chance to save someone."

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