Home away from Home- Jackson & Ethan × Reader

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(A/n)- This story does not involve romance.  It's purely based upon friendship

Third person's P.O.V

Leaving and moving away from stuff and people wasn't your forte, be it friends, memories or even Beacon Hills. You were one of the star students of the High School. Popular yet humble, you were the President of the Student's Council but also the Captain of the Track team. Everyone knew of you.

But still you didn't have as many friends as people thought you did. Sure you were popular, hot even, but the jocks and the Queen Bees were never your type of people. You much rather preferred your own company.

You knew about Scott and his pack and everything they've been through. But you didn't dabble with the supernatural world for your own sake. You knew that it would take a toll on you and you weren't ready to live that life. You had your whole life planned out and the most important thing in order to achieve that life was be alive.

Since you were so loved and well known, moving away after graduation was a task. You bid your farewell to the few friend of yours and your family and boarded the plane to London.  You weren't sure, what to expect from future. Hell, you didn't even know how you'd settle down on your own. Sure your parents had bought you a decent penthouse apartment in a posh locality of the BigBen, but you were still in a different continent.

It was almost evening as you landed. After getting all your stuff deloaded from the movers and packers truck, you just stood by your window and gazed at the dusk sky. The mixture of light yellow-ish orange and pink canvas like sky, along with clouds that were being pierced by sky scrappers and the BigBen itself made it an image worth capturing.

You took out your camera, cleaned the lens, focused on the view in front of you and captured the enormous beauty of the moment. The jet lag soon took over and you instantly fell asleep on your make shift bed for the time being.

You were woken up the next day by the sun blazing from your gigantic front window. It was still noon so you decided to unpack and make this apartment look like your home.

By the time you were done, it was almost dinner time. The apartment was set up, you Matte Black Lambo was dropped off  [exaggeration, I know, but its fan fiction, so enjoy mate ;)].

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I'm done with the apartment and its dinner time now. I could easily cook soemthing but man am I tired after all the moving. And Chinese take out does sound delicious at the very moment. Also not to forget the fact that I'm a lazy ass.

I took a quick shower and changed into more suitable clothes, grabbed my coat and took off to the nearest take out place. I was still new to the area but thanks to GPS I didn't end up getting lost or worse.

As I was parking I saw a very familiar silver Porsche. But could it be....? Maybe? Wait a second, yes! Its definitely the same Silver Porsche whose owner I had to fight for the bigger parking space. The same stuck up jock frenemy who was the pain of my existence yet the only person who could compete with me.

I stumbled out of the parking and practically sprinted in the hallway. At the turn to the adjoining hallway I spot the oddly familiar back.

I ran upto the turning and said loudly after maintaining my composure, "I was so right, how in the world could I forget that fucking Silver Porsche!".

As soon as the words left my mouth, the guy turned to reveal the same Jackson Whittemore that left Beacon Hills after becoming a Kanima-Werewolf.

"(Y/n)? God you're so obsessed with me! You couldn't leave me alone even in a whole' nother continent, now could you?" He asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a 'Bruh' hug. "You're still so full of yourself Whittemore but yeah I had no competition left back there. So I thought why not move towards the competition? " I replied while raising one eyebrow and smirking.

He laughed and continued "No but seriously what are you doing here? Is everything okay back at Hills?"

He seemed genuinely concerned and it warmed your heart to see the character development he had undergone.

"Yeah man everything's going good. Well, as good as Beacon Hills can get. But now to answer your question," I put on an accent and continued "it seems as if I have moved into this very building".

"No way! I live here too, with my boyfriend come on" he beamed like a happy child and pulled me towards his apartment that was just next to mine.

"Eeth, I'm home, look who's here" he announced as soon as we entered his apartment.  And from the corner of my eye I see a guy approaching, I was still recovering from the shock of Jackson having a Boyfriend when I saw Aiden's twin. My eyes were widened for a second so as to register and process all the information.

"Hey babe! Hey...oh (y/n)!? Woah what a pleasant surprise! How are you? What are you doing here?" he said while pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back tightly and said as I pulled away "I am golden! And well I have moved into the apartment next door and I couldn't just forget the car that used to start a fight for survival for me in high school" I said while glancing at Jackson. He rolled his eyes while laughing breathlessly and shaking his head.

" I thought you'd never figure it out man!" I told Jackson.

"Dude what is it with everyone saying it, first Lydia then you? I mean was it that obvious?" He said while shrugging as Ethan and I were just laughing.

"Oh yes! Yes it was Whittemore" you then turned towards Ethan to continue "Especially after he said to Danny and I quote "I am everyone's type" oh my god you should've seen his face".

All of us burst out laughing. "Yeah but how do you two know each other?" Jackson asked intriguingly.

"Who do you think hooked him up with Danny? Cupid?" I asked smugly. We talked till it was almost 11 at night.

"You should join us for dinner!" Ethan said enthusiastically.

"Um...yeah sure" I said "I have take out" me and Jackson said at same time.

We just sat on the dining table while discussing the supernatural life here and reminiscing about our past.

University still had a week to commence . All three of us had been accepted into Oxford. We quickly became the best of friends, they showed me around, we would hang out at each other's places everyday. It would be accurate to say that I found the feeling of home that I was scared to miss.

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