Epic Love, much? - Derek Hale

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Third person P.O.V

(Y/n) was sprawled across the couch in Derek's loft after a long day of working her ass off at the Sheriff's Station, waiting for Derek, her boyfriend of 3 years, to come back home after helping Scott and Stiles for some pack stuff.

The huge metal door slid open to reveal Derek, he looked exhausted, much like his girl. (y/n) got up and hugged him but was kinda confused when Derek didn't return the hug with the same warmth as earlier. Lately, Derek had distanced himself from her which she thought was her fault due to her tight schedule.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look really exhausted. Is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked softly while cupping Derek's face.

He held her hands and said "(y/n) we need to talk". She replied with "yeah sure come on" and lead him to the couch where they both sat crossed legs.

Her mind was racing at the speed of a space shuttle that had just been launched. But she maintained her calm. This was one of the many qualities that Derek admired about her, including her will and patience to listen to his thoughts.

"(Y/n) you have been the best girl i've known. You came in my life when i was surrounded by darkness and lead a life of a man burdened by his guilt and baggage. You helped me get my life back, you gave me hope when i was sinking in my own misery. And i'll forever be thankful to you for that. But we can't be together anymore. Last year, i met a girl and we just clicked. We met a couple of times and i started dating her. I really love her and she is pregnant with my child" said Derek while holding her hands.

It felt as if someone had ripped her heart out, sliced it, mixed it with the finest Italian seasoning, fried and then fed it to her, forced to shove it down her throat. She had tears in her gorgeous (y/e/c) orbs but stayed silent as if she was still in shock.

"Y/n please don't cry, i love you".

"You love me, but you're not in love with me" replied (y/n) smiling sadly while tears stained her cheeks.

"Anyway, have a great life ahead. Treat your child like they deserve the world's happiness" she got up and went towards the spiral staircase leaving a sad, dumbfounded Derek on the couch.

"Oh and" she said as she stepped on the first stair "Congratulations".

She packed all her stuff while crying her soul out and left his place.

4 years later

Being and FBI agent was tough. Figuring cases out 24×7, teaching the interns, not only training mind but body as well. It was becuase of the hustled life and the constant martial arts training that you were now a figure that caught every eye.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

So now, after months and months of sabotaging my personal life for my work, I finally cracked the case I'd been working my tushie off on. And this calls for celebration. Now ofcourse being a responsible adult who can take care of herself, I'm gonna go to the local carnival because let's be honest, I don't have a social life, all my friends are from work and all of whom are working, plus I don't wanna spend much money. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm back in Beacon Hills? Yeah, I left it 4 years back. Hey hey hey okay don't blame me, I had to collect some documents from here.

I didn't even mind changing my office clothes. But let me just tell you in advance; being a lady, wearing a suit at a local carnival, man you're gonna get some weird-ass stares. Moving towards my one true love, the ice-cream corner at the carnival I saw a little girl sobbing.

"Hey baby, what happened? Are you hurt? Where are your parents?" I asked picking the little girl up, placing her on my hips. She had raven hair, mesmerising dark green orb eyes and her plump cheeks were stained by tears.

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