Her smile- Stiles Stilinski X Reader

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Warning- Contains slight slut shamming, full of angst, basically my sad boi hour work:)

So I was talking to livincorpse during class when I asked him what he liked to read. His favourite genre is angst. This one's for you bb. Enjoy!

Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore

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Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.

The girl once full with life, now, just seemed a body. She no longer used to roll on the floor and die of laughter when he cracked a joke or threw in a sarcastic remark here and there. She would now just purser her lips in reassurance.

Now, when you look at her, you'll see nothing of  what she used to be. She locked her soul away from the maliciousness of the world. She didn't seem to live anymore, only exist. She wouldn't try to lighten the atmosphere by her chirpiness for she had bid a farewell to it along with him.

Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.

She had tucked the last piece of hers away for safe keeping and built walls around her, almost as strong as her will. She no longer waited for the powder blue jeep with the boy who held her heart as she knew that the jeep and it's owner had changed the route while shattering her world.

Her words didn't have that calm anymore rather were coaxed with frost and cold. Her eyes didn't hold their usual shimmer as she felt trapped in the lyrics of the world's saddest song. The prominence of her liveliness was disappearing like a fading end note and all she could do was cover it up to not crumble in front of him.

Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.

FLASHBACK  }start{

"Why did you call Lydia?! I told you we were busy and you couldn't have trusted me? What was the need to call her??" Stiles asked as soon as he entered (y/n)'s home and slammed her door shut.

"You weren't answering my calls or texts, I was worried." (Y/n) replied calmly to not aggravate the already heated situation.

"Drop the act already!! What more do you want from me?!" Stiles yelled.

"What more.... I just want your time. Same time that you spend with Lydia or literally anyone but me. You know what I want? I want the guy I love to just love me back even if it's just a quarter of mine!" (Y/n) pleaded with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Shut up! Just.... shut up! All you do is whine. And the reason I spend time with other people is because they're not attention whores-" Stiles exclaimed and cut himself as soon as he realised what he had said.

(Y/n) stood there wide eyed as tears stained her cheeks. The same tears she fanatically tried to wipe to not show how just a 3 minute argument had completely crumbled her almost year long relationship along with her emotional dam.

The dam that she had been building for almost five months since Stiles had started ignoring her.

"Leave. Right. Now". (Y/n) muttered bitterly.

When Stiles didn't move,

"LEAVE!!" She yelled so loudly that ge almost stumbled back towards the door.

As soon as the door closed, it was like a switch went off. (Y/n) dropped to her knees and cried her soul out.

"This was supposed to be different....It wasn't supposed to end up like this.... I can't do this all over again.... Please no." She let out her thoughts in between her relentless sobs.


Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.

She refused to cry after that day. She refused to feel. She wouldn't sit with the pack. Even if someone would approach her, she'd just plug in her earphones and storm away. She didn't provide solutions to their personal lives anymore. She was done playing therapist for others.

When one day Stiles made eye contact with her from besides Lydia, she pretended to get up and in order to talk to them to get them anticipating. But instead just pushed her chair back, crossed her legs, looked him up and down with her now usual somber expression and looked away.

Her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.

She no longer dances around randomly in school or wears her heart on her sleeve. She seems as if her life is suspended in a teardrop on a dream that's fading fast.

Her whole life is a torment but she conceals it with her bitterness. She's exhausted, she's beaten but she still holds her head high. Because she's not defeated.

But still her smile doesn't reach her eyes anymore.


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