Christmas, wish granted - Liam Dunbar

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Third person P.O.V

Christmas was the time when you could forget everything and just be happy. You could forget that you're a werewolf and that hunters are basically on your back for each and every millisecond of your life. You could forget that you're an omega and that you could die the very next moment. You could forget that your parents didn't give a shit whether you live or die. You could just revel in the happiness of the holiday while making snow angels.

You were in the kids section of the mall because they had the best candy and cookies there. Your red dress and black leather jacket were standing apart from all other children who were majorly dressed in Santa and elf outfits. You see an aged man dressed up as Santa Claus giving away wish cards.

You instantly took one and wrote your wish when a boy approached you. He was well built, with dirty blonde hair, memerising blue eyes and he smelt like a werewolf? He was a werewolf!

You were gaping at him when he said "Hey could I borrow your pen?" bringing you out of your daydream. You look at him all flustered and gave him your pen. He was writing his wish and glanced at your wish card.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"I'm Liam by the way" he said while weiting down on his card.

"I'm (y/n)." I replied while pressing my lips into a small smile.

"Don't mind me asking but wishing for a skateboard? Isn't that a bit old fashioned? It's like being set up on a blind date in the era of online dating." He said.

"Yeah I know but I don't like online dating. I'm more into old fashioned norms. So skateboard it is for me, literally, I wanted one since I was a kid. You know you can't really rely upon the future much when there are werewolves running around in malls nowadays" I replied with a smirk while winking at him.

He looked at me with wide eyes. And brought me to a corner.

"How do you know I'm a werewolf? Are you a hunter? Are you supernatural? Are you gonna kill me?!" He rambled.

I started laughing at his innocence. "Okay DUMBeldore, what do I smell like?" I asked him once I contained myself.

He looked at me weirdly. I took the hint and said "Not in that way idiot, what's my natural scent?"

He sniffed the air with a cute concentrating scowl "Its like sweet but like moist sweet? If that even makes sense". He answered, more like, questioned.

"And that is how another werewolf smells to one werewolf"  I replied with my eyes glowing blue and his glowing beta yellow in return.

"Why are your eyes blue? Did you...?" He asked cautiously yes skeptically.

"No I haven't killed anyone, I'm and omega, a lone wolf, that's why they are blue. I was bitten but then my alpha was killed by hunters". I answered truthfully.

He nodded and after a long uncomfortable silence finally spoke up "So really don't like online dating?"

"Nah man, I believe in meeting up and face to face conversations" I replied with a shrug.

"But why to meet when you can text and call?" He asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"I believe in the simplicity of coincidences, if someone's meant to be, you can find them anywhere, even in a mall, by the kids section" I flirted back.

"Wait are you asking me out?" He asked widening his eyes.

"I'm just asking back my pen. But if you want you can accompany me and my pen for a cup of hot cocoa? " I replied while giving one of my best genuine smiles.

"I think I'll definitely like the company of your pen" he teased. I rolled my eyes, snatched my pen and threw my wish card in the bin.

"Aw why'd you do that? Now you get your skateboard" he said while looking like a lost puppy.

"But I got so much more than I wished for, I'd rather keep this" I replied with a small shy smile. He intertwined our fingers and led me towards the cafe.

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